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Everything posted by leotheEliteMajor117
Can anyone help me? I installed Pip-pad and when I'm at completely perfect health, no rads or anything at normal difficulty, when I open the pad, I see my hp is reduced by 1 point. It also happens to other handheld replacers mentioned on the title. I have tried a new save and even a complete reinstall and all mods turned off except Pip-pad and the bug still happens! FO4edit shows no conflicts aswell. My mind is messed up by this and I have no idea how to solve it! Does anyone know a solution? Mod author hasn't responded a few days. Edit: Here's a video I made showing concrete evidence https://youtu.be/EmbIUMgegDs
Sometimes, when I walk to an area that usually has grass, the grass supposed to be there doesn't appear. If I go to an area with lots of grass, only a portion of them do. The only fix I can do is typing the "tg" command but it is very annoying to do it everytime I go to another place. Please help me solve this problem because I'm really stressed out not knowing how to fix this. The only flora related mods I use are Another Pine Forest and Better Wasteland Grass. Here's the video where the grass bug is shown: https://www.mediafire.com/file/f8urukyl15sb2c1/Fallout4+2021-12-12+09-33-04_Trim.mp4/file
That's what I did but yeah it's just weather settings. Although, I did found out that having the intro sequence skip command in the .ini files lets you really load faster to the main menu, too fast that your saves do take awhile for you to load and the audio settings too! But I still don't get how it's different when Clarity is installed...
I uninstalled Clarity because it's the mod that was making fog effects not occur in True Storms. I am having Audio settings unaccessible and have a loading icon next to it and it takes awhile for it to load. Also, loading up my saves takes some time compared to loading it instantly before. The same goes for when "There are missing mods" popup appears. I reinstalled the whole game but it didn't helped. When I installed Clarity again, those problems are gone but I have to deal with its' changes. Mod author is not active anymore. Can anyone please help me? I don't know how to fix it anymore :(
Hey everyone it's me again. Can anyone help me how to delete this effect on my character? Console commands don't work because it keeps saying this: https://www.mediafire.com/file/0m3btpm2ldfx2p1/IMG20211028173139.jpg/file I used two of its' IDs and it isn't getting removed. I have spent 7 days on this save and I reverted back to a 6 days total save which is really tiresome to catch up with the former, especially that this save is missing a LOT of mods and bugs can be around. Here's my load order incase someone can find what caused this. I don't like it when I can tag enemies when I'm bare naked. Oh yeah, and I did unequipped every armor piece and the bug persists. I don't wanna lose a lot of progress... https://www.mediafire.com/file/xjmw0luo49esi07/loadorder.txt/file
UPDATE: The main cause was Toon's XM2010 along with the 2k only patch, the STS patch, and the leveled list patch. However what troubles me is the fact that I played with this mod before the delays started to happen... Anyway, I deleted her mod now. I have no idea why it was her mod that caused script lags/delays...
Fallout 4 randomly freezing
leotheEliteMajor117 replied to leotheEliteMajor117's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Oh well ok I'll keep that in mind. Thanks -
Fallout 4 randomly freezes for a moment then goes back to normal during my new playthrough. This never happened before in my previous one but now it does and it happens sometimes. The freezing happens when all audio or player audio stops working. If I pause the game, quicksave, talk to companion or NPC, the game then freezes for a moment. Here is my load order: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xjmw0luo49esi07/loadorder.txt/file Please help me. It's so frustrating
So now, this time, my character and npcs when they engage into dialogue don't turn their heads. They only turn their eyes and also body when talking in a direction. They don't use their heads anymore to look at. Is there any fix?
So, here's the thing with DC guards not patrolling, it was the time I was doing The Big Dig, where I get the point to talk to Bobbi and rescuing Mel. The first time I rescued Mel, is it was the time the Kyle and Riley brother's event took place. Everyone was there but nothing was happening. It was the time I never visited Diamond city until doing the Big Dig. However, reloading a prior save fixed it where I made the event happen first before rescuing Mel. Now after I rescued Mel and explored DC, something went wrong. The guards are stuck in one place and don't patrol. It was especially at the Dugout Inn convo where the guards, after having a conversation don't move and continue patrolling. The only guard that seemed to patrol was the on on the Water shop after he finishes talking with Sheng. However, something even more wrong happened. After a few days, the guards are finally away from the Inn, but now there are just less of them. I only found 2 guards standing at the Medical Center and no other doing patrols. What did I do? What really broke it if it wasn't just doing The Big Dig? And as for Goodneighbor, Idk when this happened but half the population seem to get stuck to the Hotel Rexford back alley. It said on the wiki that there were Triggermen there mugging a Drifter but when I went there when almost everyone was stuck there, I don't see a Drifter but blood. I need help, idk if it's mods or the game but I just need a solution incase both problems break the game!
