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  1. Used console commands to get the steel sword, but would like to buff it a bit (going through B&W DLC, dont want to replace it because the sword is beautiful). How would I go about editing game files to buff the damage? Been looking through the folders but have found nothing.
  2. Hello all, As the pistol is getting more and more traction in terms of popularity (games such as Arma 3 and DayZ using it as a default), I feel as though this popular gun should be modded into the Fallout New Vegas mod community. I implore anyone with talent to take this request and run with it, as a lot of people would like to see this in the game. Bear in mind this is the tactical version of the gun. Weapon mods should include suppressor, red dot, extended mags, maybe an AP slide (maybe use that as weapon color changer). To those who don't know what it is: http://www.fnhusa.com/l/products/handguns/fnx-series/fnx-45-tactical/ The FNP 45 Tactical is an awesome gun and I as well as many would like to see this in the game! Thanks all
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