Hello, recently I've been experiencing some trouble with my skyrim crashing to desktop. It all started back when I started downloading some shady sex mods, but after uninstalling and doing a clean and unsinful re-install I was sure that CTD's were behind me. I was wrong. Note i've been playing skyrim with little to no problems for months now, modded, not heavily. I had to delete my old saves but it didn't bother me much since I downloaded some nice overhauls to shake things up a bit, nothing that would decrease performance very much though. After skinning a ice wolf in riverwood (courtesy of Hunterborn) I enter the riverwood Inn and once i open up my menu I get CTD'd and same thing happens when I trade to the innkeeper. Seems that any menu modified by SkyUI causes the game to crash. It started happening around the time I activated Hunterborn but i still don't understand, I always used those two mods (Hunterborn and Sky-UI) and the same versions before re-installing and never got any crashes. Im not sure if it's SKSE or SkyUI, not sure what could've changed the game to make me suffer so. Load order: Skyrim Project Optimization.esm Dawnguard.esm Hearthfire.esm BosmerArmorMATY743.esp Hunterborn.esp Hunterborn_Dawnguard-Patch.esp Hunterborn_RND-Patch.esp RaceMenu.esp RealisticNeedsandDiseases.esp RND_Dawnguard-Patch.esp RND_Hearthfire.Patch.esp Seasons of Skyrim Project.esp SoSP Winter Edition.esp Fantasy Soundtrack Project.esp FSP-Dawnguard Edition.esp Cloaks.esp SkyUI.esp