So, something wrong was happening with Simplified Sorting. It made almost every single have weird names like (L392W)Deathclaw meat instead of an icon. It also affected workshop mode too. I had to uninstall it because it was becoming a nuisance. However, now that items no longer have weird names, armors and other items don't have any tags anymore! I am using DefUI with every FallUI mod. Is there anything I can do? Edit: I tried getting new said items above from enemies and containers. It seems only armors and clothing are affected. I will try to report anything new
As I'm still new to modding, I just realized how small the weapons are in the game. They literally don't have as many weapons as New Vegas. And the good ol' big iron(.357 Revolver) Why would Beth remove it? Anyway, I'm looking for weapon packs out here. Lore-friendly, and also energy weapons. I know of DOOMBased, Skibdaa, that melee weapons pack and plus, a rare gem, Modern Firearms. I'm not a person who's a fan of downloading mods one by one since I always happen to be short on time on merging. I know of Weaponsmith Extended, but I've heard it has some bad things about it. I hope there are to satisfy my needs!
So I heard that mod is the biggest weapons mod with mixed of real life and fictional weapons. A ton of weapons like Armory 2.5 from New Vegas. I read the mod description and how to install it but the video is unavailable, plus I'm using MO2. Can anyone help me how to install it with MO2 and if possible, avoid bugs or conflicts?
Hello. I'm a new person into modding Fallout 4 and it's my first time playing the game. I came from the legendary Nexus modding community of Fallout New Vegas and took a break from modding that game to see how things go in this one. I need a big guide on what mods to take, maybe a guide like Viva New Vegas or Sinitar's Ultimate guide for New Vegas? Because those are a great start for me. I have a way of installing mods in an order. First I install bug fixing mods, I'll gladly take big bug fixing mods like the YUP bugfix mod of New Vegas. Second, I install cut content restoration mods so I can make it feel like that the game was as good as it was before final release. Third are animation mods, anything that improves animations and compatability with weapon mods. Fourth I install gameplay mods like newer recoil systems, climbing, takedown mods, etc etc. Fifth are weapon and armor mods/overhauls. From 1-5 are my priority, textures and quest mods are optional for me. Anyway, can anyone help? I want to experience the modding of Fallout 4 :)
An unexpected blackout happened in my town while I was installing mods. FOMM was left open as I was about to make a FOMOD from folder. Now when the electricity came back, it won't open anymore. When I click FOMM, it just shows a small blue loading icon on my cursor and then disappears and nothing appears. Crash logs don't say anything. Even reinstalling doesn't help. I need help. And if FOMM will permanently no longer open, should I switch to Mo2? But before the latter, I'll have to ask... Will Mod Organizer 2 open FOMOD files? Is it better than FOMM? That's what I need to know If O.S is something needed in this situation, I'm running Windows 10 Pro now. Thanks in adv! Edit: I looked at the FOMM-Fork forum tab and noticed other people have the same issue too. Installing the old FOMM didn't work as well. Maybe this happens only to Windows 10 users? I have latest updates installed, and everything...if only I listened to my dad to make my PC use Windows 7, if FOMM-Fork still works with it. Speaking of which, changing compatibility version does no help either :< Edit 2: Case solved. Just had to delete the install log file in the game's directory.
That sounds like way better than what I said, although how their guns got into bad condition, those guns were Pre-War I think, so maybe due to the years passed by, it wouldn't be able to shoot anywhere on the Mojave think of how the depression and elevation of the gun would be affected if a artillery piece is left behind with no maintenance after the Great War, but that's just my perspective. Also, I checked out the mod and looks sweet. Gonna have to pretend that the Boomers have my back once I get liked by them when I have the mod. Thanks
So, we have the ARCHIMEDES weapon system but since most of us(prolly) are good people, we mostly send the power of HELIOs One to mostly the whole region or to Vegas and McCarran or Westside and Freeside instead of powering the ARCHIMEDES System that you can use to call in an orbital ion strike anywhere with a 24hr recharge. Since most of us did it for NCR Fame or the rewards from Rivas, why don't we make the Boomers more helpful if we become Liked by them and then, have them help us back by being able to call in their artillery via a radio? Like the NCR Support radio. I don't think we should make it where we can call in artillery anywhere on the Mojave, since their howitzers can't reach that pretty far and it's only restricted to their base thanks to their xenophobic life. That would also be very immersion breaking and cheating too. If this becomes a reality then the Boomers would be a very helpful faction for us in our adventures. Also, let's make it down to this, Boomers have only limited amount of munitions for their Howitzers, that means we only have a limited amount of calls. Instead of them having unlimited munitions, we should also help them back by crafting howitzer munition for them and give it back to them so they can have many in stock. Also, since the Great War happened these howitzers of theirs are not much in good condition, so this means we also have to help them clean it and maintain it. This is to make sure we don't break immersion, and not have a way to cheat. What do you guys think of the idea?
Alrighty, I have been using WRP for a veeeeery long time and I think it's finally time for me to go back to Vanilla textures. I have a lot of modding issues with WRP and WMX which I did everything to resolve but textures on some weapons are still messed up so I think going back to vanilla is a final solution. However: I have WRP installed, I did not backup the vanilla textures for FNV and now, I got no idea how to get it back, and if I uninstall WRP, textures from all guns would be a red (!) I assume. Can someone help me? I want to experience that, old vanilla weapon textures again after these 2 years of modding this game.
