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Everything posted by Deleted666657User

  1. I'm not adding any effects though, all I do is put a condition so the player doesn't get the extra weight limit.
  2. First person in a party based RPG? And no player/party models.... *facepalm* And they call it old school? Uuuuuhhhhhhh........
  3. You will have to let God out for this quest. What will affect the character, is how you make him stay inside. If you lock him using the terminal or the Intelligence(7 required) dialogue check, God will be the one disliking you the next time you meet them. If you get the meat(and no you don't need to run in an other area, two ghostpeople will spawn there once the option is available), Dog will be the "hostile" one. Of course Dog's/God's final disposition is also affected by your choice in the police station. But as far as I know, God's disp. overrides Dog's. So if you anger him at either the station or the switches area, he is going to be the hostile one. And their ending is only affected by your final choice, the next time after the switches.
  4. That would require a patch and that's exactly what I don't want. I have a condition anyway so that other NPCs get the weight bonus, and only the player uses it as a container. If I'm being to difficult to understand I'm sorry. Once I get back to the mod and release it hopefully it will become clear. And what luthien suggested is not difficult, it just needs a fail-safe in case someone wants to remove the mod without removing their backpack mods(PN for example).
  5. It's not about obscurity. Quetz gave you the answer, the closest thing to what you want is NCR, if you care about the "democratic values", but they mostly are heading in the same direction as the pre-war fallout USA. House is supposed to be the remnant of the old world(USA), but he never really gives a crap about the United States; or even in the past any of his actions have really been about them. Any other person that really has ties and wants to "bring back" the USA, have some kind of big flaw, that your character's morals or survival instinct might conflict with, and they are mostly in DLCs. Anything more and I'm going into really spoiler-y territory.
  6. Eww.... Just eww... There is nothing the Chinese need to pay back for. It's the other way around. And the great war doesn't count, both governments were at fault there.
  7. As the title says any FO3 radio sound coming from the pipboy, music or otherwise, stops when I initiate conversation with anyone. By "stops" I mean nothing is heard from it, the station still continues on the background, it's just not heard from the pipboy. Other radios in the area continue normally, it's just the pipboy that has the problem. I had a slight problem with codecs stop responding and the radio music stuttering(only in FO3, NV worked and still works fine), but I uninstalled and re-installed the codecs, successfully fixing that problem. Anyone knows what's going on?
  8. What made sense about it? Especially after Broken Steel? I mostly go with House, but anything other than NCR is fine. NCR winning means Kimball and Lee take all and the others(actual good NCR guys, Hanlon) get shafted. It's a very naive nation and following in the footsteps of a government that nuked the world to start secret tests on it's citizens in the vaults, only to make everyone into super-soldiers or clean anyone not deemed worthy. And the propaganda posters.... :rolleyes:
  9. Things that would made me cringe now? Hmm... I started(finishing it is just the punishment) the Van Graff quest. Never wanna do that again! Killed all the Chairmen as well. Joined the Brotherhood! And there are others I'm sure, but that's all I can think now :biggrin: I'm proud of never helping the NCR though! :devil:
  10. Don't have the enclave or brotherhood as main/opposite forces and don't repeat events of the past i.e. don't make us be a vault dweller having to leave the vault again, and remove the pip-boy from our wrist(or anywhere on the PCs body) and UI while you are at it, two times is enough. Other than that if they pick up some competent writers and take some lessons from NV(more choices in quests, no railroading like skyrim) they'll be fine.
  11. I'm guessing that guy is the one screaming "No...Serana, your own father!", while the real one got disintegrated.
  12. Until a while ago, I would like either Akavirii, Summerset Isles or Blackmarsh. But after checking the the Khajiit sub-races in uesp, I would be interested in Elsweyr. That is of course assuming Bethesda doesn't screw the sub-races and make all the Khajiit similar. The others are still valid for me though, especially Summerset.
