I wish you the very best if your modding endeavors! Let me share with you my take on the mod-making experience. For me it was incredibly stressful. Because I'm not a creative person, rather a derivative person. It took me literally months to come up with ideas for projects to actually persue. And this is after having spent 200+ hours on the GECK prototyping. And I think the reason for this is clear. I had no mod-making support structure. Like, I know there is the Nexus for technical issues but I had nobody with the same interest in mod-making and spare time to share the mod-making endeavor. And so I had only myself to look to for inspiration and criticism. It works for some people but it didn't work for me. But deciding on a mod project concept is actually the easy part. Ideas are easy to create and imagine. Pulling it off is a whole other thing. And all the potential mod projects that I worked towards fell apart because I felt like the project was too much relied on me. When you make mods (depending on what kind) you'll be doing a lot of everything. 3d modeling, 2d texturing, scripting, etc. And I was only ever really good at scripting. My 3d modeling skills and 2d skills were developing too slowly. And it just became too much to try to do everything at once on my own. So I've been hands-off from modding from now on until - I don't know - 5 years from now. By then I imagine I'll graduate and get a job and won't have to balance modding with studying. So the take away to all this is that modding - like everything - is all about many many hours of dedicated work. Sometimes it's rewarding. Sometimes, honestly it's gut-wrenchingly disappointing.