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Everything posted by xlghostlx

  1. Hi guys! I need help with finding a mod or someone can help me make (Better if someone make cuz im not good making mod). So i play with 3rd person and most of the time TNR Shoulder Lamp but is a bit stressing cuz it (ofc) point where the charachter is, this is the best option when i'm in first person (Combat cuz i use State base Camera mod), so i was wondering (thinking) if is possible to have a mod with EYEBOT companion and he cast the flashlight where follows the camera rotation instead of the Character. Or if exist a better flashlight mod (i know pipboy flashlight but i want something more immersive. I don't reall like the beam out from nowhere) thank you in advice.
  2. Hi! how does the wet effect on clothes work? Cuz i'm using a custom armor and doesn't get we like any other (modded too) when raining. So i want to understand how this shader work, if i've just to add some texture or anything else?
  3. nothing? if i want to change the 3d model position in space?
  4. FN FAL - SA58 (Plus Kukri) at Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com) FN P90 at Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com)
  5. Hi guys, back in 2016 i've already asked this question: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3791130-weapon-fov/ Now in 2023 (almost ended) i still have not figure out how to do it... and if there is a mod outside that does what i want. Specifically i'm looking for something that change FOV or Viewmodel for every single weapon, since if i use too much higher fov many weapone became very awesome but some other arms got too much far. Please guys try help me ^^
  6. i've just downloaded this mod: WINGDEER HAIR COLLECTION at Cyberpunk 2077 Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com) But in game i don't found the hair... no mod requirements.. how do you use this? (i've put in the mod folder correctly, and use many different mod already all perfectly working...) i need some other mod?
  7. Hi guys i've just started the game and noticed that there are some many mod on Nexus. I wonder if there is some way to change my face without starting a new game... Can someone help me?
  8. Hi all, i used the tool to swap outfit visual style. but what about visual weapon? Forx example i want to swap the sniper bow with the hunter one, visually only ofcourse. is there any way to do that?
  9. Hi guys is there any mod to remove the zoom to the sniper bow and set it equal to the other??? i hate that high zoom in!
  10. I've tried with iTexMipMapSkip=-1 but it looks like the same...
  11. Im gonna try with texmip map. Ps i have ENB With true and VideoMemorySizeMb=58144 (With vram test)
  12. You guys im having this problem with texture sometimes... i don't know how it happened.. i recently installed some mod using vortex... Things like assets…
  13. Did u removed weapon debris? that make the games crash on the new RTX
  14. I just bought a new notebook.. With an i7 and an rtx 2080 (not the maxq version) and i cannot still fking get a stable 60fps in full HD (Not all maxed... shadow on medium no weapon debris cuz it make the game cdt and). Very nice.
  15. Thank your! I'll look better into CK then..
  16. Hi guys! First of all i ask sry for my bad english... I've a question for u: Since i use an Higher FOV in game (but only for the Weapon) I've a lot of weapon really far, if i lower fov, my favourite weap will look too much CLOSE (Current fov set 110) Now my question is: Is there a way to script or set a custom weapon fov for every single weapon? Or, wich program i can use to edit the animation and change the z axe? (I'm not an Animator, i used to get some fun with the old FPS Creator and Fragmotion...) Thx u all
  17. No, sorry; please see the FAQ in the second post re: alternate versions. Yeah, it's the speed at which you get in and out of sights/scopes. I believe there is a way to change mouselook speed in a plugin via the various Movement Type records - hence mods like Raw Input being able to fix various bugs related to mouse sensitivity that Bethsoft never managed to catch in one of their patches even after I told them about them no I'm not bitter - but I don't think it's something you can change via omods, no. If we could change mouse sensitivity via omods... I don't know that I'd want to. STALKER for example has lower sensitivity for certain larger weapons and it does make sense, but the mouse sensitivity changing when you switch weapons feels awful. I see, well i'll have to wait to endorse this awesome mod ^^
  18. Ik that we have to wait for the full mod, but i really like the m4/m16 with a functional m203.. is there any chance to have a early relase of that weapon only?
  19. As i know the only things to buff attack speed for melee is to create new animation
  20. Search on Google modern firearms there is some mp5
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