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Posts posted by inkleth

  1. In my opinion no,


    For the UI alone (I have a litany of other frustrations but this point is my most salient so I'll digress)


    its too busy, cluttered, dense whatever you want to call it, it's ugly and far less functional than its predeicesor.


    the old NMM UI may not have impressed anyone at an app developers conference, but it was austere and didn't get in the way of the task at hand by needlessly obfuscating things.

  2. You know its funny, it occured to me that could be the problem while I was on my lunch brake earlier yesterday then I promptly forgot about it, thanks for confirming my suspicions. I did just that and It worked like a charm.

  3. So I've been tearing my hair out trying to nail down this bug, I'm experiencing this issue where these delayed silhouettes appear around moving characters and on wall shadows, like they have trouble catching up or are lagging. Its distracting to the point of being game breaking. Originally I thought it was a mod conflict, but the problem persists even after a clean install with no mods. It seems more pronounced in outdoor lighting, or rather it comes and goes. On a new game I first noticed it upon entering helgen in the opening sequence, along with a s#*! load of shadow stripping. but then it stops as soon as alduin shows up, then it starts up again, sometimes so pronounced it causes a crash. Mostly it causes wall shadows to jump around when I move and make odd delayed silhouettes on any moving actor. I can only assume its a hardware issue since I was playing skyrim on a much crappyer laptop before this and didn't have this issue. The previous platform was a refurbished dell running windows xp 32 bit. I upgraded so I could run it on medium without a drop in fps. My new rig is also a refurbished dell, but its running windows 7 64 bit dual core and has 8gs of ram, not sure about the graphics card but I think its an Nvidia. I've included some pics of the issue for clarity, but "lazy shadows" is really the only way I can think to describe it. Keen observers will notice I'm using the realistic lighting overhaul mod in these shots but I installed it after the fact, in the hopes it would fix this. Any advice on this issue would be greatly appreciated as I've tried everything and am just stumped.



  4. So hey I know you can already change you're race/sex on the fly using console commands but id like a less immersion breaking way to do this, I like playing shape shifters so my proposal is a Dopplegänger race. They wouldn't get any of the bonuses that other races get, just some balanced abilities and a change shape power that works like a shout. maybe even with a menu that lets you save favorite shapes. I realize its more script intensive than not, and I am s*** at writing code so that's why I've listed it under requests. I'd be willing to make a true form skin for males and females, but you'd really only see it at character creation and when you die. Email me at [email protected] if you are interested in developing this idea together.
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