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    Skyrim, Fallout 4, Kotor 1&2, and the list goes on

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  1. Hah! Funny, I referenced Bleach on my post a second ago. Nice coincidence. Following this thread cuz this sounds dope af.
  2. edit: Its dawning on me I likely shoulda posted this in the Skyrim area...Eh...Just gonna keep it here unless recommended otherwise. Sorry for the shite formatting and whatever other novice mistake I make. Don't usually chat up the forums so I'm mostly trash at presentation Aight so! Fire Emblem Three Houses is a game that absolutely swallowed much of my time when I played it. Byleth is the main character ya play as. I realllly love their drip but I can live without that; thats a secondary request. BUT their beautiful signature sword; The Sword of The Creator is the primary desire. For details I'd prefer it being a one-handed sword. Don't gotta go the full extra mile but if you fancy yourself an above and beyond kinda person I DO use mods such as animated armory so if ya wanna go wild with the physics of the sword and clothes I'm not gonna deny it'd be swell but all I want really is the sword itself. Anything else is extra. Oh and if ya need context as to why I said the sword could be animated; think Zabimaru from Bleach. Itsa whip sword! Anyway, hope Ive given sufficient info. If it helps the direction ya wanna go in terms of complexity, I fancy my computer meaty so if ya wanna go 4k rather than 2k my pc wont notice the difference performance wise. Runnin like freakin 900 plus mods a la collection anyhow. Shoddy pics below for reference!
  3. Huh.. Bit of a loaded question. I like the Kotor series, notably 2. For all its flaws its a phenomenal game. Really sucked me into the Star Wars Universe. Shadowrun Returns/Hongkong is nice too. Its whole street professional feel was nice. I mean it takes the Underworld concept and flips it on its head in that you don't serve or rule some crime family. Just a professional badass. I'm a sucker for twists like that. Mass Effect isn't bad at all either. Games like Baldur's Gate and Planescape Torment are the best in that they are the ancestors and forefathers of some of the best systems out there. Any game today that tries to aim for a classic RPG emulates them. I don't mean to sound neutral but I don't believe there is a best game out there. Hell, even a game like Vexx, I believe it was, is amazing in its own way. Or even Daxter. Hahaha, I really wish I had an answer to this.
  4. King got it. I did some sleuthing on the web and fixed. Many thanks to you all and my apologies for the redundant post.
  5. Nvm. Turns out Conquest is there. Just cant download it. Ill figure it out.
  6. Natick Banks is my favorite location atmosphere wise. As a bonus it screams Godric's Hollow(Harry Potter) due to its atmosphere and gloomy past. The "Conquest" mod was taken off of the Xbox mod page and that saddens me as I had big plans for NB since I first found it. I don't mind (or want removed) the enemy spawns because I quite like the idea of Deathclaws and Super Mutants attacking my people. I'd prefer the entire town be moddable as Im not sure the extended settlement mod covers modded locations. If that is too much then the Cementary and house on the hill will work fine(the one with the sad terminal. But Id really like the town moddable(I have BIG plans as I said). P.s. I may not be able to reply as Ill be working for Street Fair and be on the road or working.
  7. In this post I am curious what sort of games brought you a huge amount of nostalgia and effected your passion, if existent, for games today. Personally Spyro and Nights Into Dreams paved way for my passion. Spyro is a common classical game and I've played most of the titles but something about the first three games draws me into preferring them over later releases. It had a good sense of humor but the plot wasn't so bad and it was a relaxed game for both casual players and enough content for Completionists Nights Into Dreams had heavy emphasis on atmosphere and really felt "pretty". Simple gameplay but ultimately very smooth and alluring. Although the graphics may be considered dated to the modern day, of its time it was pretty great and altogether it was a fantastic play Some notable mentions was Sonic for Dreamcast. There was this little digital pet that you put into your controller and could transfer those little blue creatures in the Tamagotchi/Digipet-esque device. It pretty much made me love simpler Pet like games. Another game that set up my admiration for classics is the Baldurs Gate series. Although since I suck at it I never got far but it drives me to get better at such games. List what games made you who you are in the gaming world. I hope this little threat prospers. Cheers.
  8. Nights Into Dreams and Spyro come to mind. The oldest game is a bit trickier.
  9. http://www.nodiatis.com/pub/13.jpg I logged onto my old account just for this. Better freaking work.
