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About VaKhajDar

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  1. Being an experienced modder (modding since Morrowind), this is the first time I'd had to ask help online for a fix. After reinstalling the game and mods (making sure all are updated) I could play a few hours, suddenly after leaving a mine, the game froze. I had to relog on my pc to fix it, since then the game loads up the Beth and the Skyrim logo and seems to be in a infinite loop as the menu doesn't appear. As I dislike DawnGuard, and Hearthfire broke the mod I made (DarkSoulsBreezehome) I don't use these and made sure none of the mods needed them... Boss only gives a warning about some deleted NavMesh and dirty edits, but no real error that could cause this. Wrye tells me all is ok, only one mod that could be merged theoretically while Tes5Edit doesn't give any errors at all... The strangest part is that it played and booted normally before...
  2. Try going in your AV settings and letting him either make exeptions for the Skyrim folder or tell him to keep of the Skyrim and NMM folders... That's the first thing I do when installing a AV, I tell them not to touch any of my game folders... I've done this since some AV thought the game exe from Oblivion was a virus...
  3. the protection carving is impossible to do... you have seen the carvings around the houses everywhere? these are carvings of the thieves guild to inform fellow thieves... you sadly can't do this yourselves... but I do not use any outside storage, I put everything in my legally stolen for houses :ninja: ... if you really want a house for storage, but can't afford it, use console to add money "player.additem 0000000f amount" and buy the friggin place ;) unless you play on console, then you have to earn/steal the money...
  4. which graphics card do you have? I ask this, becouse before upgrading everything in my rig, I only had ctd's or w7 crashes in the rift. I could go everywhere I wanted, exept the rift... uninstalling and reinstalling Skyrim didn't help me... so I learned to live with it... After upgrading my rig, keeping only the gpu I could only get 4-12 fps... This I really couldn't live with... After a lot of trying, tweaking, in and uninstalling, even came here looking for help with the fps problem, the only thing that helped me was taking the cooler of of the card, cleaning all the coolingpaste of and applying just & little dot of paste. There was an exes of paste, covering multiple resistors surrounding the gpu, linking them together... As this was done in the factory, there will for sure be other cards with this defect, causing the stupidest things... My gues is that the conductivity of the exes paste in my card was causing the ctd's and crashes and in my upgraded rig caused the massive fps loss... If you have tried everything else, and your card is out of warranty, there is really no harm in trying, for at worst, it will lengthen the life of your gpu... I for one, have since played ctd free and with a 55/60fps... If you are unsure how to: here is a good forum
  5. if the "tcl" command doesn't work, as for some st*pid reason it doesn't always, you can alco just "coc" somewhere, eg "coc whiterun" or if you are outside, fasttravel to the nearest location.
  6. maybe this can help, Before I updated my rig, I had frequent ctd's or even complete pc crashes in the rift, or riften itself...(allways outside) but I could play with a decent framerate and a lot of mods... as long as I didn't need to go to the rift, and as a thief, that wasn't really easy... after updating cpu, mem, case,... everything BUT the GPU, I could only play with 4/5 if I was lucky 8/12 fps... and got a coupple of pc crashes outdoor Only once I got a message saying the graphics driver crashed... After a lot of trying, and for the heck of it, I took out the card, took the fan of of it, got allmost a heart attack when I saw the amount of cooling paste they used... The small resistors surrounding the gpu, underneath the cooler where completely covered by paste, linking them together and for all I know, this stuff is somewhat conductive... I could easy use this amount of paste on multiple cpu's without any cooling problem arising... cleaned it all of, applied a little dot of good quality paste and put it back. I am now playing with 55/60 fps, no crashing or CTD or anything... If it is really bugging you, and your card is already out of warranty it is worth a try...
  7. the containers outside the house don't usually "reset", but it is known to happen... for me it is a way to add some realism to the outside containers... why would you ever let stuff lying where a fellow thief can get them? you'll have to carve the 'protected' sign into those crates before they are safe for the thieves guild... :pirate: Even in my own houses I will lock everything valuable in chests or my safe by "lock 100" before I leave, cant trust those housecarls... allways drinking, eating and sniffing around... edited for grammar... :yucky:
  8. I had to install " Microsoft® Xbox 360™ Accessories software" to make Skyrim "see" my controller... Here are the links: wireless wired controller
  9. what happens if you try to save via console?
