I've never read 19 pages of comments before... I've never commented on one of your posts before. I hope all of this ends well, I really do. In any event, it made rattling good-reading. There is much in the way of displaced passion here. Even now, somewhere in the world, there are innocents being slaughtered and countless atrocities being visited unnecessarily upon humanity: mass-starvation, natural-disasters, ethnic-cleansings, racial-hygiene, and genocides. And yet, many of you are losing your minds over this nonsense. Friends, at least attempt to put things into perspective. Regarding the corporate-dynamic; news-flash: Humans have been inherently motivated by self-interest since the dawn of our species and it is the inevitable natural condition of the free market to garner as much profit as possible, be it by hook, crook, bullet, bomb or dagger. No one and nothing on this earth is perfect, but let us try to address any such imperfections with fraternity and charity. Robin, in the interest of perspicuity, it does feel as if you've been less-then-transparent with the mob. I may be entirely wrong, but that is simply the way the whole dynamic feels to me. Necessity also requires me to note, that I am incredibly grateful for being given the opportunity to voice my opinion, even in passing, (for whatever it's worth) but most especially for being able to participate in having a Nexus account, which should be noted, is absolutely free. Thank you for giving me (and many others) a place to come to to enhance my Skyrim experience. It's worth the drama. Hoi Polloi: Everyone is entitled to an opinion; that does not necessarily preclude the veracity of that opinion... which is a fancy way of saying, 'just 'cause you get an opinion, doesn't mean that it's right." I include my own, into that generalization. Please, in all ways endeavour to use your heads and not your hearts, when engineering your opinions. Most of you are coming across as a little unstable.