  10. I feel that the Lucien Lachance summon is severely unappreciated. When I got it I hated how weak he was.(steel dagger? Really?). Now there are a few other nifty mods that correct his lackluster abilities. However I use follower mods in all my playthroughs. Doesnt even matter if I dont use a lot of them. Its absolutely mandatory in my eyes. This leads me to finding mods for the Dark Brotherhood. I love having initiates and other members following me around. Having them assassinate with me makes things incredibly fun However I am yet to find a mod that uses spectral assassins. More specifically, the quantity of them. Quality is all well and good but there is strength in numbers. Is there a way for anyone to create more spectral assassins? Preferably make them separate from Conjuration limitations, and make them summonable, rather than followers. For more flavor(and to be less simplistic), one could even inspire their names and looks from formerly known fb members. Hell, maybe add the Adoring Fan as an easter egg.(He could be Ciceros father. Like father like son they say. Remember that good old wood elves live a long time) At any rate, if ya cant do this for me(or even link me) than spare a few seconds to at least further my own idea. I like brainstorming and if perchance a modder comes here, they might even take your idea too. The worlds a crazy place like that.
  11. Amazing that this topic got attention. I apologise for bailing...my notifications have just been readjusted so Ill now be notified for when people post on my posts. Anyway, I agree, Mass Effect would be interesting. Not going into an ending debate but imagine if you could live the ending(rather than watch the cutscenes). As for Dark Souls, I kind of agree. Ive always enjoyed how the plot is just sort of put out there. They give you a small backstory and then nothing until the end. This may seem to lack a story but in fact it allows you to make up your own. Like, why fight Orstein and Smough? Besides the obvious(Plot advance), we could simply state that you were a Knight who was a part of Orstein's team. Things like that. @hybridial I have not heard of any of those games but maybe 3...Although I like JRPG's, I lack the the vocabulary to speak Japanese...I have to wait for imports that come in English versions. That aside, I could see myself trying out some of those titles. very enticing names As for Fallout 3 or New Vegas...That's an interesting one. I wonder what faction Id join....Maybe just a lone assassin/thief. Although knowing me, Id be a type of vigilante. I don't look it but when Im pissed off enough, it doesn't matter how big you are. So raiders would piss me off. Rape especially pisses me off. Not to say I wouldn't get high, or play horrible pranks(Tweaking a Mister handy to read someones diary inside a Vault out loud? No one would know it was me XD). Im no saint
  12. I always enjoy role playing as a person of reason, without emotions being attached to said reason. A robot race was made and this kind of helps in my rp. Now, first the reason behind my mod request: ---Ever since I played Kotor 1/2, Ive always took control of HK-47 and never really used my own PC unless I had too. His attitude, skills, and his "Art" for killing, and assassinations made him the crowning jewel every time I went for a playthrough. I plan on using this Robot Race as an assassin type. However, I rarely go into 3rd person because of how some characters look, in this case, its the robot head and texture. Now this is a very good mod. I absolutely love it. And I am fully aware of the Retextures made by another user. However, Im wanting a more HK-47 look. A custom head model, a rusty retex(both lore friendly and Ive always preferred HK's rusty plating on Kotor 2). Ill sum this up below, for those who don't want to read all of this. My request: First, the base mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/43732/? Second, my desire: Custom head(Body is entirely optional. I don't really mind but go wild if you want too. Ill be much appreciative) Rusty Brown Retex to match HK-47. Maybe a custom weapon or two, Details on my view of how the weapon should be(Although your expertise are probably better suited to deciding than mine): Sniper Rifle(or Assault rifle as the weapon from Kotor 2 used a Assault Rifle). Silenced. High damage(Onpar with the strongest Sniper Rifle.). A scope. If youre going for the Assault Rifle than Id recommend something that shoots accurately and maybe shoots 2 or 3 bullets per shot(Or the equev to a Marksman carbine). Silenced. Scoped. Now, I completely understand that Im practically asking for OP weapons but I don't rightly mind that at all. In fact, I want them to appear in the inventory after character creation(Why would HK-47 misplace his favorite killing tool? Its lore friendly. he would never part with it and gun down any meatbag that tried to take it). I also want to point out one final thing: Do not fret about making it appear in the players inventory by choosing the robot race. Obviously if you have the mod installed, youre going to be using that race so its hardly irrational to just tick the "Starts in inventory" thing, or whatever its called. Anyway, I would appreciate any help. The weapons and all that are secondary. The main thing I want is the new head model AND the retex. Ill be periodically checking the forums(Im only saying this because for some reason Im not getting notifications and I feel like a total effing jerk. As a result, Ill be forced to frequently view this page. EDIT: I have ALL the DLC so any resources from them are okay with me
