Do I like the way steam currently is going about with the workshop(including deleting all donation links they find). No. Do I think paid modding could work and be positive for all sides? Yes. SkyUI is a great example of this, let me explain: First of all, he left the modding scene simply having not enough time to work on mods. So without paid modding 4.1 would have been the final version of that particular mod. And he has mentioned letting it stay and be free forever here on nexus. So the fact that 5.0 is coming is simply the effect of him getting the resources he needed to make the time for it. So he could finish that last part he wanted to overhaul(the bad crafting menu's). Secondly, we all know MCM is a major part of SkyUI. Schlangster has mentioned that any changes/updates to this framework will also find their way into the free version. Look, here's a person saying: "Yes, I could easily make money from you all by making you pay for something that is crucial for a lot of mods, but I'm not gonna do that, free users will still get full support on that front." And there are people putting him down as a traitor of the modding community. Disclaimer: I do a load of crafting in Skyrim, make my own weapons, my own armor, enchant it, make potions, and any jewelry I find I'll enchant to sell for a profit. Long story short, I do a lot of crafting, so SKyUI going around and trying to make something out of that mess of menu's sounds like a godsend. And I will probably buy it for the 1$ minimum(any more I feel it deserves will go via nexus, that way he get's the best cut of the money I can give him), after I've had a good chance to look at the finished product.