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About Athalos1772

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    United States

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Community Answers

  1. Is anyone still having problems with this working? I'm still unable to use mods
  2. Fixed! It turns out there was a permission error in the C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Vortex folder. I found this out by opening Vortex, removing the extensions, and instead of clicking restart, I exited the app and restarted it as administrator. The extensions did work for a moment and then it failed. The error showed that the files existed, but permission to some of the files where denied. So, I made a list of the files that generated the error. Then, I uninstalled Vortex. Deleted the files in the C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Vortex folder, (yes, I made a back up), and then reinstalled it. BOOM! It worked!
  3. Hi. I'm hoping to get some help please. This started happening the last time I launched Vortex. On launch, I get the error Failed to install the extension "<Game>" from "github.com". I put game name there because it's affecting more than one game. Error 1.jpg shows the error on launch, Error 2.jpg shows what the extensions tab looks like. Things I've tried. 1. Deleting the 'site' folder in the mods download folder and restarting. This didn't work. In fact it created a different error entirely and wouldn't go away until I restored the deleted objects. 2. Uninstalling/Reinstalling Vortex 3. Uninstalling Vortex and installing in a different location 4. Removing both extensions, deleting the physical files, then restarting 5. Restoring the settings from various back up options. So far non of it has worked so far. I'm half tempted to go through github.com and see if I can find the extension files and place them manually, but I haven't bee able to find them (yet). Help? PS: I made the first one bold because that was the only solution I could find in the forums or on Reddit.
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