  13. I was looking at a mod that I found here: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/2829/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Ffallout3%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D2829&pUp=1 It has potential and the night time/survival ideal caught my attention. But I want something a bit different. The mod is quite obviously dead.(it was updated in 09 I believe) But enough small talk. I WOULD check to see if the author would revive it but he'd basically have to make an entirely new mod due to how its made. What I want is a mod that follows a traditional zombie apocalypse like The Walking Dead or Dawn of the Dead(Megaton would make a kickass main settlement and helping Roy to get the Ghoul Mask would make it very immersive). Anyway, ideas: It would take place directly in the fallout universe. Same concept with a few additions: Night time for safety, instead of daylight. Hordes and "Roamers"(think of them as solo zombies for target practise.). Ghouls would be better kept so the need for new zombies wouldnt be an issue and it save time. Slower Zombies.(I hate taking on turbo-ghouls) You could rename them aswel. Slower ones would be named "Walkers". Faster Variants(equiv's to Feral Ghouls) would be called Runners. Just use your imagination. Also, the need for lowering rarity of loot, ammo, food, ect is unneeded. FWE takes care of this. I would like an Infection System but that would take a lot of scripting. That would be optional or for a later update(but Id prefer not to have it set in the base mod due to dire bugs. NPCs turning on a single hit. God mode glitches. Crashing when too many are turned at once. Ect ect) It'd be much easier to not have them spawn at a door because of how that conflicts with A LOT of mod homes(bases basically.) I say this because if they instead have a certain area to spawn and respawn every 24 hours, it would make hideouts very viable. That coupled with a Basic needs mod would help immensely Now it gets complicated: You could have more spawns depending on time of day: Day time would have more spawns, while nighttime had less. Or one could simply make day time spawns more powerful(so that it doesnt ruin that immersive feeling survival by saying "Its getting late. Im going to leave the horde for a few hours". The reason Id like this is because the need to leave at night would make stealth extremely viable, whilst making daytime a near-suicide for say, a Scientist or some weak gun-jockey. Anyway, reply soon. Also, I do not desire posts stating "Well that was already made ya newb!11!!". I do not care that a mod resembles my idea. I gave you a link to that mod and it only matches it in its Daytime-nighttime mechanic. That which I also desire to be "backwards"
  14. Im making this topic for anyone who has had the pleasure of playing a game and being so overwhelmed by the story that game mechanics seem to be a thing of the past. In a nutshell: Games that are more story oriented such as all telltale games, or arcade games, whatever strikes your fancy. You can debate on this but keep it civil, yeah? No one needs to lose a leg over a game. Ill start: The Longest Journey. This game had stunning visuals for its time and was for xbox for pete's sake. Its one of the few games Ive played but never beat, the other one being record of agarest war(damn forth gen going hardcore...) But even though I havent beaten it, the game itself adds mystery, horror, real-world references(such as movies and it takes place in an alternate world). You'll hear some people call it a Movie or book; they are exaggerating. The sheer effort put into making this game was stupendous and matched by none. Now, Im keeping this brief because I just want to point out the games qualities without spoiling, and mind you Im going on my twisted memory: Stunning visuals for a first-gen console(it was also on pc, or so I heard.) A story that quite literally sucks you in Interaction is a keen feature in this game; no generic bs. Even the generic ones have something to say and never that simple "Hey". Cut-scenes are much like the games graphics so if your an immersion-nerd like me and hate perfected graphics ruining the feel of your game, this is for you(a fine example of this is Arena. Remember those movie like graphics? Not anymore) It took place in a futuristic age, and Im a sucker for new technology. It was a mixed genre: Mystery. Suspense. And just very engaging. It kind of has significant ties to The Ring but I wont say how. Also, a very big world. Not entirely open ended but hardly linear Not very much backtracking so no wondering where the hell you are all the time. I hate fetch and carry s***... I probably failed at enticing any of you but hey, it wasnt the point of this. Feel free to name anything you thought aced its story It CAN focus on combat but the story has to be great in your opinion(although if someone says Dark Souls....just dont say Dark Souls. or Gothic. or two worlds. You get the picture) EDIT: Oh yea. i related it to Agarest War for a reason: Its tremendously long.
  15. I as curious if someone would make it to where Vampires, namely your Player Character, could only die by old fashioned means- Stake to the heart, Silver tipped bolts, ect ect. Basically what I am asking is for a PC variant of this mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/23890/ Now, I have little care for it being overpowered, and if someone makes it and they make it less OP, more power to them. This game has been out for about 2 years and Ive bought the xbox version at gamestop the early morning it came out so I care little for it being OP or completely hardcore. My request is only that the Player Character reap the benefits. Will anybody make this mod?
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