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Posts posted by pepperman35

  1. On 5/31/2024 at 10:45 PM, Issacreaper2 said:

    I'm done I quit trying to do something I just simply can't accomplish. I don't have a team of people that would even think of trying to work with me I don't have the resorces or the knowledge to pull off anything I'm worthless

    First, manage your expectations.  Second, comments like "I'm worthless" are defeatist in nature and will not serve you well in your journey.  If you lack the knowledge to accomplish something, then invest in acquiring the necessary knowledge.  For example, you have inquired into making a race for FO4 and you have inquired about making a DLC sized mod for the game.  Since you have no posted /published mods, it is likely you have very little experience making mods, which is okay as we all have to start somewhere.  I would encourage you to start small , gain experience, increase your confidence and work your way up to larger more complex projects.  As the Creation Kit is going to be one of the primary tools to understand and use, I'd recommend starting there.  Pellape has already linked to kinggath's Bethesda Mod School series so this is great place to start.  Seddon4494 also has a youtube channel dedicated to accumulating as much Creation Kit and GECK knowledge as possible. Also, a good place to learn and practice.  Understanding the concept of "reverse engineering" can be quite useful.  For example, look at the super mutant race in the Creation Kit and see how it was implemented. Reverse engineering can help you understand what tasks are necessary and any relevant sequencing that you might need.  Online courses in Project Management Fundamentals can also be helpful in planning and managing your respective projects.  Lastly, circling back to managing your expectations.  Creating a new race for FO4 will require mastery of skills outside of the Creation Kit namely 3d modeling.  This is a complex topic on its own so be prepared to spend many hours (perhaps hundreds of hours) becoming proficient.  Not trying to discourage you in the least but you will likely need a large investment in time to become a proficient in the Creation Kit or 3d modeling package.  In summary, start small , gain experience, increase your confidence and work your way up to larger more complex projects.  Best of luck in your journey.

  2. Based on previous experience I would say the "blueprints" don't get as much love as actual mods do.  When I first started modding FO4 I tried the blueprint thing but abandoned it shortly thereafter and downloaded and began using the Creation Kit.  Anyways, good luck in your modding endeavors and I wish you success in the adventure.  

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  3. My guess is that modding tools won't be released right away. But it would be nice if they would include better documentation for the CK SDK. wikis are fine but the wiki for FO4 still isn't all that great.


    I also wonder if they will provide plug-ins for 3d modeling software and which version will it be for. My guess is that modding tools won't be released right away.


    ChatGPT type integration to do scripting.Typing is hell for me (medical reasons).Anything to help reduce excessive typing would help.

    This would greatly reduce the learning curve and time required to create intricate stories and quest mods. +1 this idea


    But in general ChatGPT doesn't do that good a job with this type of scripting. I could see where it would be very useful to story creation and dialogue build, so integration into that aspects might be quite useful.

  5. A couple of years back I ran across some youtube vids depicting something called the havok behavior tool (HBT). When I watched them I thought, wouldn't it be cool if we could do some of that it FO4. neeher's mod, climbable ladders showed us you could actually climb ladders purely through animation and without the use of scripts, and now south shows us scaling a wall with ice axes...too cool. I could even a mod where the author made a quest which depicted a building and the only way to enter the build would be to scale the exterior walls to some entry point. Lots of possibilities.



    BTW, here is the vid of the HBT, there are several of them on there. Don't think it was tied to FO4 directly but pretty cool nonetheless./


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