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Everything posted by MrMedicinal

  1. What's the highlight of your career? (so far) Is there any job, or specific segment of a project you're really proud of? Assuming you have the free time, what games have you been playing recently? Any upcoming video games you're looking forward to? What's your all time favorite video game? Thanks for even accepting community questions! Sorry for... Uh... Taking advantage. Wish you all the best!
  2. Good thing you figured it out :D I personally don't use a ENB because i use a laptop, so I would have never guessed.
  3. Looks like a mod gone horribly wrong... If you could post some more info (Mod load order, Whether or not you have a fully updated skyrim, etc.) you will be more likely to get a better answer. The only thing i could think of, given the info you gave us would be to validate your Steam Cache. Sorry if i'm no help.
  4. To me it sounds like you have a mod in your game that has another mod you don't have as a master, but you say that your game is crashing even after disabling the mods? Did you uninstall the mods, or just uncheck them?
  5. I recommend one of the Alternate Start mods since you played before. A "must have" mod for me is Skyrim Cannabis Mod. Edit; Sorry these are not for appearance, but these are what i use and never uninstall, and i thought id recommend anyway since they are not game changing. :biggrin:
  6. I always thought about that ever since the days of Oblivion and Fallout... It would probably require scripting or something. Plus i'm not so sure about the animation, might look pretty bad inside 1st person and out while moving around.
  7. I know this is a big time consumer, and a huge pain in the a**, but I've seen on other forums that if you uninstall New Vegas and reinstall it it can fix most performance problems, maybe that would help? Also Requiem of the Capitol Wasteland is out dated... Try A Tale of Two Wastelands, it's Requiem's predecessor, and they have been releasing patches for the mod quite frequently. One more thing, i wouldn't install Fallout 3 mods onto that mod unless it's been properly converted for that mod's use. Hope one of those things helps. :smile:
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