So when Frank Weathers at Aerotech Office Park tells my about his family and gives me the quest "Left My Heart" I went to Cottonwood Cove immediately, killed all the legion members and freed the slaves. Later when I went to Camp Searchlight the "Return To Sender" quest I remembered that there was a quest I could to for First Sergeant Astor that involved placing a bug and stealing intel. I though that I had messed up that quest. I look the quest up in the Fallout fan wikia and the article states that I can still finish it even if I cleared out Cottonwood Cove before talking to Astor by giving him the Legion patrol notes via a dialogue option when talking to him. But when I talk to him I don't find that option anywhere. I checked my quest log because I thought that I maybe gave it to him when I talked to him during the "Return To Sender" quest but I can't find it among the completed quests. I also don't remember getting the message that I failed the quest. Is the quest bugged or is the Fallout wikia wrong?