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  1. Solved, if with a workaround. I used the console command setstage to move the quest at various points. Setting it to 0 didn't work: still no quest from Sadri, and I still had the ring. Setting it to 10 (start) put the Beast ring in a lair, when I gathered it, I still had 1 of this ring in my inventory. I got the other ring, but the "return to Sadri" stage didn't come up, I had to use setstage again (both rings gathered). At this point, I had the Ring of the Beast still uncompleted (even if i entered setstage for that!), and the other ring's subquest was accomplished. When I got back to Sadri, the quest completed, and I could ask for new ones. That was messy...
  2. Skyrim wikis say that the Ring of the Beast should be at a radiant location, and Feran Sadri should give me the quest to gather them, called Rings of Blood Magic. However when Serana and I finished Harkon, the ring was right in the chest next to the door of the Chapel. Now the inventory says it's a quest item, even though I did not start Rings of Blood Magic at Feran Sadri. In fact, I can't start it at the first place, as the only option when talking to him is barter. The other inhabitants of the castle tell me to head for Sadri if I want to help, that quest leading to Sadri activates, but no quest at Sadri's. I have the Unofficial Patches (SR+DG+DB). So, was this ring being in that chest without even starting the quest a bug? Is this the reason why Sadri won't initiate any quests? How to solve this? My searches here and elsewhere suggested others had similar bugs too, but no solution was shown. Any ideas?
  3. I can enter the normal 18 perk trees with whatever key I set, but not that of the Werewolf or the Vampire no matter what key I set. Edit: I tried removing More Hotkeys Please and its control map, SkyUI, Categorized Favorites Menu, and Community Uncapper, and no luck. I'm pretty sure it's a mod conflict, but can't figure out what. The mods are organized with BOSS.
  4. Hi. I can't enter the Werewolf and Vampire perk trees. Am I right that these should be available when in one of these forms and by pressing the usual "stats" key for the 18 perk trees? Because nothing happens when I do so. Skyrim+DG+DB with unofficial patches for all these, SKSE, SkyUI, More Hotkeys Please, Community Uncapper, and many other mods none of which particularly affects vampirism or lycanthropy. I use a custom control map that came with More Hotkeys Please, and I can enter the perk trees with the Stats key set to any keys (I tried F1 and j), but not at all when in werewolf or vampire form. The messages indicate that the perks do register when I'm a vampire lord. Anybody experienced this or has a guess? A console command to open these perk trees? Thx.
  5. Sneak Tools adds fire extinguishing, oil sprinkling, fire igniting, noise making, and rope releasing arrows and bolts, among other features.
  6. Hi. Suggest a mod for me. I was checking out magic scaling mods, but the ones I checked uniformly stregthened all spells by a certain value based on a certain property of my character. But my problem is that in vanilla, low-tier (novice, apprentice) spells are uselessly weak at higher levels, i.e. I don't use them anymore, because they are too weak. So suggest me a mod that raises the power of the weaker spells closer to high-tier spells. I'm basically talking about Destruction spells, and preferably mod-added spells should be scaled too. With numbers: say there are 5 different Destruction spells, 1 in each level. The power of these are 20-40-60-80-100 from the novice to the master spell. What scaling mods I checked do is amplify these spells to 50-100-150-200-250. But what I want is something like 40-55-70-85-100. I found stronger dual casting power to be similar in effect to magic scaling mods. Any suggestions?
  7. Hi. I'm reading the comments of Skyrim mods, and it's pretty tiring for the eyes. Could you make the text a bit more grey, like it is here in this forum? Thanks.
  8. Before you start the quest where you have to help the Orcs to get Volendrung back (The Cursed Tribe), Fallowstone Cave is full of bears, about a dozen of them. This is a rare occasion when you have a mass fight in Skyrim. Afterwards you only have a few Giants inside, which is a usual fight. I'm requesting a mod which would return the dozen bears to Fallowstone Cave after the quest The Cursed Tribe is completed. It might even change the place to resemble a bears' den rather than a giants' den. Giant's Grove should be kept intact with that respawning, aggressive giant. K, I mistyped the title... :-)
  9. Why is placeatme+pickup better than additem?
  10. Any solutions so far for the unobtainable Konahrik? (I have the same problem.)
  11. Sorry, it never was visible. My fault. My friend checked it in his unmodded Skyrim, and it isn't visible if you are not in a container, instead just browsing your inventory.
  12. Hi. All my gold is invisible in my inventory, that is the counter on the lower edge shows the correct value (around 190,000), but it's nowhere to be found. When I look into a container however, it does appear in my inventory too. I have a container in which I store money, and that also shows up in that container. So I can't see my golds in my inventory if I'm not currently looking into a container. I removed all mods I added since it was last okay, made a new save, moved to a new location, nothing helped. Any ideas?
  13. Hi. I can't enter the werewolf skill tree. I'm in beast form, and I have been in the skill tree, I added 1 perk maybe. I have Dawnguard, after it the Unofficial Dawnguard patch, and over 100 mods. This includes a Lycanthropy and Vampirism potion mod. Deactivating this doesn't help. When I deactivated the Unofficial DG patch, it CTD'd upon load. I remapped the keyboard: the skills menu is now F1 (I don't know what was deafult). It works fine outside of beast form. I tapped the whole keyboard, and nothing. Don't know what else to say. Any ideas? Am I doing something stupid? Could be a mod conflict? Thanks.
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