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    United States
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  1. The limit for importing custom tracks in-game is currently 100, which I think is pretty ludicrous considering it's PC; your limit should be up to your own hardware. Really no reason this limit should be imposed. I'd imagine the coding that caps this isn't all that complex, but alas I know next to nothing about coding. Any chance this would be something we could tackle here? Thanks in advance, comrades.
  2. Hey, yeah! Matt Mercer, friend of mine too. Have you found a voice for this yet? If you have screenshots of the follower, I'd like to take a shot.
  3. I would say it's good practice, but I prefer to do work I can show in my portfolio. Even reading aloud to yourself is good practice.
  4. I've got two WIP tracks going already. Will probably do another before sending you a batch.
  5. Hey there! Voice here! I think horror isn't something that's explored enough in the Elder Scrolls universe, so I'd love to be a part of this! I also dabble in abstract ambient music, and can see about getting you some of that too! Here's a music sample: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/551939 And this is my most recent voice over for a Skyrim mod:
  6. Hey there! Voice here! I've previously worked on such ambitious Skyrim mods as "Falskaar," "Helgen Reborn," and am currently working on "Beyond Skyrim" and "Skywind." I love a good story mod, and I've been a TES fan since Morrowind, so you've certainly got my attention! Here is a sample of some of my work from Falskaar.
  7. Hey Jasper, might I suggest posting this instead on sites like the VAA and VAC?
  8. Has anyone ever told you your speaking voice is a dead-ringer for Christian Bale's when he adapts an American Accent? I downloaded Helgen Reborn recently and when I first came across Valerius, I was convinced for a second that I was listening to Christian Bale, haha. You've got a rather strikingly similar timbre. I have, actually, when I narrated this (also Elder Scrolls-related, haha) audio drama. Listening back though, that narration is God-awful.
  9. Just did these for TESR. I'm pretty picky about the mods I work on, but it doesn't hurt to show off new race samples. https://soundcloud.com/riverk/sets/tesr-auditions
  10. Can you give any details? Races/ages/genders? Script samples? Previous work?
  11. River Kanoff Actor Stats Age: 24 Gender: Male Race: Caucasian Last Updated: 11/9/2013 Active Member: Yes Playable Races: Imperials, Nords, Khajiit, Argonians, Orcs, High, Dark and Wood Elves, Daedra, Dragons, Creatures, etc. Experience: 8 year veteran, with credited games and features on IMDb, including "Dust: An Elysian Tail," "Heroes of Newerth," and "Icebound." I've voiced in such Skyrim mods as "Falskaar" and "Helgen Reborn." Skills: High quality home studio, diverse accents and age range, high energy and an enthusiasm for character acting. About Me: Gamer, music lover and character voice actor who's always on the lookout for something else to scream for! Voice Samples: Take your pick. http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_lYXnKBvgUbMRtquHBIJ_1yESUqDIeB1 I'll check here as often as I can, but it's easiest to reach me by my Skype @ sinowBeat.
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