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Everything posted by oolongdao

  1. Hi I was wondering if someone could remove all the spikes on the targe of the blooded except the center one while extending it and making it thinner. Also i need a mod that lets me switch between clothes (for towns) and armor (out in the wild) with a button.
  2. Okay, I use sperg and to fix the issue of only having two enchantments at max on one item i gave extra effect the ability to bestow 5 enchants! yay!, but no. The enchanting school is still kinda weak because the one thing i need it to do is all the way at the top. so i was wondering... If i wanted to make the enchanting tree build up to the 5 by having different perks hand each piece of the five with extra effect giving out the 4th increase do i give it the 5.00 bonus to the enchanting effect and by proxy the next perk down 4.00 and so on or do i give it and the 4 previous perks 1.00?
  3. I like armory of tamriel except when it replaces the base daedric textures to match all of the other daedric weapons and armor, which wouldn't be bad except every other weapon and armor overhaul i have is using the original textures or ones based off of them. Does anyone know how i would go about making the mod use the original textures for daedric weapons and armor instead of the new stuff./?
  4. Tundra defense. when combined with pocket empire and jaxson's position i can build things that normally require the creation kit, right now im working on a city based in the labrynthian.
  5. bullies are taught, while there is evidence to prove that certain people can be born with genetics that make them more likely to be a murdering psychopath you have to learn it's smart to keep your enemies alive from somewhere, usually bootleg honor systems or cartoons... yes bullies do indeed come from shitty households and situations but this comes back to my first point. imagine you're dealing with a child that came from some shitkicker part of the rust belt and he's a bully. you could say *His father abuses him, well how many people shrink away from abuse? *His grandfather abused his father, so why does he know how to stop beating someone before death? *He's being peer pressured into it, then why not go after the person who convinced him to fight too? I'm not christina hoff sommers i don't think children, especially boys are by their nature stupid fistmongers, while boys in primitive societies might be more physically active they aren't more violent. It's just a fact of america's culture left over from before the anglo saxons came to britain, like a appendix that fights people. by comparison think of how many children in america have killed a animal, now combine that with the amount that go hunting and prepare the animal when you look at videos of primitive cultures in the pacific, africa, asia, and south america do you see any of those children burdened with adult responsibilities like that? hell no that would make you a bad parent in situations like that, kids in america learned to hunt and kill and prepare game like we don't have easy supplies all over the place. in a similar fashion bullies have to learn successful bully traits from things like cartoons and movies. seriously ask a bully about their favorite cartoon character and i guarantee you they hit people to solve problems but don't kill them.
  6. Public schools need their priorities straight, that would fix a lot of their problems. The biggest issue with public schools is colleges. The Biggest issue with colleges is close ties with private industry. For instance, sports, major league sports snatches colleges kids away to make millions before they either destroy their bodies or do something stupid like rape someone or get too many women pregnant, So the colleges have every reason to make money off of the student while they can by creating a similar system. Then on the lowest level you have high schools and their screwed up system, which is even worst. Say you're a school with a lot of money because it's near a upper middle class neighborhood but you keep losing at sports, well if your like the one in my city you gerrymander the lines and take in more poor students, seems strangely generous until you realize they then put in place a zero tolerance policy. this allows them to keep the better athletes (who usually come from poor neighborhoods), while getting rid of the riff raff. The only problem with all of this is that schools that do this, like the one in my area then b&@*$ and moan how they don't have money but the sports teams can still do all the things they want to, while the school lacks the money to do even the most basic things. Mental health in schools is down right impossible when something like the above is considered, and all together redundant. Why would the school have a psychologist on hand to diagnose children for free? think of how much it would cost them, think of how embarrassing it would be to the school system if your educational system constantly pumped out people with mental issues or legal habits for everyone to see. When i was younger i was diagnosed with ADHD (which was later proven to be wrong) and given adderall. I unknowingly would take my pill before school, the only issue is that i also liked to play doom and diggers before school and found myself sitting at the computer forgetting i even had class until 2pm. the school system didn't even recognize i didn't have ADHD until it came time for state mandated tests and me being a non white non mentally healthy student was worth 6 times the amount of a white mentally healthy student, so they wanted me there. At which point they discovered that i just have sociopathic tendencies, which outside of a utter hatred of laws and social mores i just don't see. the school was still more than happy to help my father and mother find place to get me my adderall fix (and i wasn't the only one they did this for) because it was seen as a study drug even back in the early 2000's. hell if i was still on the tab i could've cried all the way to the bank once i got to college. But honestly my 2 years of dealing with the school mental health system taught me one thing, unless it can be solved with pills and the pills help you do better at math and science, the school would rather act like you don't exist and that is the best of all scenarios.
