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  1. oh, no. the SXP has uncapper as a requiered mod, and the changes to the .ini file prevents skills from leveling through normal use (as far as I could tell). The SXP mod puts an XP point system into the game where you skill up by spending said XP rather than 'learning by doing'. But now I need to get the .ini back as it was previously in order to level up as in vanilla. In short, if I disable SXP I can't level skills at all.
  2. Hi, I decided to change back to the normal leveling system to try another mod, but it seems that I forgot to note down the original values of the .ini folder when I installed Skyrim XP. If someone knows the correct values or has an unedited .ini, maybe you could enlighten me? Thanks :smile: Here's the SXP mod. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/40899/?tab=1&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D40899%26preview%3D&pUp=1 And these are the changes it asks the user to make made. open SKSE_Elys_Uncapper.ini and set variables. [General] ;... bUseSkillExpGainMults=1 ;... [skillExpGainMults] ;... fAlchemy=0.0 fAlteration=0.0 fArchery=0.0 fBlock=0.0 fConjuration=0.0 fDestruction=0.0 fEnchanting=0.0 fHeavyArmor=0.0 fIllusion=0.0 fLightArmor=0.0 fLockpicking=0.0 fOneHanded=0.0 fPickpocket=0.0 fRestoration=0.0 fSmithing=0.0 fSneak=0.0 fSpeech=0.0 fTwoHanded=0.0 ;...
  3. yeah, last one. shrouded armor+circlet with the stats of glass armor. Just so I can keep the look without sacrificing stats :)
  4. Never mind, I found a mod that provided ight armor circlets, so I'll figure something out for the rest. Hi guys. I'm looking to have some simple armor reskin work done. I would like to have a set of glass armor reskinned to look like the Shrouded Armor (the light armor version) you get when joining the dark brotherhood, except I'd like the helmet to look like a Copper and Ruby Circlet. Just normal base glass, no enchantments or improvements (but still improvable by smithing ofc) If someone could make this for me and maybe place a safe chest outside the Nightgate Inn, with 5 sets of the armor inside, you woud be my new best friend and also earn a cookie!! Thanks in advance :smile:
  5. I recently installed an armor mod that adds Triss Merigolds armor from withcher 2 to skyrim. The only problem is that the cloth version lacks the increased magicka regen you usually find on mage robes, making it difficult to use the set for mage combat. So my request would be the addition of a Circlet (Copper Onyx preferably) with a copy of the stats from the Archmage's Robes. Just a little thing to retain the stats without loosing out on the looks. I felt this would be a better way than to mess around with the armor itself, and I can't immagin it being very complicated to do. I'd do it myself if I knew how to use the construction kit. Thanks :)
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