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About jayasafunctionofe

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  1. if you're not actually changing the model used by the new uniform you shouldn't need to replace the NIF. You can probably get away with doing a texture swap on the unique uniform item. I posted an example of how the Vault 111 Suit - Clean uses texture swapping in this thread.
  2. when did they go blank? when you copied them or after you upgraded FO4Edit? If you created the copies in the old version of FO4Edit it might not have copied the records over properly, you might need to go through and re-specify the material swap links.
  3. Taking the Vault 111 Suit - Clean (ID: 000976B7) as an example: MO2S and MO4S replace the item texture that you see when you drop or inspect the item. http://i.imgur.com/6nw2WjL.png The Armor item is linked to an Armor Addon item here: http://i.imgur.com/HLjGtkR.png The Armor Addon (ID 000976B6) contains a material swap reference for third and first person views: http://i.imgur.com/vYzPR8h.png Looking at the Male Model Material Swap (ID: 000976B1) you see that it specifies the base material (exactly as it is listed in the object NIF) and the swap material. http://i.imgur.com/3mkTIQV.png Be very careful about the paths. You also need to make sure you are pointing to a new BGSM file in your materials folder that points to the desired DDS files in the textures folder. For example, I'm finishing up a mod that adds 7 unique vault suits, each with different textures and attributes. So my ESP has 7 Armor Addon entries, 7 Armor entries, 7 Material Swap entries, and 7 Constructible Object entries. I also have to include the appropriate BGSM an DDS files to place in the \Data\ folder.
  4. You might be able to make a copy of radaway, point it to the NIF for buffout and then assign a "MODS - Material Swap" to get it to look like a gasmask canister. Your resulting ESP would have an ingestible item (the canister) and a Material Swap item. If you wanted to make it craft-able you'd also need a Constructable Object item. For the material swap itself, you'd need a MSWP item in the ESP that has the original BGSM specified in the object NIF, and the BGSM it should be replaced with. On the file system you'd need to create a BGSM under \Materials\ and a DDS under \Textures\ for your modded item. The "Clean Vault 111 Jumpsuit" (ID: 000976b7) shows an example of how the Material Swap works.
  5. This looks like a FO4Edit screenshot, where are these values from?
  6. your screenshot looks like you have it overridden correctly, you don't need a blank ESP btw, FO4Edit will let you create a new one when you copy the existing value. there's another mod that changes what is displayed on the load screens but they don't seem to editing the descriptions. since this is likely something that would be localized, it might not be actually pulling the values from the ESP, it might be in the .STRINGS file. i searched through Fallout4_en.STRINGS for 3 random load screen descriptions and they were all in there.
  7. i think my issue might be that i'm doing custom meshes in NifSkope which apparently doesn't fully support FO4 materials, so i may have to re-think how i'm doing the mod until NifSkope has better support. Are you doing the same (custom meshes)?
  8. I'm hoping someone has a little more experience with FO4Edit and/or modding materials. I am trying to put together a mod that involves MaterialSwap'ing of VaultSuits. I am able to craft the base item fine, but every item that is supposed to have a material swap applied ends up looking like the original. I've double checked the BGSM (JSON) files and the paths in FO4Edit but can't seem to find why it's not working. Any ideas? Thanks
  9. What version of Fallout4 are you running? The beta updates disable mods https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/3tyq2u/psa_latest_beta_update_1233_patch_disables_mods/ http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3476390-beta-version-unchecks-mods/?hl=%2Bnmm+%2Bbeta&do=findComment&comment=31499700
  10. the patch in the side by side pictures is the same, it's probably just photoshopped.
  11. looks like \Textures\Architecture\Buildings\Concrete02_d.DDS
  12. i'm playing around with other slots, slot 52 appears to be used in the power armor helm. looking through FO4Edit the helms all seem to use these slots: 30 - head primary 31 - hair 32 - decapitate? 46 - head secondary 47 - eyewear 48 - nose 49 - mouth 50 - neck 52 - ?? i tweaked the backpack mod to use slot 52 and am told that i "cannot equip while in power armor". if i force equip using the console the powerarmor helm is removed. it seems unlikely this is the right hand if it's part of the helm. this slot seems to work ok for a backpack though as getting into power armor with slot 52 equipped does not force the item to be unequipped, and it'll still be equipped when you exit the power armor.
  13. is there a good way to validate these values? I'm curious about slot 32. I took Aldebaran90's Travel Backpack and switched it to slot 32 (normally slot 51), since it's listed as 'backpack' and it makes the player's head disappear.
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