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Nexus Mods Profile

About 5P4RT4K

  1. Can somebody help me with these very annoying, disturbing problem!! PLease Help
  2. it didn't helped now I'can't see anything
  3. and if you have more packages the one which is saying that he is following you must be first one.
  4. I even don't know what the hell is this sacramento thing
  5. I'dont understand what do you want can you simplify it please.
  6. Anyone can you help me with these I don't want to lose my 5 month project lol and when I go to the region editor the white squares are added beyond the actual size of the map???
  7. You should navmesh the area and point to the teleport marker by the door if you connected the interior to the exterior world. Like the interior the exterior should also be navmeshed so the npc with the package and faction know where to go.
  8. Are you retexturing the vanilla boots from skyrim or you created new models? If first you should easy just open the boots in nifskope and there find textureset for them and attach the normals and diffuse.
  9. First find everything you need in the object section, like farm houses fences wells, stable etc. then the clutter paddock just create it and put the cows npc which are used in vanilla Skyrim. That should do it and don't forget to save every step in creation kit because thats creation kit :D
  10. You should find them near some known location then navigate manually to the point.That's the simpliest.
  11. You could try with nifskope just point to the mesh and then to the texture files the diffuse and the normal one, then create the new mesh by clicking save.
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