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Posts posted by Dkboy24

  1. ZeroKing, Thanks so much for your reply! I've never done SLI before and although I've been doing a lot of reading on it, I feel like I keep getting mixed reactions. The SLI option was my first idea so It's nice to have a vote for that (It's also cheaper for me as well! haha). I'm worried about my PSU or my cooling as my tower has a water cooling system and my PSU said it was built for SLI.

  2. Hey everyone! I want to play my heavily modded Skyrim without stutters or FPS loss in densely rendered areas. I currently am running a single EVGA GeForce 760 2gb card and was thinking of buying a 2nd one for SLI.


    But I got to thinking.. I think my main issue is my vRam and not my graphics so would it be better to buy a single 770 GeForce 4gb instead? I'm also gearing up for ESO in April and want to make sure I can run it on the highest possible graphics.


    System Specs:


    Alienware Aurora R4

    i7- 3820 CPU @ 3.60 GHz

    8 GB RAM

    64-bit OS


    Thanks all!!

  3. I came here also via a Google search because it really breaks my immersion when the same innkeeper shows me to my room for the thousandth time. I have some ideas for a total inn overhaul myself, but I'm just hopping one of you amazing mod authors could do something simple like:


    1. Innkeepers only show you to your room the first time you buy a room from them

    2. After which they simply take your gold and let you know your room is available.


    I love bLu480's idea about having an optional dialog of "Can you show me to my room?" just in case you are at one of the larger inn's and forgot which bed is yours.

  4. Well...after hours of online searching with no luck.. I was able to fix this on my own. First of all it had nothing to do with the mod that I just installed as mentioned above.


    I'm actually not sure what the root cause was, but I tossed all torches I had in my inventory out. I picked up a few brand new torches and it worked like normal! No strange animation.


    So if anyone has this same bizarre issue, just get rid of your torch and get a new one. That worked for me at least :)

  5. Hi all,


    I'm all of a sudden faced with a rather odd torch glitch.


    Issue: When I equip/ unequip a torch in third person, my character does this type of "scoop" animation. Almost like I'm picking something up off the ground in a scooping fashion. When I'm in first person, my character just freezes. I can look around in first person view but cannot move until I zoom out to third person. When I unequip the torch, my hand is stuck out as well like I'm holding it out but with nothing there. If I unsheathe/ sheath my weapon this will fix this issue. I use torches a LOT so it is a rather annoying bug.


    The only thing I can think of that I did differently was install a mod named "Lock overhaul." I could not think of a reason why this would do this but just in case, I followed the un-install instructions from the mod author and removed it, but alas, it is still doing the torch bug. I'm lvl 24 and it has not done this up until now.


    Now here are some more details. I was in Ysgramor's Tomb as part of the last Companions quest and about half way through, I pulled out my torch, my screen froze for a minute, and I was teleported back to the beginning of the dungeon. I shrugged it off as just an odd occurrence but since then I noticed the torch bug. Problem is, all my quick saves and auto saves have all since been erased with new saves so I can't go back to before the strange "teleport" to check it. I did however check another character and no problems with the torch, so this is character related. I rolled back to a previous save with the same character (lvl 19 save) and it was fine. So something happened when I "teleported" in that dungeon and now it seems my save is corrupted.


    Any thoughts on this?

  6. Oh I have a few more house rules I'm trying out:


    - Through Immersive HUD I've turned off quest markers and my on screen compass. I use only my map but this forces me to actually search for people who I'm looking for to turn in quests. Not like I will magically know where they are at :)


    - Also through Immersive HUD I turned off the enemy health bar. Let me tell you.. that one is wild! I mean.. it's not exactly like I'm going to know how many hits before an enemy falls. It's pretty crazy to be in a fight with someone not exactly knowing when they are going down.

  7. @RatcatcherOfKvatch I love what you said about fast travel. I've always played with a very strict "no fast travel" rule... but what you say makes sense. And I have noticed that I have begun to memorize certain areas so much to the point where I hardly need the map any longer when traveling cross country. Hmm.. I think I will re-consider. I really like your method!


