Hi, this is my first major mod... I want to make a fully voiced MPD (multiple personality disorder) follower... I think this idea has a lot of potential, only problem is that I don't know how I'm going to pull it off on my own... I am able to create the base character, dialogue lines, and ideas but, i don't know how to create the MPD effect of having no control what personality is "out" and when they swich...I also have a crappy mic so i cannot voice him on my own... So, basically what i need from all you peoples who are much better at this than I is, 1) A scripter - To make a script that will randomly swich what personality is "out" 2) a voice-actor - to voice! It is going to be a male body but at least one of the personalities will be female so you have to be comfortable voicing as a female with a male voice... 3) dialogue inserter - I am learning how but for a mod that i feel so stongly about id rather have someone who has done this more than once... I think that's it but if i missed anything please tell me -Duke