  7. the issue with that is that the mahty mod comes with two leg pieces. the right leg attaches like what im trying to do with the left leg pieces fine. but something with the left leg is messing with space wiking's exoskeleton.
  8. I've done that... is it possible that there is no BSDismemberSkinInstance in this NIF?
  9. yeah but when i open it i don't see anything like that. http://s22.postimg.org/u774qjnep/DWLALNifscope.png
  10. Okay the exoskeleton is in a archive, and i don't know what to do with that or how to re pack it after i'm done so i've decided to go after the leg parts, unfortunately i cant find a BSDismemberskininstance nor do i see anything that lists a body slot. this is seeming weird. I really want to finish this so i can keep playing and possibly send a redone version to the mod author but this is nothing like described in the tutorial.
  11. Okay so i have two mods Dwarven backpacks http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53950/? and dwemer exoskeleton http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19212/? the problem is that the exoskeleton takes the same place as the left leg objects in dwarven backpacks. So i just change the slot and keep playing right? Wrong. Now when i play the left leg object (which took up slot 60) is now invisible no matter what slot it's in. How do i fix this?
  12. So i use Sperg, because it's the best, It's going to make skyrim Great Again! But it has one issue that no one else has fixed, Extra Effect is too weak. I play a rough game and at higher levels i get my ass kicked constantly, especially by creatures. so i need extra effect to have 5 levels, or at least provide 5 enchantment effects. Sadly all my attempts have failed I have the ESP for it but none of my changes appear in game, can anyone help?
  13. There might be more modders if there was actually comprehensive education on the matter. i've tried modding and never got any help with issues from anyone more experienced. I respect Nexus and everything but hearing this come from a moderator is a bit jarring considering that this website doesn't put any work into helping starting modders understand the basics.
  14. I discovered that the mod author didn't organize them correctly in their folders. the esp is outside of the data folder...
  15. hmm... reinstall it? maybe the download was missing files.
  16. I fixed this issue, please delete this thread.
  17. i moved it to both the bottom and near the top of the load order, still translucent.
  18. would it help if i said may game wasn't stolen, im using mod organizer, and the binvalidateolderfiles =1 didn't work for me, and it's also ONLY THIS MOD all other armor mods are unaffected?
  19. Prior to this point i've had these armors installed perfectly (on a different computer). However now, they appear as invisible, everything else is there but the armor is invisible.
  20. is there a non stealy way to add things like the bumpersword and the protonic inversal axe. it'd be really neat to have more sci fi melee weapons beyond a jet powered sledgehammer.
  21. Basically this. So much of the plot hinges on you caring about your wife and son enough to want revenge on Kellogg, but you knew them for all of a few minutes. At least Liam Dadson was a substantial part of the tutorial and plot so you kind of cared about his suddenly dying - but Nate/Nora bugs you to talk to a Vault Tek rep for a few minutes before biting the dust. Shaun at that point is basically just a potato. This. the whole scene just struck me as weird considering the last game starts off with a headshot and does several good revenge stories while this one has baby napping and a murder and all you do is fight kellogg before joining apple. why would kellogg a trained super cyborg who knows they need them alive just shoot someone? thats like boba fett just braining han solo and going meh, screw the bounty i just like shooting people. and even if you say the institute didn't tell him they needed the parents alive, one would question why a bunch of geniuses would allow a psychopathic murder machine to do anything but stand at the door after the all clear. they had death robots by this point. 8 of them with orders to only shoot when told would have been more than enough. then theres the fact that they couldn't, as previously stated, explain the situation, are they're no parents amongst the institute?
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