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Posts posted by anjenthedog

  1. FWIW

    I don't know personally, but if you examine the collection you used to use, there should be some sort of listing of the collection-wrapped mods in its associated download page, no? Nexus does require some listing of a collection's contents, don't they?

  2. you can still find a roughly similar page by visiting the se forums via


    be warned you'll need to 'login' to that page - to post - separately from your other nexus logins for some bizarre reason or another, just as already signed-in nexus members apparently now have to 'join community' in order to post to the se forums instnace that you get to through the se mods page >> forum link portal i'm replying to you from.


    and yes, i agree with your sentiment regarding the layout they've chosen for the mod-page linked forum portal. imo it's clumsy and a step backwards.

  3. Too many specific locations to list, but check out Chanterelle some time. methinks you'll find dozens if not hundreds of startlingly beautiful locations. I have one player in there and have been exploring for the past month (it's an enormous worldspace). seems like every turn reveals another picturesque view.

    But if you mean buildings/ruins, no that mod doesn't offer a great deal of complexity overall. A few nice caves with ruins embedded but mainly outdoor stuff and a lot of fascade stonework.

  4. But if you can save the preset before you've modded it using Racemenu, then you have a "pristine" bodyslide-only version as a default foundation of sorts, that you can load over anything you've done in game using Racemenu to effectively "reset" it. that's what I was getting at. But you need to do it before you've tweaked in Racemenu or any changes you made in Racemenu will also be reflected in the resultant Racemenu preset.

  5. The images are very small and I couldn't see what's wrong. So I'll stab in the dark.

    Are the breasts drooping inwards or into the ground, or some bit of outfit is doing something similar?

    Is FSMP installed? 

    Has the body been built in Bodyslide, using the 3BA Amazing body and a complimentary (and compatible) 3BA Bodyslide preset?

    Are all dependencies installed?

    that's about all I can offer for now. Good luck!

  6. Sure. I don't see why not. As long as you haven't tweaked a body in Racemenu already for a player instance, yes, you can save that as a preset as a "stock' or "untampered-with" version of you. Although it also contains head sliders and other things (tone etc) by its nature.

    Sounds like a good idea to have as a backup, or punt position if you get off-track while fine tuning in Racemenu over time, or just want to start fresh. Wish I'd thought of it.. I think I'll do that first thing next time I start a new game.

  7. TBH, I know little myself, but you peaked piqued my curiosity. It seems there are a bunch of people who've experienced this


    One thing someone said was that they could run it outside MO2 but not through MO2. Someone else I think said the same for Vortex. So maybe try opening it "standalone", and if it runs ok, then it's a configuration problem in MO2/Vortex (depending on which you use)

    At least then you can use it to ?compile? ?publish? ?assemble? your mod, even if not "optimally", and solve the other thing "at your leisure"

    good luck

  8. Quote

    i think when too many scripts or loose scripts are compromising your game in a certain spot, reducing the number of non-light plugins can help. at least, LOOT yelled at me one time and demanded i get rid of as many non-light plugins as possible. my tech knowledge is crap so it's a shot in the dark.

    I concur. I've heard the rules of the road wrt upper and lower groups, and that no more than 255 is the rule for the lower register, but my game teeters on the brink of instant CTD when I push it much beyond ~245 active plugins, 255 limit or not. Dunno why it needs the headroom but it appears to.

  9. tbh, although I don't have the game open to check, I think mine is also referenced (at a basic level) as "player" or something like that, most likely because ultimately, that is your root identity.

    (targeted console commands that act on the player are usually started with "player." for a good reason, it's what you are above all)

    ex:  player.modav carryweight 20000

    Might be a peculiarity of More Informative Console notices, its own vernacular, so to speak, idk...I've had it installed so long, I don't recall any other console view of player stats (it might mention my player name somewhere in the mix, I don't recall, but not, afaik, as the primary reference)

  10. From a cursory look at your log, it appears that one or more of your installed mods has compromised SKSE

    OR possibly, you updated SKSE to an incorrect version for your game version.


    As to which mod(s) have caused the takedown of SKSE (Suspected because so very many "can't load" statements), I'm afraid I'm not sure.


    At a wild guess, it could be a mod contention, or a missing secondary or prerequisite mod, Or even some LE or other version mod which isn't compatible with your game and SKSE version.


    (btw, not to come off as a prig, but wall-of-text content like that really should be pasted inside a spoiler tag, found in the green and white editor icon, dropdown menu)


    best of luck

  11. Just want to give a shout-out to any players who like roaming and might not be aware of this mod.


    Chanterelle provides two huge spaces for exploration, alchemy ingredients, rich wildlife, a couple of nice caverns, plenty of places to camp out, many quite "safe", some not so safe, and a handful of pissy humans (aka badguys) to deal with. Very few proper monsters. No real quests but again, a rich environment for the "explorer/roamer" type of player.