    @ TenderHooligan I know what you mean... I run with DCO as well and some of those fights can be quite lengthly. I try not to have a companion with me at all times and I like to rotate them out based on the adventure I'm going on (because they have lives too! haha) but I have lost my fair share of companions because of DCO's insane dragon fights. I see their poor lifeless bodies being flung off a mountain side. I normally will rage shout at the dragon and charge in with zeal. But it still hits home when I loose a companion.


    @Ilikecheese1337 Ha! Yeah eff the Blades! They piss me off so much! They act nothing like the Blades of legend. They are supposed to serve the Dragonborn yet all they do is boss me about and shun me for not doing their bidding! My current play through is with an Imperial Loyalists serving in the army. He doesn't like the Thalmor but soldiering is all he has known his entire life and may not like his orders in matters of the Thalmor.. but follows them none-the-less. I have a plan for him though.. see I was on tour in the Rift carrying out some Imperial orders in Riften when I decided to help a poor old man out investigate a cave. Turns out I ventured into the new land of Falskaar and after many days of working my way back home, I arrived to find I have been branded a criminal as the Thalmor convinced my army superiors that I was AWOL and have sided w/ the Stormcloaks. Having served my entire life.. this outraged me to be sold out like that and at that moment I knew what the Empires puppeteers where really about.. so now my new house rule is to attack the Thalmor on site. No matter what! I had to seek the face sculptor in Riften to hide my identity as to not get arrested by the Empire but now I'm on a personal mission to rid Skyrim of the cancer that is the Thalmor

  8. Indeed! But I love how the show of our own "house" rules can drastically impact gameplay to keep it lively and enthralling. It impacts what quests we choose to complete and who we decide to help. I would imagine that is why in most quests you have the option to tell them to sod off.

  9. My name is Dkboy and I'm a new-character-aholic. I normally can't seem to last past lvl 30... It's not that I get board with my character, it's that I'm also addicted to mods. So I might see a new mod that fits a new character type and I get excited to start a new story. Each of my characters have very detailed and rich back stories and I RP all my characters so it's fun for me.


    I also love the feel of having NOTHING. I love that every little thing takes work to get... such as having to brave the wilds to get enough leather to craft camping equipment and warm clothes so I can survive. I love having hardly enough money to buy a decent meal at an inn and it forces me to hunt and cook. When I start one shoting bandits and have a massive coin purse I start getting lazy. Buying ingots instead of mining and staying at fancy inns and buying rich food instead of living off the land. I tried playing on master for a while, but I HATED it and more than one occasion I would totally gamer rage quit and storm away from my PC.. it was THAT frustrating! It's not that I don't like the challenge... I just think it makes it so unrealistic. Shirtless bandit guy shouldn't be able to take a dozen arrows to the face before he one shots me with his little dagger.


    Anyway, it's nice to connect with fellow new-character-aholics like me! haha... good thread!

  10. @ StayFrosty05: You should check out the mod "Hunterborn." With that mod you can actually skin, harvest ingredients, and butcher the meat of any type of creature you slay (Including dragon meat!) In fact, dragon meat gives you a nice little buff as well and you butcher TONS of it per dragon. It's a pretty neat mod! You can even harvest stuff from the bones you get including really cool jewelry and you can fashion hunting knives, etc. That might go pretty well with your werewolf character. Also, you may be able to get RN&D to work for you. You can turn off food spoilage and when you feed as a werewolf it does count toward eating. Now you can get sick from eating raw meat, but you may be able to turn that off as well. With these realism mods they make them pretty versatile to meet your own needs.


