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Posts posted by Haladoon

  1. In response to post #55555733. #55556463, #55562434, #55563134 are all replies on the same post.

    Lollia wrote: The two words that best describe how I feel about the new design: sensory overload. Getting hit with a multitude of pictures from mods plus ad banners makes me want to download what I need and leave as fast as possible.
    darksynth0 wrote: ^this, actually :(

    but I want to stay on site longer.. but I have to use "old." workaround for every page I open :(
    n0sf3ratu wrote: Literally this. I'd bet the sensory overload is 99% of why people don't like the new design, and it's the main reason I have to keep using the "old" site for as long as I can. The new one is literally painful to look at. Not figuratively, literally. Being autistic isn't fun.

    But I expect the Powers That Be to take our concerns about as seriously as the FCC is taking the public's net neutrality concerns.
    PziCrow wrote: Everytime I get here to look for mods I just close the browser again instantly, as it is just too god damn ugly and I move on to other stuff. It even makes me want to uninstall FO4, as it is unplayable without mods and having to look at this garbage is just not worth it.

    I agree.
  2. In response to post #55565719. #55566854 is also a reply to the same post.

    Christhulhu wrote: The new site is much better. People are just afraid of change. The convenience of the new features will overtake their nostalgia in time. Keep up the good work!
    KennyMcCormick315 wrote: Uhh, no, it isn't, in fact I just now came in here because not only does it look like a mobile app, but it's also outright broken for me.

    Change is good...when change is necessary. Change just for change's sake is a waste of everyone's time. And I'm not of the opinion that the Nexus site needed this redesign.

    Meh, It's all extremely huge and everything is placed in diff spots. Sure, over time, it may be fine, but It's not better to a lot of us. Of course...that's just my opinion. I personally can't stand how fkin huge everything is.
  3. Ya, I tried it, but I am almost certain im not doing it right. I'm just gonna have to keep at it. The mod itself works great...as long as nobody drops the items xD There isn't really a need to drop them, I just did it for testing and I know some people would get picky about that.

  4. I donno! It's so strange. But I used it. It was exactly what I needed, the only issue is the nif is almost barren. Not many properties. Almost like they scrapped the idea. If I can get this to work, I'll be able to reintroduce it into the game.

  5. meshes-actors-draugr-draugrmalestatic.nif


    Thing is...it's a beetle. Unless somewhere along the way I went to fallout and replaced the nif. I don't know why I would have done that though. xD IF you have something else on your end, let me know. Because if it isn't a beetle for you, I can't use it.

  6. So I made a mod that adds a mesh I found in the Bethesda folder that I never saw in game and I used it for this mod I'm making. II created it to be an alchemy ingredient, everything is fine, but the issue is when I go to drop it, it floats in the air and cannot be interacted with whatsoever. I know this is an issue with the nif file. I even made an activator thinking it would fix it, but I'm more of a texture creator then anything and even went to watch tutorials that achieve the opposite of what I'm trying to do. Havok to Static. I need Static to Havok. I went in nifskope and tried to copy data from one mesh to this one, but I can't seem to create gravity on the object. If anyone on here has skill in Nifskope or making static floating nif items to Havok interactable items. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. I really want to add this mod for immersion.


    OR, if anyone knows how to make it to where the item vanishes when dropped and shows a message that says something like: "The bug you dropped crawled away" That would also be really cool if it is easier to do!


    Thank you so much! :ohdear:

  7. In response to post #55257103. #55257298 is also a reply to the same post.

    Darth Sidious wrote: I hope you will give us the option to keep the old design, I find it much more readable and more pleasant to use.
    EHPDJFrANKy wrote: I think just the same. It would be really much appreciated.

    Same here. The new design is too damn huge. I also am not a fan of the new navigation, but it's just something I'll try to get use to as a modder and user. I know they are working hard on it. Even though, I personally don't think it's necessary from a visual perspective.
  8. The thing that sucks is Bethesda limited the amount of slots you can use for Skyrim. There are only a handful of extra slots you can use next to the vanilla. Perhaps that can change with SKSE, but not too sure. I remember trying to add underwear as light armor under heavy and had some issues, but I might attempt it again later down the road.

  9. My mod adds coffee, tea, moon sugar, new soups, new baking goods, new foods, etc. Even Soul Gem food for healing magicka if you have too many low level gems you'll never use. It makes all food heal more HP and MP with over time regen effects as well as other stuff. It adds Cooking Ovens to all the inns and taverns and much more to come. :D Maybe you would really enjoy it!


    Oh, cooking and baking also level your alchemy skill.


    Also added more butter churns to farms etc and harvest-able Moon Sugar cane.


  10. Personally, I'd like to see this too, I'm going to try to make a mod for this. Doesn't look too hard to do based on what I read. :P I'll mess around with the kit a bit and let you know if I get anything to work.

  11. After tons of issues with this and following a tutorial. The solution I found was to Backup your Tintmasks folder under:

    Skyrim (or SSE) >Data>Textures>Actors>Character>Character assets>tintmasks


    Keep a copy of this folder for when you play the game and make a copy with 256x256 resized versions of each image. Save as 8.8.8 RGB 24 bpp unsigned with No MIP maps checked under MIP Map Generation


    Use the 256 versions for when you edit in Creation kit. It only allows 256 sizes for makeup etc. then slide a few things in your character in CK and youll see the changes take place. CTRL+f4 your character as usual.


    Then when you play, put your 1024 or higher tint masks back into your tintmask folder. :P



    (This might be confusing for some, but if you mess with crap so much til your head kills you, you'll see that this solution fixes it and saves time.)

  12. My experience, up to today, is that it has been ridiculously slow to load outdoor zones, and I've had to press f5 multiple times, to load some. Also, the trees have ridiculous hit boxes, so getting them out of the way has been problematic.

    This is what I mean as well. I have the worst time in Snow Zones. I am not sure if it is because of Realistic Water 2 or snow texture. Gonna mess around with it more.

  13. I had the same problem until I did this:


    Create a new .ini file called CreationKitCustom.ini


    Pase this in it:


    Save it.



    I had this same problem with the old CK, doing this fixed it for me. Now I've been having the same problem with the new, and it -seems- to have worked. I haven't done many things with the CK for now, but other people say it worked for them.

    OMG so that's the work around. Thank you so much. I thought the tablet service was working for awhile and it crashed again. I'll do this!

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