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About Indiwolf14

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  1. That is one of the prettiest swords I've ever seen. A shame it doesn't appear to be available anywhere.
  2. In response to post #38884580. #38925695 is also a reply to the same post. Already have Malwarebytes. =)
  3. The ads have actually gotten worse for me since the provider change. The worst I used to just get annoying videos that slowed down the page. Hardly ever got autoplaying sound, never any redirects. Since the change, I've gotten two redirects and it seems like every other time I load a page I get this horrible, loud car ad that locks the page so I can't even scroll away from it. Just from the amount of rage that ad has caused I will never buy a Honda.
  4. Thank you so much for trying to make the ads safer and less annoying, but I'm sad to say, I've just gotten my first redirect since last Saturday. I have no idea which ad did it, it happened too fast, so I can't use the report ad function, but I was redirected here: "https://ahcheyuyanzhe.com/8451646104795/14e64d50d08496248b19ebe8f8d3cad7.html" A scam site claiming to be Adobe which asked me to download what they claimed was an "update for flash player." Again, I appreciate your efforts. Ad providers are just scumbags, it seems.
  5. There is an ad for the game Overwatch that fills the entire background of the page. It causes extreme slowdown, (can barely even type right now because of it), it's really easy to accidentally click, and it obscures the "report this ad" button. Links to a mb.zam.com Is there anyway I can report it without access to the report button?
  6. I've tried whitelisting Nexusmods, but sometimes the ads slow down the site so much it's almost unusable and I have to turn adblock back on. I don't think the ads themselves are malicious, I just think four video windows running at once on one page are too much for the old, worn out, laptop that I browse on. Having all unanimated ads would be a welcome change.
  7. The Kent Premium Server is the main one right? If it's working fine and the others aren't, then probably there's something wrong with the connection between servers. At least that's my guess.
  8. Retried several broken downloads and it appears that some things work, but half the things that were broken for me are still broken. The Half Moon Mill vampire town and Rugnarok work, I have those now at least. iActivate works now too. Luna's Sweaters are still broken: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/45001/? And the mods that redirected in the list that I tested earlier are still the same. The Lunette update still gives me a broken file.
  9. Yes, the ones that say "normal" I could open and look at the files. Only Rugnarok, iActivate, and the Lunette update were corrupted. Also for me they were actually .rar or .zip files, not disguised HTMLs. However they were between 100 and 109 KB, not the sizes they were supposed to be. iActivate was actually larger than it said it was on the download page and the other two were much smaller.
  10. Tried downloading these. My results: 50s Style Fission Battery- download was normal Wizards Tower Addon- normal Follower_Victoria - redirected, no download Hikari UNP CBBE -normal FollowerExtras-normal RUGNAROK -corrupted file Unofficial Skyrim Patch - German - Deutsch - download was normal iActivate -corrupted file Artifacts of Nocturnal - Bow of Shadows and Gray Cowl - redirected, no download Lunette- mainfile normal, update corrupted So it appears to be different for different people.
  11. I get a corrupted 100KB winrar file when I tried downloading the Lunette update v1.02 link. I'm using the latest version of Chrome and I got the same results with IE 11.
  12. It may be an outlier, but whatever is wrong with it, I get redirected to the same page as the newer files, so it is very likely affected by the same problem.
  13. Tried downloading the update to Lunette and it is indeed corrupted. Though it does download, which is new for me. Up until now, I just got all redirects instead of the tiny corrupted file.
  14. Odd. As a test, I tried downloading Rugnarok again, and Lunette, and both actually downloaded. Rugnarok was corrupted however, and the rest still don't work. Lunette was fine though.
  15. Those actually work for me too, but these still don't: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/64862/? http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/45001/? It may actually be random, just more noticeable with newer files because more people are trying to download them. One of the files I can't get is over a year old, and some newer ones work fine.
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