    @DiamondLlama: I always play with all my followers as non-essential. I won't lie... it REALLY sucks when you lose your favorite follower. But let me tell you... there is nothing more satisfying than going into a killing rampage to seek vengeance for your fallen comrade. In my current play through, I'm a total Imperial loyalist and using the Live Another Life mod, I started off as an Imperial soldier. After obtaining Lydia as my housecarl, in my back story she was an ex-Imperial soldier who has retired from the army to serve the Jarl. So since she is my Housecarl I fashioned her a set of Imperial armor and the two of us roll around the country side fighting the Stormcloaks together. Just last night, we were setting up an ambush for a Stormcloak patrol when things got out of hand. Shortly after we launched our assault, a Spriggon and her bear and sabrecat minions came lunging out of the forest at us. So not only were we engaged with three Stormcloak soldiers but we had to fight off the other group as well. It was a tough fight and through the chaos Lydia and I got separated. After the dust had settled, I saw her, dead in the grass. I literally carried her body all the way to Whiterun and placed her inside the Halls of the Dead myself. The next morning the Stormcloaks attacked the city and I have never fought with such vigor before. My character was uncontrollable, breaking rank and charging the front lines recklessly and full of rage. After the battle was finished and I served my punishment from the Legate, I continued on... alone. But each night I drink a bottle of Nord Mead at sunset in her honor. So although losing a companion sucks, it can add a totally new element to the game!

  11. I love how in depth you play! I've always loved to play in character myself. I also use the spoil option in RN&D as well and Hunterborn is an amazing mod! I love the realism it adds!


    I just started a new character using the Live Another Life mod as an Imperial Solider. I normally play the long range archer sniper type character (my last character was a Forsworn Huntress/ Summoner) so this will be a really big change for me.

  12. That's awesome! You've given me some great ideas. I also play with as much realism as possible (Frostfall on hardcore, RN&D, etc).


    I'm tempted to play with the no death rule. I just installed a the new Enemy AI overhaul "revenge of the enemies" and dropped my difficulty from master to expert. I really enjoy hard fights... but master difficulty just seems too unrealistic to me. When a shirtless bandit is able to one shot me with a dagger after having a dozen arrows pumped into his face... yeeeah.


    I also really like your idea of never hauling anything large. I can't see how I am able to carry 5 different heavy armor breastplates on me at once.


    Would love to hear what other house rules you all play with!

  13. So along with tons of mods.. I also like to implement my own house rules as well to make my game a more immersive. Some of my rules are as follows:


    - I never fast travel. Ever.

    - I do not work on a craft until I have spent at least one perk in it. So I will not craft items at a smithy unless I have one basic perk in smithing. The way I look at it is I am so unknowledgeable about the craft I would not even know the first thing. The way I see it is after I spend at least one perk, I've invested some time to get the know the basics of said craft. So for enchanting, I will not disenchant, or recharge weapons until I have at least one perk point in that craft.

    - I never reload a save if an NPC dies

    - On that same note, if I'm playing a thief character I will never reload a save after a failed pick pocket attempt


    These are just a few, but I am curious to know what others play with!


    So tell me what are YOUR special rules that you like to play with?

  14. I am having the same issue myself. I have a Geforce GTX 760 card and the graphical mods I'm running are:


    Enhanced Lighting & FX


    Real Clouds

    Pure Waters

    Skyrim Flora Overhaul (Summer edition)



    I too am running ENBoost as well but not using any ENB visual mods.


    Now I think this may have something to do with Real Clouds. I found this on the Real Clouds sticky: "orisVorontsov has kindly fixed this bug, the fix is included in the 0.201 binaries for ENBSeries."


    However, I'm running the 0.201 ENB binaries and I still see it. Maybe there is an Enblocal.ini tweak I have to do? But I'm not sure what.

  15. I actually just went out tonight and bought me a GTX 760 (just a single card). Cranked up ambient occlusion to "quality" and took a quick jog through the forests of Falkreath (where I normally would drop down to 40 FPS) and I maintained a stable 60 FPS with zero stutter.


    I'm a happy gamer :)


    Thanks for the responses! I really appreciate you all jumping in!

  16. Thanks for your reply! I have an i7 at 3.60 Ghz. Don't get me wrong, my game runs pretty good. And of course the vanilla game runs perfectly. However I have a lot of graphical mods installed (SMIM, Real Clouds, CoT, SFO, Realistic Lighting & FX, etc).


    I'm also running ambient Occlusion at the "performance" level and I would like to move that up to the "Quality" level.


