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Everything posted by insomnia_jt

  1. I had 2gb RAM on my old pc. Setting texture quality to medium or low reduced all stuttering for me. Also set objects, shadow, item and especially grass visibility to low or even lower. 1440 * 900 resolution helped me too. I could even use Stakado performance zero loss Enb and still play at comfortable 40 fps. Not bad for a 5 year old pc. :)
  2. I truly believe that reducing the amount of mods, dont fiffle with inis and continuously make save backups will help when trouble start to emerge. I have had too much experiences with bloating and crasing. :P
  3. A faster CPU, GPU and a SSD, for shorter loading times, would speed up your game.
  4. Look... Skyrim without mods is boring. I know. But dont you think stability is more worth? Modded games can work for hours upon hours, and boom your save gets bloated or another wierd thing. It really doesnt matter if the game has been working flawlessly, it can still start crashing. Check most of the ctd related topics here. Not all im sure but almost all ctd issues involves mods. Thats that. Im not gonna post here anymore.
  5. Ah I recently found save cleaner so I didnt know. Nvm then :D
  6. I got big problems on my older pc after installing Scenic Carriages. Have you tried doing absolutely nothing to the game after a fresh install? Like NO MODS NO .INI TWEAKS at all? Just vanilla skyrim? Try use an older gpu driver. 320 for geforce is impossible for me to use... 314 has been the best so far. Have you tried using Skyrim save cleaner tool (spelling?)? What about a new char? Can you make that?
  7. On my latest rig I got a SSD disc which Skyrim is installed to. The loading times are greatly reduced compared to a normal HDD! So I would suggest getting a SSD. Though that would raise the overall price... Edit: as the previous post, my old rig was a core2quad @2.66 with a underclocked 9600GT 512 VRAM, 2gb RAM. I played at 1440*900 and it worked pretty good. No visual mod or ini change ofc. Plus medium quality.
  8. The official hd texture pack dlc is good. Its meant to work with the game engine. It gives plenty of differences to vanilla textures IMO. Remember that skyrim is a 32bit game which mean it can only use a limited amount of RAM. If youre planning to run vanilla skyrim without a demanding ENB then your pc will do just fine.
  9. Yeah I know what you mean. My own preset has gotten both good and bad critics (mostly bad rofl). But I made my preset so it would fit my iwn game style, mods and such. And Fxaa has some very great features that can be hard to recreate in ENB. Personally I like SweetFX cuz of Luma Sharpen. But again its all about taste! Nothing is either wrong or right. Just dufferent. :)
  10. No worries! I wish I could say that I would wait forever, but its painful enough as it us now lol :P Good luck with your exam! Your mod is ready when you are.
  11. The best looking armor in Skyrim is the Nordic Carved imho. Beth really did a great design job there. Stahlrim...just looks wierd. Same goes for Deathbrand.
  12. ENB can change environment lighting, sky and clouds, it add screen space ambient occlusion (SSAO), it can change how fire effects look, it support self programmed hlsl codes if you know what you are doing, etc etc. Yes it takes a big hit on performance. But presets like Stakado cinemascope ENB affects just a tiny bit. A nice Cot ENB preset is the classic prOPA ENB. Fxaa is not better than ENB. But thats just my opinion. :)
  13. If you are using enb you can try enable the frame limiter. If you have 35-40 fps set the value to 38 or such. This and Skyrim optimization project mod got rid of all my stuttering. Leave the inis alone...
  14. Did you made any changes in the inis lately? Try use default inis. Revert to an older save. Start a new game. If a new works then your save is either corrupt or just has references to broken mod scripts. Dont use 4k textures... Sometimes a clean reinstallation is for the better. There are a ton if things you can try. But i know how you feel... I had to revert to an older save a week ago. Lost 16 days of gametime. Always make backups. Good luck! Edit: typos.
  15. Try play in windowed mode. I can't play Skyrim without mods. I can't play ANY game without mods or even ENB. But, if the stability suffers from mods I'd delete them. You can read for hours about mod compatability, but I doubt that ANYONE know EXACTLY what mods can run together and which can't. You can estimate it, but not 100% determine it. Scripts makes Skyrim very unpredictable. I think Bethesda has made the game very, very mod friendly. So what if it crashes from time to time with hundreds of mods, the game still tries to load. Hell I've been running around with characters only to realize that "Oh crap, he didn't have any eyes or eyebrows".
  16. Stability for me is more important than 2k textures on apples and vine bottles. :P (a joke) Seriously, only use uGridsToLoad=5, or just have Skyrim set up default inis. The only big texture mod I'm using is the official HD texture pack, along with armor retexturing mods, NOT 4k versions though. I can play for weeks without CTD. Last week though after installing one (F*****G) mod my character saves went corrupt. I had to roll back to a save I had on my backup HDD. But I lost 16 days of gametime... Sucks! Good luck!
  17. Sweet stuff, mate! 3. How about the ENB .196? It has new customizable external shader parameters. You think it'd be possible to fiddle with that to tweak the clouds? Like adding something into the effect.txt or enbeffectprepass.fx? I dunno I'm not a coder. I don't even know if the new external shader parameters work that way... 5. I think Dawnguard AND Dragonborn would look a lot better with your clouds, especially Solstheim which is basically a big dusty ash pile.
  18. I've been drooling for your cloud mod ever since your first pics at enbdev. :tongue: But I have some questions: How will it perform on a medium rig (i5, GTX660 2gb, 8gb RAM)? Does it play well with the original cloud textures? I don't mean compatability, but rather if it looks funny together with a complete vanilla cloud system. Will the clouds be editable/tweakable from the [sKY] section in enbseries.ini? Will the clouds give shadows? Maybe some collaboration with mister Boris...? lol Will it be compatible with Dawnguard and Dragonborn DLC? I have some exceptionally high hopes for this hehe. Really looking forward to 1st of August! :D
  19. Hello! This is my first topic on Nexus even though I've been here for a long time. So be gentle! :P One of Oblivions best immersive effects was the tree trunks ability to sway in the wind. It really gave life to the trees. So it was a disappointment in Skyrim when only the trees branches swayed. Is this possible to fix? Swaying tree trunks? Thanks for reading! :)
  20. I guess you've already tried changing: iSize H=1080 iSize W=2560 in the skyrimprefs.ini and making the .ini read-only?
  21. You can name the save file after it's been saved...
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