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Everything posted by uijk718293

  1. Save game bloat is very common arch enemy which can cause destruction of hundreds hours of our digital life. As for me, I like to walk around without fast travel while working on various radiant quests. Play style which increases play time and save game size. Last time I played to the ending, My save was so close to become unplayable after reaching 40mb, a save game which is 412 hours old with 126 plugins(To be specific during last 15 hours of game play, Save game size increased over 12mb.). Causing crash every 1 hour and unbearable cell-loading-stutter. After long experiments with my mod loadout, I've confirmed that IWS(Increased Wasteland Spawn) is culprit which reduced save game size by 4500kb on removal but bloated save game couldn't be saved anyway. Last year, I started another long playthrough again -reached 200 hours now-. Now as my save game reaches 22mb, I can't help but worrying about possible another save game bloat. Anyone has reached save game size over 40mb? If that's the case, Did your save bloat?
  2. Well then I guess I'll just stick to current files then. Thank you for replying.
  3. Will cleaning mods (Not official DLCs) with FNVedit will break them? I've found out that many mods are containing dirty edits but I didn't clean them yet. I've heard cleaning mods in FNV can cause game breaking bugs, Is that true?
  4. Mine was 40mb, 414 hours. I used every tweaks, mods, optimizations which can be found. After that my average loading time was 90 to 120 seconds which I could bear since I was almost at ending. Anyone had larger save game than me?
  5. Ok... I guess all I can do is hoping for remaster or something... Thank you for replying.
  6. Why "Lost Lands" is hidden? A mod from author of "Tales of New Reno" which I've enjoyed so much and then one day I tried to take a look at that mod's page and It's hidden by author! Anyone knows what happened?
  7. Every single super mutant in game from Marcus to Lilly has gone silent when I installed War Trash mod(https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/55120/). Any way to fix this with GECK?
  8. I'm using that mod right now and I've noticed it has been deleted!! What happened? https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/65065?tab=stats
  9. Hello! I've come across this wonderful mod and noticed that there's not much information I could find. Would you kindly set up something like ModDB page to update development progress please? I'm so much curious about this mod. Of course That's not something necessary at all but doing so would rally up for more supporters for this mod!
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