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  1. You know this idea sounds like it's got potentail actually. This in combo with the drug visuals mod (link: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/58307/?) would be pretty cool.
  2. Currently I'm not working on anything. I do feel compelled to make a quest mod of some kind and take advantage of some of the great unused modders' resources in the New Vegas Nexus but frankly I don't even know how to start with a new project. It's a matter of writing and planning. Otherwise I can do the other parts like scripting, mesh, etc. I had an idea of maybe making a mod where the player has to build a hotdog business empire with a whole lot of goofy characters and pop culture references. I've got some zainy ideas for it but I don't know. This would take months of my time easily. And I've decided that I don't want combat to be the bulk of the experience since I don't think I've got the talent or will to make the lackluster New Vegas combat interesting. I want it to be more "choose your own adventure" with lots of choices and consequences. Or if I don't do that I do at least want to continue to improve my 3d modelling and texturing skills.
  3. This reminds me of the Oblivion mod Throw Any Weapon which lets you throw any pickupable object. And of course it delivers damage. It uses script extender. Here's the link: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/23353/? If you have Oblivion I suppose it would be possible to learn from their code how they did it. I wonder how portable that code would be from Oblivion to the Geck.
  4. It shouldn't take long. Just import to your 3d modelling program, make sure the scale of the object is in line with FNV's 3d model scales, then export with the appropriate .nif settings for FNV and you should be good. What's left is just making sure the correct texture paths are applied in Nifskope. But this does bring up a cool prospect. Using Skyrim/Oblivion modders' resources in FNV. Only of course if the creator allows for conversion and the resources themselves don't use any Skyrim/Oblivion vanilla assets.
  5. Does the mod Precision Collision do this for barrels? Link: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/54455/?
  6. However it turns out make I hope you the very best. In this project and beyond man. No pressures. Take as much time as you need.
  7. This is such a great idea! Actually I totally want to do this! I won't be able to do any modding until Dec 30 after my Christmas vacation but after that I should be able to whip together this mod unless someone else beats me to it (which would of course be completly totally cool). A project like this shouldn't take more than a week to do I'm surprised it doesn't already exist. Thank you so much for posting this idea I love it!
  8. I wish you the very best if your modding endeavors! Let me share with you my take on the mod-making experience. For me it was incredibly stressful. Because I'm not a creative person, rather a derivative person. It took me literally months to come up with ideas for projects to actually persue. And this is after having spent 200+ hours on the GECK prototyping. And I think the reason for this is clear. I had no mod-making support structure. Like, I know there is the Nexus for technical issues but I had nobody with the same interest in mod-making and spare time to share the mod-making endeavor. And so I had only myself to look to for inspiration and criticism. It works for some people but it didn't work for me. But deciding on a mod project concept is actually the easy part. Ideas are easy to create and imagine. Pulling it off is a whole other thing. And all the potential mod projects that I worked towards fell apart because I felt like the project was too much relied on me. When you make mods (depending on what kind) you'll be doing a lot of everything. 3d modeling, 2d texturing, scripting, etc. And I was only ever really good at scripting. My 3d modeling skills and 2d skills were developing too slowly. And it just became too much to try to do everything at once on my own. So I've been hands-off from modding from now on until - I don't know - 5 years from now. By then I imagine I'll graduate and get a job and won't have to balance modding with studying. So the take away to all this is that modding - like everything - is all about many many hours of dedicated work. Sometimes it's rewarding. Sometimes, honestly it's gut-wrenchingly disappointing.
  9. Here are my export settings for static meshes. But sometimes when I export from 3ds max it changes the nif header to something else besides a BSFadeNode so when that happens I fix it in nifskope. It that doesn't help maybe send me a copy of your mesh and I'll see if I can make it work.
  10. Attach a BSFadeNode and set it as the header (I believe done by changing the numerical ranking to 0). Then you should be able to click and drag it around in the GECK. You might have toggled the hide static meshes option in the GECK. Check under the View tab.
  11. I had that issue once. It probably means that your nif mesh has the wrong header. Make sure your nif mesh has the BSFadeNode as its header in nifskope. There is a possibility it got changed when you exported it from your 3d modelling program.
  12. That is excellent texture work! That looks so grotesque. Looks like rotten animal fat. Looking forward to this!
  13. 9 months work! That is very awesome! I have difficulty staying dedicated to any project for 1 month. Your work on the first War Trash mod was great and I especially enjoyed the voice acting talent. This sequel sounds like it'll be great as well!
  14. I'd like to also have a look at the .esp and depending on what I see and if I can envision myself working on it I might continue. But totally non-committal until I get a good look at them. I'll shoot you a PM with my email.
  15. Sounds good to me looking forward to seeing the complete project!
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