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Everything posted by TakezoDunmer2005

  1. This is infuriating as I cannot login to a game's nexus page, but I'm able via the forums, which means NMM's download mod function is crippled!
  2. Sorry to drag this from the grave, but I think all you need is to unpack some config files or console commands in order to mess around a bit, also, has anyone gave ModDB a shout out, as that would be as good as any place to start locating some of the former game devs for some tips to unpacking the config/console commands.
  3. Heh, I already tried to, but the damnable page will only handle non-USD currency, effectively locking my CC out...And no, I don't do paypal!
  4. Three words...Auto-playing Videos...For some stupid yoga crap no less! I want to destroy all belongings/assets of the guy who invented this concept, then send him to Baghdad buck-naked with a Daesh (ISisn't) are dung gargle'rs tattoo'd on his forehead... Nahhh, that's a bit harsh, I'll skip the tattoo. :devil: :cool: BTW, I reported the vids, however, I have to keep my defenses up as the vids slowed down my page load with unnecessary bandwidth usage! I'll disable my Ad blocks as soon as the videos are no longer here.
  5. I use the ghostery plugin for Opera and normally it blocks 16-18 trackers, but when I disabled it there was a deluge of 80 and counting trackers! It's as if the trackers had trackers with their trackers! ...I think I'll go with a premium account instead...
  6. Thanks for this, but I'm not really surprised, speaking as an American, I knew that you were one of the few honorable blokes on the Internet due to your method of moderating this site, you deserve virtual knighthood for this!
  7. In response to post #37719150. If you had to use your admin privileges to open your game/steam then it would be under that admin account that you used to run the game/steam as it's considered an elevated process...
  8. Here's a suggestion, why not take the dive into the realm of modding yourself? I guarantee you that once you mod your first dungeon, you'll never see Skyrim as boring ever again!
  9. I never quite understood the attraction in killing kids in-game...Until now, yes I can see how one could be driven to such acts... OT: I detest On-line games like the plague, it's as if you're playing in an unmoderated forum, with all the idiotic behavior that comes with it...*Shiver..Although, Felicia Day is a dedicated wow player after all, so I'd have to recant a bit of at least some of my hatred for MoRPGs..
  10. THIS is the reason why so many Game developers would rather code for consoles than the PC! Good thing your $## is banned!...Moron, I have a choice and I choose to support this company and buy this game! And at full price to boot!
  11. Holy CRAP, You were right! I turned my system upside-down for the solution, I didn't think it was the sound because I already had K-Lite codec pack 64 installed...But what I didn't know is that I had another 32 bit K-lite pack installed as well, so I uninstalled the 32 bit prog and VIOLA! I'm back! Thanks a lot, it's true what they say, that it's often the simplest and overlooked step that is the solution! You definitely get a Kudos from me!
  12. Sound is not the issue, thanks though, for your feedback. I found out it has to be a mod, (It's ALWAYS a Fruchin' MOD!:rolleyes:) that has corrupted a save, I ran the game with another account and it ran fine...But when I tried to re-load a early save, the loading process froze and upon restarting I was back at square one..So it's impossible for me to try and trouble shoot which mod is screwing everything up. I just ran a utillity called revo uninstaller which finds and cleans up a program's install, from the directory to the registry! I just now reinstalled Oblivion, and will test it to see if it works on my main account, if it doesn't I'll just have to run it on a new fresh account..I'll post an update when through!
