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Everything posted by PiusMonkey

  1. Thanks Robin! That makes sense since Chicago is giving me good speeds. Showler, thank you for point that out, all these years I assumed it was the abbreviation for Canadian. *face palm*
  2. Let me know if this has anything to do with it: In the drop down menu to select the server it gives me the choices of several premium servers, such as "Chicago USA - Premium". However the only Canadian choice is "CDN", which does not have any "premium" designation. Also, I've tried other websites and am downloading normally, the issue seems to be unique to Nexus.
  3. When I select CDN I only get about 2.4 mb/s.
  4. * I am not sure if this is important, but under my preferred download location dropdown menu it denotes CDN but there it does not say "Premium" like the other options. Country: Canada Internet Service Provider (ISP): Telus CDN Test: 2.4MB/s Average Download Speed (non-Nexus downloads): 1000MB/s Download Tests: Worldwide - Premium CDN: 30.7MB/s (Best) US - Chicago: 27.6MB/s (High) US - Miami: 14.4MB/s (High) US - Los Angeles: 10.9MB/s (High) EU - Amsterdam: 7.8MB/s (High) EU - Prague: 7.2MB/s (High) Download links: Large File Download: https://cf-files.nexusmods.com/cdn/2295/415/Large Test-415-1-0-0-1655294483.zip?md5=mtGhkxcgB33XMNQOQIbxpA&expires=1679869765&user_id=6656222 Small File Download: https://cf-files.nexusmods.com/cdn/2295/415/Small Test-415-1-0-0-1655294325.zip?md5=13_Ls1JBl7MsTE3iX6EDyw&expires=1679869764&user_id=6656222 TraceRoute Results: Tracing route to files.nexus-cdn.com [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms 3 42 ms 41 ms 41 ms 4 41 ms 41 ms 41 ms telus-chi.cdn77.com [] 5 48 ms 47 ms 47 ms vl211.chi-cs1-core-1.cdn77.com [] 6 * * * Request timed out. 7 * * * Request timed out. 8 91 ms 92 ms 92 ms unn-89-187-185-168.cdn77.com [] Trace complete. Download tests generated by Vortex
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