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About WhitesnakeWASP91

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  1. Maybe I'm too stupid to find it, but it appears that there are no non-replacer AK 74s for this game. I'd really like to have a decent looking (aka hires textures) AK 74 but I'd also like to keep the vanilla Chinese Assault Rifle in the game. But all the good looking AKs here seem to be replacers.
  2. Thanks. I guess the Nukapedia article about the quest was wrong then. I'll make sure to get the quest in my next playthrough.
  3. So when Frank Weathers at Aerotech Office Park tells my about his family and gives me the quest "Left My Heart" I went to Cottonwood Cove immediately, killed all the legion members and freed the slaves. Later when I went to Camp Searchlight the "Return To Sender" quest I remembered that there was a quest I could to for First Sergeant Astor that involved placing a bug and stealing intel. I though that I had messed up that quest. I look the quest up in the Fallout fan wikia and the article states that I can still finish it even if I cleared out Cottonwood Cove before talking to Astor by giving him the Legion patrol notes via a dialogue option when talking to him. But when I talk to him I don't find that option anywhere. I checked my quest log because I thought that I maybe gave it to him when I talked to him during the "Return To Sender" quest but I can't find it among the completed quests. I also don't remember getting the message that I failed the quest. Is the quest bugged or is the Fallout wikia wrong?
  4. Thank you very much for the help. Especially the part about not having to repack the files. I ended up using Audacity to lower the gain of all the .wave files and then just dropped them in the correct folders (based on in which folder the original files were placed in the .bsa file) and it works just fine. The volume of the firing sounds not being 100% consistent across the board for every gun doesn't bother me that much. I just want to be able to play the game without waking my neighbors every time I fire a shot.
  5. So I've installed the following mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/42970 The problem with it is that the gun firing sounds of the weapons added by the mod are obnoxiously loud. Louder than any other gun (modded or original) in the game. I want to lower that volume. The thing is I am completely new to New Vegas modding. So I have no idea how to go about this. Apparently 1 way to do it is to extract the .wave files from the mod using Bethesda Archive extractor, lowering the volume using a audio editing tool like Audacity and then repacking the files. But that seems laborious and I have no idea how to repack these files. Might there be a way to lower the volume in FNVEdit instead that would save me the work of adjusting the volume on each individual wave file? And I know that someone already made a sound fix for the mod. But that only address the issues of shots that are being fired from far away sounding like they were fired from right next to you and not the overall volume of the firing sounds. Thanks in advance!
  6. The ghoul is from the Depravity mod. I don't remember dealing with a Ghoul named Jack. Especially not a naked one with white hair. But whatever.
  7. I have noticed that all the guards in Diamond City are suddenly armed with a bazooka-like weapon called "Bean Baller". I looked it up and it appears to be a weapon added by Weaponsmith Extended that fires baseballs. Before they used to be armed with pipe weapons. Does anybody have an idea why they are all switched weapons and how to change it back? I suspect it might have something to do with the Bashed patch I made to managed leveled lists. Also there is a naked Ghoul named Jack walking around Diamond City. I can't interact with him. He only greets me. Does anybody know which moid this Ghoul is from?
  8. NMM isn't officially supported anymore. But it is still kept up-to-date by fans. You can get the most recent version here: https://github.com/Nexus-Mods/Nexus-Mod-Manager/releases As for whether you should use Vortex or NMM, that depends. Do you want to continue where you left off when you stopped playing Skyrim with the mods you have already installed? Then continue using NMM. If you want to make a fresh start with a clean install of Skyrim then give Vortex a try.
  9. I finished the main quest with the "Project Valkyrie" mod active. Meaning I technically sided with the Institute (albeit a reformed version of it). Which means "In Sheep's Clothing" won't trigger. The mod author said that it is still possible to trigger the quest with his mod active as long as I do the quest "Political Leanings" and get banished from the Institute before reforming it. Since I didn't to either of these things it won't trigger for me. So my question is: Is it possible to somehow force-start "In Sheep's Clothing" using console commands? I tried force-starting and finishing "Political Leanings" and then force-starting "In Sheep's Clothing". I did that while being far away from Diamond City and then walked there by foot. It didn't trigger the quest. Is there any way to do it?
  10. Agreed. I have never played a game in which having to maintain my equipment added to my enjoyment of said game. It is always a hassle. Especially because in most games weapons degrade way too fast. And I'm also looking forward to this. New Vegas is my favorite Fallout. Having the story, characters and role-play options of New Vegas plus the game play improvements of FO4 is going to be awesome.
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