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About Cutleast

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  1. This is what I wanted. But where is it stored? As already mentioned, I found files which could contain what I want. My goal is to export that deployment order, for example in form of a .txt-file.
  2. I found these files in the Vortex-AppData-Folder (Screenshot) and it seems that there is stored what I'm looking for. But unfortunately they are in a unknown and unreadable type. Is there a way to convert them to a different format or to parse the data?
  3. Found the rules and everything in the collection.json that is shipped with every collection. But that only applies to collections and it does not reflect any changes by the user. I still need the location for the load order (again NOT plugins), not for collections but at least for the currently active profile. I know that they are saved somewhere since Vortex pulls the rules and deploys according to them.
  4. This tool reads the startup/hourly.json of Vortex although it seems that there is no mod order saved. I read the file myself and can say that there are no rules or anything else saved that tell which mod gets loaded after which.
  5. No I'm not asking for a collection. I'm asking for a way to export Vortex' Mod order (again, NOT just the plugins, all mods).
  6. Where does Vortex save its rules for mod conflicts? I already found the loadorder.txt but it only includes plugin files (.esp, .esl) and I already managed to read the deployment file (vortex.deployment.msgpack) in the staging folder. As in this thread mentioned, the loadorder.txt does not include mods without ESPs or ESLs. And "rebuilding" a mod load order from the deployment file does not work properly since the file only includes the winners of the conflicts. My goal is to export a "modlist.txt" (as MO2 uses it, for example) in the correct order with all mods.
  7. Is there a file with the mod load order (NOT the plugins), too? Or where does Vortex save its rules for conflicting mods?
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