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Everything posted by BitsOfSkin

  1. In response to post #56028531. Blame Apple and it's Culti... ehrm, users. OSX and iOS first came up with the basis of this design style, then some websites copied it for their mobile sites/apps, then Microsoft had to go and try to copy it on their desktop OS (and we all know how that ended) on Windows 8, and from there, it spread like the plague it truly is.
  2. I don't have any settlement related mods that add anything beyond turrets, and i also have these shipping containers and trucks, so i suppose it might be one of the regular DLC's (or even a regular update) that added them.
  3. I always endorse any mod i like (and if i don't like it i uninstall it and roll back to an earlier save), but currently i'm just not playing/downloading mods at all, as i'm waiting to see if Bethesda will come to it's senses with the whole 'mods disable achievements' hogwash or not. If they don't i might have to start a riot (or start brushing up on my CK skills).
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