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Everything posted by Rylgon881

  1. Oddly enough I dont see it happen as much or at all in windowed mode
  2. And Ive check the video card. Its not over heating and the drivers are fully up to date.
  3. I havent turned it off and from what i can tell it is on
  4. So im having a problem and I cant seem to find a fix. Doing a google search I must be using the wrong words because I cant find my problem. In game when I love around sometimes I see these transparent type bars that go across the screen and roll up and down. Its very annoying and Ive been trying to find a fix for them. CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E7500 @ 2.93 GHz 8GB ram Nvidia Geforce GTS 450 Running skyrim on medium (it handles high just fine i just dont need that much detail) 60-70fps any advice would be great thank you Rylgon
  5. Im getting ready to do my playthrough as a hunter in Skyrim. I have the mods all in place and now im just missing one element that I cant seem to find. Is there an alternate start mod out there that has a hunter start? Starting out in a campsite in the wilderness? I know alternate start live another life has a "camping in the woods" Start but its right between Helgan and Riverwood so I dont think thats much of a hunter start.
  6. I want to thank you for your help Dienes, few more mods and finishing up the character plan I have and I'll be on my way!
  7. How do you apply path of shadows with sperg? Since sperg overhauls all perks and autogrants some.
  8. I had looked at that one but It had some things about it that I'm concerned about. Mainly compatibility with other mods and the sheer number of perks.
  9. Hello NexusMods, I'm looking for a bit of assistance today, I've recently gotten into modding and skyrim so thought I'd give it a go. I'm having some problems and thought I'd come here to see if anyone would be willing to assist me in fixing and suggesting some mods. I played skyrim for a while and then decided to look up the math behind some of the perks/armor, well this was a mistake on my part because as soon as i figured out the math then game went from being amazing to I dont even want to play this any more. Examples: -Armor cap 567, can be reached with just elven gear, no point in any other gear -Weapon Crit Perks only work off base damage of the weapon -Armor pen perks, most mobs dont have over 100 armor very little bonus -Dual Wield + Veggie soup = 1-3 hit kills on dragons -Destruction doesnt scale well at all Other Problems with the game -Stealth is broken, completely Overpowered -Enchanting breaks the game even more -Game on master is still rather easy -Alchemy to me should be an alternative to restoration, destruction, and illusion. Where you use Ingredients instead of magicka and have a limited number of cast i.e. how many potions/poisons you have on you. This however isnt the case and it just feels weak and seems to only really be there for crafting potions -No point investing in lockpick/pickpocket -Alteration skin spells not real alternative to light armor -Heavy armor is useless -Bound weapons should be a viable alternative to real weapons I know there are going to be some that tell me its just a game and that I dont need to look this much into it but I cant help myself, I do it every game. I dont want the "perfect" characters in games, I just want the perks to matter and fit whatever playstyle I want. Mods I'm looking for -Combat Overhaul, I know there are a few but let me explain what I'm looking for and maybe you can help me pick the right one for me. I dont want one that makes things one shot me or me one shot them. Thats not more difficult that is just annoying. 3-4 hits seems more reasonable. This allows tactics to come in and better game play -Perk Overhaul, something that fixes my issues with vanilla. Stealth should require light armor and some tactics, balance enchanting, fix alchemy, make heavy armor useful, same with lockpick and pickpocket -AI overhaul, fix issues with stealth so I cant stand holding a torch in one hand and a fire spell in the other shooting it up in the air and go unseen. -Armor Cap I want to make the game more fun and balanced. My one concern with modding is compatibility. I have a few armor mods I love and want to use (Immersive armor/weapon, Lustmord armor,) I cant stress though, I want the game balanced I want epic fights against giants and dragons but not against bandit thugs or wolves. Thank you for your time in looking this over and I hope someone will be able to assist me in modding my skyrim to make it fun again
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