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Everything posted by OMGitsMorganHD

  1. I just installed All Natural and when I started up the mod I looked up and the sky was a bright pinkish purple like what you would see if you didnt have certain textures on Garrys mod but without the grid. Here is a picture of my load order if that is the problem: http://gyazo.com/35f859b139c8a4c55d431dc417d63262 What the sky looks like: http://i.imgur.com/Inv7dkH.jpg
  2. http://pastebin.com/1WRuiPQn there you go that is my list. :)
  3. Sorry for posting twice I guess I hit something on accident to post the first one it wasnt finished.
  4. I am having a huge problem with starting the Dawngaurd questline. Every time I go up to the cave entrance there is no text but the entrance is there. I have all DLCs for Skyrim and I finished Dragon Born before I started Dawngaurd (I think that is the problem) I have all of the Unofficial patches installed and in the correct load order. This is what I see when approaching the entrance : http://i.imgur.com/XA0A6fr.jpg If I could receive some help on this I would REALLY appreciate it! Thanks!
  5. Okay so the only mods I have that change indoor lighting and dust particles are Dust Effects and Enhanced Lighiting and FX. However I use the RealVision ENB. I have never had this problem before and it recently started happening as you can see in the picture I get black arrows. I really need help to know how to fix this because I havent found a fix yet. Only place I have noticed this happening is Breezehome in Whiterun and The Pawned Prawn in Riften. I will have links to imgur because the files are to large to attach on here. Breezehome 1: http://i.imgur.com/bS9Hgb1.jpg Breezehome 2: http://i.imgur.com/vlbfV18.jpg Pawned Prawn Riften: http://i.imgur.com/ruaONJT.jpg
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