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  1. Im playing with a bunch of engine fixes and the havok fix. So my game runs around 120 and it feels good and responsive, but moving the camera you can kinda feel the graininess. That is of course, until I alt-tab out and back in. The game then feels like its on roids and is insanely smooth, is there some kind of limiter or something that somehow turns off when you un-focus the game? I'm using the Nvidia fps display and my frames are about the same before and after but it feels like night and day. Is there a way to do this without alt-tabbing or is it safe to do this with saves? I'm always paranoid when it comes to the health of my saves. I could provide video of this if it would help. Cheers!
  2. A crash in the same location is almost always a bad mesh/texture from a mod. You can, occasionally find it with TES5Edit but it is usually trial and error. Do remember, the bad mesh/texture does not have to be part of the architecture. It can be a change to one or more NPCs or to an item found uniquely in the building that crashes - that is, not the wall but, say, the book lying on the table. I managed to pin point the problem to my XG Followers SSE mod, tried finding the other followers from the mod and also crashed. Thanks for the help though, glad to have it sorted now!
  3. (Special Edition) Hello everyone, my game is running perfectly smooth and I can't manage to crash it anywhere else (so far) but either of the doors to the hall of attainment will crash me. As far as I can tell I have no mods that directly affect Winterhold - no immersive college or anything of the sort. I do have a lot of texture overhauls so maybe there is a texture in there causing the crash but I am unsure if that is even possible, and I have no idea how to find out of that is the case. I tried using alternate start to become a member and also manually joining via the trial but both had the same result. But I can enter the other buildings at the college with no problems. I also tried entering the other buildings first but still a crash. I believe I could just avoid the building in my play through all-together, but I would prefer to fix the issue before actually starting. I was using the "NORDIC SKYRIM" (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/12562) guide as a vague base. I'm sitting at 400 active plug-ins, 18 ESMs, 223 ESPs, 159 ESLs. Which is a lot, but once again I am having 0 problems other than the one hall. Not using any ENBs. I've used LOOT to make sure I have no dirty plug-ins or incompatibilities, but of course have not used it to sort the list,and using MO2 for everything else. [Modlist](https://pastebin.com/8F6uPBp9) [.ini](https://pastebin.com/4sGRgtEB) Any ideas or feedback is appreciated, thanks!
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