  10. Just saw someone else with mouse problems... no harm in trying it out, me thinks :no:
  11. I doubt he has insufficient RAM, 16gig is a little over the top, this is 4 times what the game can use... lol My bet is a .ini tweak to many or a mod conflict... try taking the .ini's out of the documents\my games\Skyrim folder (just cut and paste to desktop) and let the game make its own and see if it goes away, then you'll know if it's in there somewhere. to test the mods, you can disable 1/3 of the mods, if it stops it is one of those, if it remains you go on to the next 1/3 and so on... If you have narrowed it down in that way to a mod or five, you can start testing those five mods one by one. maybe the problem can be solved through Wrye... this one finds conflicts and highlights them for you, you can then apply a" Bashed Patch" to merge some mods... You use BOSS I hope, wrong loading times of mods can allso cause this...
  12. wich storage in whiterun are you talking about? there is a lot of storage in that city...
  13. @ renn, on my old rig I had lots of graphics mods, including Xenius, Nightingale Prime, Silly level of detail, and some .ini tweaks... For now, i'll install and switch them on, one at a time, and observe what the'll do with my fps, I don't want to start up with 4 fps ever again! For those with ATI cards who have problems, try to see if your card doesn't have too much cooling paste, alltough it is strange that I didn't notice this untill I upgraded everything else in my rig... If you're unsure how to do it, you can always pm me, I'll be glad to help. Thanks to all for the help and the consideration, I love you all (no, you dirty boy, not in THAT way... LOL)
  14. I never ever install GamerOSD, it sh*ts bricks... lol being lefthanded, setting gamepad of gives me a handicap ;), but it is tried and failed... After cleaning the gpu from its exess paste, tweaking the game, settings in ccc, slightly overclocking my gpu and retweaking my .ini I get an 55-60 outside and steady 60 inside... fps during the startsequence are between 40 and 60 I am not getting the WOW kinda image, but i can live with it, as it's finally playable... AA , anisotropic filtering and fxaa were set of in the launcher, shadows at low and radial blur at medium, texture and decal at high, and only land trees and objects reflected. I had to go in skyrim.ini delete the line to disable AA and in skyrimprefs.ini set a 1 next to bFXAAEnabeled, ipresentinterval and iadapter, because the game was running fastspeed but with 70-80fps and this combo somehow fixed that... I don't know why these 3 did the job, but this combo worked... what i find the strangest is that in the launcher I had to disable fxaa and aa, and as it seems i reenabled them in the .ini :wallbash: didn't need a faster running mod nomore, I was sneaking faster than you guys can run :facepalm: I have the ATI fix for 4g skyrim, tesval and the fallout stutter remover (this one stands on NMM as the "skyrim Assassin Wallpaper" :whistling: ) viewdistance is set at max ingame, didn't affect framerate... I have the beta drivers installed (GeForce 290.53) still hoping it lasts, and tweaking to see what I can and can't do... One thing is for sure, my cpu and ram make for amazing loading times, even with my older, bigger saves... http://i44.tinypic.com/16ie05z.png http://i44.tinypic.com/v49lcp.png http://i40.tinypic.com/23sdit3.png the cleaning of the gpu has another weird side effect, before I couldn't alt-tab out of skyrim and back in without crashing my graphics driver... Now I have no problem doing so, as I tried it to check my gpu temp I found out I could do it without probs... so yeah, the cleaning of the exess cooling paste will have had an impact...;D ;D ;D I know people are goin to nag me about the shadows and radial blur and everything, thing is, this didnt change anything before...
  15. as I stated on an other post: "As a fact, I do not condone piracy, I pre-ordered Morrowind and addons, Oblivion and addons and Skyrim and do legally own every game I play ... It is also a fact that I do not want any program forced up my *** and dislike steam and any DRM, they only bug legal customers like you and me and the "pirates" never have this problem... Steam makes you not own your games anymore, the day they decide to "freeze" your account is the day you can forget to play any of the games that needs it. I dislike the fact that a company has more power over the copy of a game I legally purchased than I do... I dislike the fact that a company can force updates on me and not letting me decide if or not I update my legally purchased game... I dislike the fact that I have to run unneeded and unwanted software to play my legally payed for games... I dislike any program that requires to be online to set you want to play offline... What happens if I forget to pay my internets bill and they cut me off???" Not to mention the fact they cheated me out of my first ever steam account and the games I had there, only to give up on their horrendus customer "service"... so, what do you think I voted... lol
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