  13. First off my system: WIN 7HP64 AMD PHENOM II x6 2.8 GHZ 1xATI RADEON SAPPHIRE HD 6950 2GB KINGSTON 14 GB (1x2gb/3x4gb) DDR3 1600MHZ RAM FO3/FO NV/CUBE EXPERIMENTAL OBLIVION Orig/OBLIVION GOTY/NEHRIM Ok, I have scoured these forums(And google) and have yet to find someone else with the same symptoms that I'm experiencing with this game, note that I have not only previously installed/ran this game successfully in the past but have also dealt with the same issue as well, and how I got it to run again, I have no idea..But as it stands these games will-not run at all even without mods and a clean install...And yes, I ran this in admin/compat-mode and checked off the proper data files and updated everything imaginable, from my games and video to my sound and DX. I always install my game in ! TZO_VideoGame, or ! TZO_Games with not a single issue for any of my games whatsoever since 2003 over 3 OS'es, if it was an issue, then widows wouldn't allow this character >(!)< in naming a folder so UAC is not an issue. Now with that in mind, I am having difficulties in starting a new/reloading a game while running both FO3/Cube and Oblivion/Nehrim the symptoms are as follows: First there is no music or sound playing at the intro screen, and when I try to start a new/load game, the game freezes, now here's the sucky thing, when I completely un/reinstalled both FO3 and Oblivion (Including Nehrim/Cube, every mod, mod tools, ini files, save files, user files, and reg file!) and these games still have the exact symptoms when reinstalled, (With nary a single mod or save game at all...Ever!) so as it now stands both my Oblivion and FO3 will, not, work, at, all! The stinking irony is that FO NV actually runs, but with the exact same symptoms save for the fact that I cannot shut down the game without a task manager prog-kill! Also I even uninstalled FO NV and steam plus I re-updated/checked integrity to the same end. When I did have success running the games/mods I had to kill both games via Task Manager. Any help would be appreciated, I would also like to ask; what registry settings does Cube and Nehrim make to my system? I'm sorry I had to post this in another site's forum but I have no responses so far.
  14. Thanks, I didn't realize he merged them...Duhh, I should've have checked that out from the start! :rolleyes: ..BTW: bethjunkie's Kudo total has just increased to 63! :biggrin:
  15. Dammit the link is dead! Does anyone know of a 2011 updated vers of this prog is? I know of this link: Unofficial NVMM But I want an official vers if there is any?
  16. If you want to still use Ren's mod you can do what I did and simply not use Ren's Eyes as the default. Example: Ren's mod changes the eyes for EVERY NPC/PC by changing the default eyes, what I did was open up OBMM, fire up the BSA browser and extract the default eye meshes and textures and restore the default eyes via the CS, and VIOLA! no more googly eyes! If you already saved your character with a certain set of Ren eyes just hunt down the same eye-type in the CS and replace them with the default! The great thing about this method is you can switch it up to have either your char with/out Ren eyes, or NPCs with/out Ren eyes and save as your own personal mod! (Just don't release it without prior consent from Ren. (But you knew that already, just sayin' for the newbies :thumbsup: )
  17. I'm having a bit of trouble with the diffuse lighting with my CS, I'm running Win7 Home Premium, and have/had my CS setup exe, the installed exe and the shortcut using Compatibility mode(s) win Vista, XP2-3, and win2k ALL running in Admin mode via tab, and context menu enabled and yet I still have a problem with the diffuse lighting while in world view vs interior which doesn't have diffuse lighting problems whatsoever. Hell, I even duplicated the same enviro/climate lighting setting and I have nothing out of the ordinary! My guess is that there's a hidden setting that needs to be ticked, I just don't know which. As you can imagine, trying to accurately gauge/build your landscape without proper shading is near impossible as this attached pic should illustrate! BTW, All drivers/GPU is updated! Any help will be appreciated! Thanks in advance.
  18. Wha!? Ya gotta be kiddin' me, you mean to tell me that this mysterious "Old file" is simply the bloody readme!? :ermm: Now that's the silliest thing I've ever seen, why not simply state the readme as such instead of a cryptic "Old file!?" :wallbash: Looks like I'll have to DL the Tes 3-4 "Old files" as well, thanks for the solution though. Edit/Update: My Update didn't work. I'm now installing the geck using the exe installer rather than the zipped version, I hope this works! Hmph, It worked! New solution; Dl the installing exe vers instead of the zipped vers!
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