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About Th3Duke99088

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    United States
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    Skyrim, Dishonored, Others
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  1. I need a single actor who can play anything... I know that's asking for a lot but I'm making a folower with DID (Dissociative identity disorder (multiple personalities)) and there are going to be old men personalities and child girl personalities and Khajiit personalities... so I need someone able to voice every possible combo of traits.. PM me if your interested -Duke Edit: looking back that came out wrong... I need an actor who is comfortable using the different ways of talking... In reality I need a Male Breton voice in early 30's FILLED
  2. You could put it in a bat file... that way you only have to do bat respawnheimskr
  3. Okay... sorry all... i can't change the title so if a admin or moderator wouldn't mind... I can change the rest...
  4. Hi, this is my first major mod... I want to make a fully voiced MPD (multiple personality disorder) follower... I think this idea has a lot of potential, only problem is that I don't know how I'm going to pull it off on my own... I am able to create the base character, dialogue lines, and ideas but, i don't know how to create the MPD effect of having no control what personality is "out" and when they swich...I also have a crappy mic so i cannot voice him on my own... So, basically what i need from all you peoples who are much better at this than I is, 1) A scripter - To make a script that will randomly swich what personality is "out" 2) a voice-actor - to voice! It is going to be a male body but at least one of the personalities will be female so you have to be comfortable voicing as a female with a male voice... 3) dialogue inserter - I am learning how but for a mod that i feel so stongly about id rather have someone who has done this more than once... I think that's it but if i missed anything please tell me -Duke
  5. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25941/ expands the DB aftergame... has poisoned apples
  6. Question... and this has nothing to do with the quiver... what armor is that?
  7. Question... Is there a map? as in the generic skyrim holds map but just for PC? Or like the local map from the map screen? if there isn't could someone make one? I have an idea for a secondary questline... like the potema questline but longer and nothing like that? Anyways i just wanted the map for personal creative purposes... it would help me get a feel for the town... if that makes sense...
  8. Before I begin... any idea what you want her to look like? And did you want me to use any hair mods? Also what type of clothing? And any weapons or pure magic?
  9. https://www.dropbox.com/s/lrrmab1bqgx92dt/Kunzite.esp He should work... haven't really tested... have to go somewhere but wanted to get this up... to install just drop the file into your /Skrim/Data folder... or not... well, I tried... glad you figured it out :D
  10. I could... i had stopped cuz i thought you could finish him with the 2 fixes i gave... Ill give it a wurl...
  11. Click on him in the object list pres CTRL and F4 at the same time click ok (or yes. or whatever pops up) tada You may have to do it multiple times
  12. I could make the face and base NPC but I am not sure i can do the custom lines and voice inserting... The fight style like ancano? But with only electric spells? I could place her anywhere just would need the house .esp thing to place her in said house... I think it would be easier to make the whole house only available after the greybeards... maybe a key and note in a chest at the end of the whole horn of jurgen windcaller dungeon?
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