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Everything posted by Thermalpulse

  1. Sorry for necro-ing this topic but since this was the first thing I found on a Google search- it's important to know that some graphics drivers (most infamously Nvidia) will break the physics of video games once they're outdated. As to why, I have no clue, but I have noticed this a great deal in Second Life and recently within Skyrim SE when my HDT SMP started acting wacky out of nowhere.
  2. I have one very serious issue with this: This system seems like it can be heavily gamed. Like with YouTube's algorithm, we likely won't find anything solid to work with, though. If this is based on total unique downloads, then the mod authors that become featured or make slooty content will obviously garner all of the attention. On top of the issues with featured mods, the bigger issue is I'd rather see this used for the mod authors that actually do more than just toss around a few sliders and vertices in RaceMenu and BodySlide before uploading clickbait, which let's face it, is usually at least 20% of the featured mods list on Nexus at any given time. While I do think there's something to appreciate in presets and unvoiced followers, I also believe that the creation process of these mod types are easy enough to simply be considered more of a "patch" than an actual mod, not to mention the fact these usually use a massive amount of other modder's assets like skins, models, and even clothes. As for the featured mods list, there really isn't a concrete solution because being on that list -usually- means you've earned it and nixxing the feature will upset pretty much everybody...
  3. For those that see this looking for a solution, the bug is caused by ENB applying an empty rain texture with effects over the standard textures. Simply disable ENB's rain effects or use a different weather plug-in like Vivid Weathers.
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