    That's it. just a "fanboi" post after discovering the mod a few weeks ago, and a couple weeks investigating the mod's spaces. So if you like that sort of thing, maybe give it a looksee.


    I'm truly amazed that this was all built by a single person.


  12. From what I can tell, the SetRestrained() function should handle both stopping movement, and afaik player controls <<<not so sure after all.


    from https://skyrimck.uesp.net/wiki/SetRestrained_-_Actor#Examples


    Using SetRestrained on the player disables player movement, camera switching, and camera rotating, but keeps the full HUD displayed (unlike Game.DisablePlayerControls()).

    Restrained Actors can still be moved with functions that invoke movement, such as KeepOffsetFromActor().
    Actors cannot be restrained and unconscious in the same time - flaging the actor as restrained unflags it as unconscious, and vice versa.


    Are you firing a Game.GetPlayer().SetRestrained(false) prior to exiting your script, or are you expecting some other housekeeping to automatically fire it? if the latter, I'd suggest the former.


    (And if the other commands are also actually necessary, then forcing their resets too, prior to exiting your script.)


    Although I'm not sure how you programmatically query if the player has actually regained controls to validate/confirm...


    nvm. that seems covered by GetPlayercontrols(), but there doesn't seem to be a complimentary Get() for SetRestrained(). Maybe IsArrested() (true if, false if not) gets toggled when SetRestrained is fired and could be used as a test, idk.


    The mod Defeat has something about arrested, although maybe that only applies to guards..no clue really, just speculating

  13. well that's disappointing


    Meh, it's just a matter of time before someone does it, and then you'll have AI reproductions of your favorite whomevers and AI developed dialog to go along with it. Maybe even with AI emulated voicing that sounds like the real person.


    Me, much as the idea of having "someone" far better at art and CGI, handling face design for me would be a plus, but I'm more than a bit leery enough of AI that I'm not longing for it. :wink:


    In the meantime, you can hone your inner CGI artist skills with Racemenu and Bodyslide and make do, like all us other stone-aged schlocks :smile:

  14. I suppose if you were able to train AI to use Blender or something similar. I don't think that Skyrim's regular "end user" tools (Bodyslide or Racemenu) are up to the task though, since they have limited control over the topology. (TBH, I have yet to see a photo-realistic emulation of any celeb/known person. Some come close, from one angle, but even then, a closer look shows that they only vaguely resemble their targets)

  15. yeah from the mod description:



    Every time your character gets a skill increase in a combat skill (or smithing) his muscles will be considered to have been trained a little. The more skill increases, the more training.

    When a 'trained' character sleeps, his muscles will grow ever so slightly.

    Also with Pumping iron, your muscles deflate if not used

  16. Right...Gotcha... And... Racemenu preset authors rarely say which specific head model that it needs, in order to render as seen in their nexus mod pages. Hence the desire for some sort of compendium of known head models. (ie, unique models). I really don't know what all the typical ones used are, but there *seem to be some typical ones used (or a lot of atypical ones, as the case may be). At least from the myriad presets I've tried that "don't work as advertised" (in fact, the vast majority of those I've downloaded along the way, maybe 3 or 4 dozen out of ~4 or 5 dozen downloaded over the past few years)


    Remember... this isn't a tech support post, it's "A thingie I'd like to see" post in the "A thingie I'd like to see" subforum. Just a passing thought and wish.

  17. Well... that's not what I've found. Some need the vanilla, some need the HP, some need others like some of the more tailored custom shapes


    In my experience, if a Racemenu preset is made to be used with the "BoogityBoo Head mesh", it comes out wrong unless you have the "BoogityBoo Head mesh"


    As for lighting, it's not lighting, it's not ENB, its the literal head shapes called for aren't either the vanilla or the Enhanced Female Head Mesh, or the Freja Head Mesh Overhaul, or the Highpoly Head Mesh, etc. It's not subtle detail that's "wrong" once the preset is applied, it's the fundamental shape of the resultant avatar head


    Not to be contentious. I know what you're suggesting. In many cases, it IS ENB/lighting. In this case it is NOT lighting/ENB

  18. Like the title says.


    I've noticed that when I load some (many actually) Racemenu presets, they don't end up looking like the snapshots provided by the authors.


    What I learned after becoming a bit more versed in the underpinnings, was that people use different head meshes, AND which aren't provided with said preset distribution, which is why they come out looking "wrong". I don't have the assets they're asking for.


    What came to mind is an idea of loading all those various head models to a consolidated folder, so that when running sculpt on a Racemenu preset when loading, I can refer to that folder for disposition of any head model disparities (ie between what I'm already using for my player, and what the preset wants/expects)


    So, with that said, it'd be nice to have a downloadable library of head models.

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