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  1. That's just silly, Ventus. Your input is appreciated, Bleyd, but I shall non-the-less continue the search for a skilled scripter who is willing to take on this task. ...and by "search" I mean that I will continue to watch this topic.
  2. I didn't know anyone actually dual wielded at all in real life, Zach. At least not with such heavy swords. I would have thought it was too clumbsy to be useful and thus only was a fantasy thing.
  3. It has been quite a while now, so I hope that no one minds that I bump this. I'll also add a clarification of what I want to do: http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/5382/z08m.jpg I want to get the value that is circled in red in the image above. I intend to subtract if from the player's total Armour Rating.
  4. As I said, lordaethis, you can have mammary glands without having breasts. Humans are the only mammals I know of which have breasts, but all mammals have mammary glands.
  5. To those that say that the humans in Akavir died out: It is unknown if this is the case. The only description that is given is that they were "eaten" by the native Tsaesci race, which could very well mean that they were assimilated and not litterally eaten. There's actually evidence to point to that some of the Akaviri that invaded Tamriel once were humans because of a diary where a messenger had been injured in the leg. The Tsaesci are most often described as a snake people who are either entirely snakes or with a snake lower body and a human upper body. It doesn't match their description to have legs. So the humans in Akavir could very well be an "asian" race, considering that would match the culture that Akavir is shown to have (the Blades are inspired by Akaviri culture).
  6. I am not sure about this since I haven't tried it myself yet, but I saw a screenshot in a thread that seemed to indicate that there's a mod which add a weapon scale slider to character creation. I'm not sure if the scale affects sheathed or drawn weapons or both. I have no idea what it does since, as I said, I haven't tried it myself or seen any screenshots or read any descriptions about its effect. Here's the post containing the screenshot in question: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/985864-teenager-face-and-body-mod/?p=8355097 Hopefully the slider is in one of the mods mentioned in the post. You could probably use the RaceMenu mod to make the changes mid-game.
  7. You can skip the combined version and just use one version for each race. You think they are feline humanoids and I think they are humanoid felines.
  8. So not doing the separation would make things easier, since they will both use the flat-chested mesh.
  9. Didn't someone say that the argonian and kahjiit armours were linked or something? That would make it easier to replace both at once.
  10. You can have mammary glands without having breasts. There's an evolutionary reason why humans have breasts. I wrote about it here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1033436-flat-chested-female-argonians-magnetic-mesh/?p=8447459 Anyway, here's a texture that adds extra mammary glands to Kahjit, though it doesn't deal with their breasts: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/31522//?
  11. How about changing the levels of novice/talented/master to novice/jouneyman/master to comply with already established terminology in the series?
  12. That's perfect! Now we just need to make the Kahjit flat-chested too. "Why?", you might wonder, "They are mammals with mammary glands just like humans. Why wouldn't they have breasts?" I'll tell you why. You don't need breasts to produce milk. Bigger breasts doesn't mean producing more milk. Breasts consists mostly of fat anyway. There's an evolutionary theory that says our ancestors were... "ass-guys", to use modern slang for men who are into big butts. When our ancestors started to walk upright the ass was less prominent in sexual interations. Sexual interactions were more commonly carried out in the front rather than the back (doggy-style) and therefore the shape of the front played a greater role than before. If you think about it, breasts resemble butts, especially when you think of clevage. So naturally bigger breasts became a favourable evolutionary trait that has carried on and resulted in todays human females having breasts, unlike animals that still walk on all four. The theory basically says that breasts are Butts 2.0. Sure, the Kahjit walk upright, but they are still cats. It is well known that primates are "ass-guys", but I've never heard of anything like that about felines.
  13. Infromation taken from the Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages. Damage reduction percentage = (displayed armor rating + hidden armor rating) × 0.12 Where hidden armor rating is +25 for every piece of armour worn (max 100). Damage reduction percentage is capped at 80, meaning that an armour rating over 567 is pointless. Here's what I'm hoping that someone will be able to do: Raise the cap from 80 to, say, 90 AND/OR lower the 0.12 coefficient. The point of this is to make a high smithing skill and thus armours with very high armour rating useful. Raising the damage reduction percentage cap will make the game a lot easier if you have a high smithing skill (especially if you also have high enchanting and alchemy skills as that can raise your smithing far over 100). However, lowering the coefficient will make the game harder, especially if you don't have a high smithing skill. I suggest that the cap is changed to 90 and the coefficient is changed to 0.09. That way an armour rating up to 900 is still useful. The problem is where we can find the cap and coefficient. I really hope that they aren't hard coded into the game.
  14. Have you checked KillerKeo's or ChronoTrigger77's remodelled armours?
  15. I'm not sure, but it could be as easy as unticking "No combat in water" for the races.
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