    My rig is an Alienware (the base model) but I can see it was set up to have two cards (I already have a handy extra 6 slot PCI power connector and my PSU is by Alienware meant for dual GPU's).


    I'm pretty much ready to go to the shop and buy it, but they only have the 2GB version of my card and I don't want to get it if it will not work with the 1.5GB version of the same card. From what I gather, my system will just default at the lower memory setting of 1.5 GB which I'm okay with. So long as it works and increases my performance.


    I keep seeing conflicting info online about different memory sizes and SLI configs.. Some folks say you can do it while others say not to. I see on the Nvidia site they mention something about "Coolbits" but I have no clue that that is. My computer knowledge is basic at best and I don't want to harm my new comp so I'm hesitant.

  17. Hey everyone! So I currently have an Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 and I am thinking about setting up an SLI with another of the same card for Skyrim. My questions are:


    1. Will this improve my FPS? I'm currently getting 60, but am stuttering in FPS heavy areas and sometimes it drops to as low as 10 in graphics heavy areas.


    2. My current card has 1.5GB of memory but the card I found is also a GeForce GTX 660 but has 2GB of memory. Can I SLI them together or do they have to be the same memory?


    I have never hooked up multiple GPU's before so I'm sorry if these are silly questions.



  18. Hey Minze202. Just wondering if you found a solution for this issue? I found this post from a google search for the same issue I'm having. My game has been running fine up until recently although I have not installed any new mods. I'm at around level 45 and the only thing I'm doing differently now is I'm running with three companions using the Amazing Follower Tweaks mod. Do you guys think having more than one companion can cause game freezes like this? I have cleaned all my main Skyrim files (just the update, dawnguard, hearthfire, and dragonborn files). with the TES5 Edit program.

  19. I was having an FPS issue as well. I have a nice gaming rig but today I installed the CTD & ENBoost mod and so far it has been great. I've been playing now for about 3 hours without any FPS issues or CTD's. I'm maintaining a solid 50-60 FPS even in some of the places you mentioned above. That is a great tip though, I will remember this post just in case my issue comes back.

  20. Here are the links you need to make non-vanilla weapons/ armor scale with SkyRe:


    Reproccer: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/28467/

    Balbor & Steelsouls XML patch: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27092/


    The Reproccer is a .jar file in your Skyrim Data folder (you will see the reproccer folder). Make sure you have the latest Java update as well.


    Check out this YouTube vid which has a great Reproccer tutorial at the end. Helped me immensely! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfR2Sts6jXM


    Good luck mate!

  21. Wooow! I was just reading the AFT page and it looks simply amazing! So many tweaks that annoyed the hell out of me with followers can be fixed (Such as the sneak until I get caught and the auto summon upon un-sheathing my weapon). I just hate it when my nimble elf archer is surrounded by bandits and I yell the order to charge and my tank is off having a nice hike in the forest while I get my face smashed in. I also love how you can manage their outfits and set outfits for cities,


    I was intrigued by the set up camp option. Do you use Frostfall? If I set up my fire and tent and tell them to set up camp, I'm afraid they will set up a second fire or double up the camp stuff. I would love if they could just throw out a bed roll or just a tent. I will have to play with the settings.


    Thanks again for pointing me in that direction!

  22. Hey all!


    I've been focusing my attention on getting my game looking as beautiful as possible and while I now am happy with it, I am looking at follower overhaul mods.


    Now I used to use an old mod called "Specialized Followers" and I just loved it. I really gave a very unique flavor to the followers the mod author did. However it appears the mod is not being updated any longer and I fear it will conflict with other mods I may have since I just did a fresh re-install and updated all patches, DLC, etc. The last update on that mod was a year ago.


    I hear a lot about UFO but I have not tried it yet. My question is, I know that in UFO followers can read spell books you give them, but are there any other follower mods that really give combat personalities to companions that are also compatible with SkyRe? I would like them to use perks from the new SkyRe trees and the new spells if possible and level/ grow with me. Or can this also be achieved with UFO?


    Thanks for your input! Cheers!

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