When I go to some locations in FNV, e.g Primm, I see some stuff get loaded like rocks, plants, and some other objects related to terrain when I go closer to it. It lags my game a lot during the loading process since I'm broke and cant afford a good pc here because my nation's currency is weaker than usd or euros, but my pc still can run FNV good...with mods. Back to topic, is there anyway to make every locations in FNV to fully load once I load my save? I hate that approaching them has my game to lag.
My LO: [X] FalloutNV.esm [X] DeadMoney.esm [X] OldWorldBlues.esm [X] LonesomeRoad.esm [X] HonestHearts.esm [X] MercenaryPack.esm [X] ClassicPack.esm [X] CaravanPack.esm [X] TribalPack.esm [X] GunRunnersArsenal.esm [X] YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm [X] TLD_Travelers.esm [X] Functional Post Game Ending.esm [X] LowAmmoWarningSounds.esm [X] Navmesh Fixes and Improvements.esm [X] WeaponsOfTheNewMilleniaAndMTindle.esm [X] The.Armory.esm [X] Tammer's NIF-Bashed Armor and Outfits Pack.esm [X] Tammer's NIF-Bashed Weapons Mega-Pack.esm [X] CommonwealthSurplus.esm [X] Working Vending Machines.esm [X] CCO - Classic Perks.esm [X] Project Nevada - Core.esm [X] Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp [X] Project Nevada - Equipment.esm [X] Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp [X] EarJRAmmoProject.esm [X] Interior Lighting Overhaul - Core.esm [X] Interior Lighting Overhaul - L38PS.esm [X] YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp [X] Unofficial Patch NVSE.esp [X] Asterra's Many Fixes.esp [X] Logic and Consistency Fixes.esp [X] Occlusion.esp [X] Simply Uncut - New Vegas.esp [X] simplyuncutdialogtopicmain5dlcCompatibilityPatch.esp [X] More Perks.esp [X] FOVSlider.esp [X] Ragdolls.esp [X] JustModsAssorted.esp [X] CorpsesUseVanillaSkeletons.esp [X] AAM.esp [X] DisableMuzzleFlashLights.esp [X] ImmersiveRecoil.esp [X] Immersive Hit Reactions.esp [X] FO4 Power Armors - FNV Standard Edition.esp [X] The.Armory.Leveled.List.esp [X] The.Armory.Leveled.List.Old.World.Blues.Patch.esp [X] The.Armory.Leveled.List.Lonesome.Road.Patch.esp [X] TLD_UnderpassDisabler.esp [X] Project Nevada - Old World Blues (No Cyberware).esp [X] Project Nevada - Dead Money.esp [X] Project Nevada - Honest Hearts.esp [X] Project Nevada - Lonesome Road.esp [X] Project Nevada - Gun Runners' Arsenal.esp [X] ADAM Complete.esp [X] ADAM - MERGE.esp [X] ADAM - Trooper Gloves.esp [X] IMPACT.esp [X] RetrievableThrowables.esp [X] The Mod Configuration Menu.esp [X] Functional Post Game Ending - YUP Patch.esp [X] The Weapon Mod Menu.esp [X] Companion Sandbox Mode3.esp [X] NPCs Can Miss.esp [X] Special By Level.esp [X] Simple DLC Delay.esp [X] MeleeReachFixed.esp [X] FO4PowerArmor.esp [X] 1nivVSLArmors.esp [X] 1nivPNSLPatch.esp [X] FasterSemiAuto+PN+YUP+IMPACT.esp [X] Merged Weapon Mod Pack by various modders.esp [X] B42Bash.esp [X] Quickthrow.esp [X] B42Descriptions.esp [X] Diagonal movement.esp [X] NVDLC04 Allegiance w Duster.esp [X] Mojave Arsenal.esp [X] MightyDungeonsTrilogy.esp [X] AlienExterminator.esp [X] Fo4PALoreFriendlyLoot.esp [X] CASM with MCM.esp [X] CommonwealthSurplus - LevelList.esp [X] CommonwealthSurplus - Sounds.esp [X] MinigunAnimationFix.esp [X] R&S_InnovativeMod.esp [X] Pipboy2501.esp [X] CCO - CP All DLC Patch.esp [X] CCO - Damage Resistance.esp [X] CCO - CP PN Patch.esp [X] CCO - CP OWB PN Patch.esp [X] CCO - DR All DLC Patch.esp [X] CCO - DR PN Patch.esp [X] SimpleStreetLights (Extra Lights).esp [X] Vanilla UI Plus.esp [X] ILO - PipBoy Light.esp [X] ILO - YUP Patch.esp [X] EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp [X] WeaponModsExpanded.esp [X] WMX-ArenovalisTextures.esp [X] WMX-DLCMerged.esp [X] WMX-EVE-AllDLCMerged.esp [X] WMX-POPMerged.esp [X] Interior Lighting Overhaul - Ultimate Edition.esp [X] Performance Of The Gods.esp [X] FNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting - All DLC.esp [X] FNVEdit merged patch.esp For some reason, I can't use 5.56mm Match ammo anymore. I also saw a weapon that deals 19 DAM got reduced to deal only 14 DAM while I was playing, I wasn't using Psycho, I felt it was a mod conflict but idk which. Please help!