  13. I agree that around mid 30s(levels; don't know about years) to 50s is a great spot, to keep the game semi-challenging. Most high level dungeons are built for those levels. In my current character(level 37, I think), I reduced the level xp from smithing, enchanting and alchemy to zero, because you can easily miss a lot of levels just by trying to craft potions with the desired effects etc. I must say it makes it much more enjoyable, at least as long as I keep the difficulty up. The most I had with uncappers is level 85-90 character and the game just couldn't find anything for someone that high. Now I don't wont bandits, thieves and other fodder to become gods, but the game would benefit from unique high level (near impossibru) difficulty bosses/encounters/dungeons. It would also add to the re-playability. If only the final boss required you to level up enough just to stand a chance. I would have enjoyed the fight much more. .....Detracting mode off
  14. Light armour. Whether or not a game's mechanics accommodate for it, I like my game characters as people who focus on evading and out-speeding their opponent before, or while striking with deadly hits(or one if possible, and not restricted to material weapons, if there are alternatives). Kinda like Glass Canons with speed on top.
  15. What Dizzaster said. Also you don't need the condition for playable race or to set the priority high. Just set the script processing delay to something relatively low, like 1.0 for example. And unless you want the items to be repeatedly added every time you start the game, create a variable and condition to check if they have been added, like: short doOnce Begin GameMode if doOnce != 1 player.additem ......... 1 player.additem ......... 1 set doOnce to 1 endif End Hope it helps.
  16. I agree with this. Being able to exchange items, or packs of them, and having confirmation dialogue instead of instantly selling them would be really helpful.
  17. Would prefer something permanent, as in for every playthrough and some NPCs have a tendency to stay essential/undisable-able no matter what. EDIT: Yup, tested it and Serana didn't die, just merely yielded and then the game crashed. Some of the others died just fine. The crash might have been my problem, but there is definitely a need for a script. And unchecking the flags from the CK works even less.
  18. When I say disgusted, i mean see gory things that I(read: my character) wouldn't approve of my allies, or things that are just there to reinforce the fact that we have a clear cut good vs evil storyline. I wouldn't have any problem with these if I just cleared the castle. But yeah now that you say it they do treat you as a lowly new member still. Must be the guard syndrome.
  19. Dwarven motorcycle? That smells like steam punk to me. I'm sold! :instert missing rocker emoticon here:
  20. There would also be a need to either have attributes somehow advancing(like every z levels of x type of skill increase x attr. by y amount). Unless perks are completely rewritten and they do the work. Otherwise higher level dungeons will always be impossibru. I don't see the point of it, but whatever everyone has something in mind that others, or at least I, can't comprehend probably.
  21. So I chose the vampires' side in DG, but the more I explored the castle the more I was disgusted by them. Still I didn't really want to be a DG paladin that makes my skin itch either, and I was too far into the DG MQ to re load, so I just completed the questline. Could someone please create mod to make the Vampires(Serana included) killable after you finish the MQ on their side? and perhaps remove you from any related factions?
  22. A mod that gives you more plot/character choices for the vanilla and DLC story/quest-lines. From where you hail from, to were you begin the game, to how to advance and conclude quests and questlines, to killing someone when you deem it necessary(or just want to kill the bastard/*censored*), to be able to deny and/or fail quests with the appropriate good or bad consequences. In other worlds to not be railroaded. Yeah it's big, but that's the thing that Skyrim lacks the most I believe.
  23. Which is exactly what I did in the end. Thanks for replying though.
  24. Hello guys! For the last couple of days, I've been working on a mod to compliment realistic weight and backpack mods for FNV. The way it works is by using a hotkey, which can be changed through the MCM, to open a container(an NPC really) with limited space where the player can store their stuff. Now, I thought that making the pack into a container and having the Lbs. Bonus would destroy the purpose of the mod, so I put a condition on the weight enchantment of the item I was testing it on, so that the player didn't get the bonus but any companions did get it regardless. As I said at the beginning though, the point of the mod is to compliment other weight and/or backpack mods. However I don't want to clutter the user with patch .esps for each mod they might have active. I know how to make the script recognize the mods loaded and the items/backpacks the player has equipped. However I can't for the love of it find a way to change the object effect of an item, or at least add the condition to it's existing one. So is there actually a way to change enchantments/conditions for them through scripts?
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