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About badkrma

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    Skyrim SE, I NEED HELP LOL
  • Favourite Game
    Any Bethsoft games

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  1. In response to post #46680840. + 1 :)
  2. In response to post #46095990. +1
  3. I love that so many talented modders are here to share with others. Without you these games would be boring in just a few weeks. Thank you Caliente and to all the modders in general. :)
  4. Thank you so much for this guide it really helped me out... cheers :thumbsup:
  5. In response to post #44135855. +1 It was a good read from a cool author... If it wasn't for this site being as good as it was I'd have no interest in games :)
  6. Just dropping a big Thank you to the team who do the script extenders. Thank you for your willingness to share your talents and spend your valuable time on these projects. :thumbsup:
  7. In response to post #43702785. #43703270, #43704190 are all replies on the same post. +1 :) this site isn't for the irrational but the enthusiast
  8. In response to post #43577085. #43577750, #43580735, #43584580, #43585305, #43586030, #43586350, #43589805 are all replies on the same post. @ VarsityChaos YES! this is how I play these games exactly... I've yet to finish the game and all DLC ... I spend more time trying out mods and then restarting than actual playing... love this site :)
  9. In response to post #43554125. you could add fore, tonycubed2, tx12001, Sharlikran, 83Willow,meh321, mm137 on and on... :)
  10. Woohoo can't wait... :) always been an NMM fanboy and was always scared to try MO, so this is going to be a cool learning experience that I can't avoid... plus I need to root out all my useless mods and find and delete the harmful ones and start over with clean folders... ( well at least NMM and Bethsoft have that in common, both using old outdated coding lol ) thanks for being there Dark0ne
  11. In response to post #40062970. #40149450, #40153265, #40323360, #40393740 are all replies on the same post. Please patch this so my mods can update... waiting is killer....
  12. I was reading this attached page and the first comment ( scroll to the bottom of page ) about the UI mods is right on the money. I deleted those mods I had and now the game starts right up for me.. hope this will help you too... http://www.designntrend.com/articles/75204/20160430/fallout-4-pc-mods-not-working-bethesda-1-5-patch-guide-fixes.htm
  13. I just hope they release the creation kit asap so the modding community can make it a game worth playing for more than 5yrs :)
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