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About Ganjolfio

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  1. Not an improvement. Chaotic, ugly and not even as far intuitive like the old one was. My eyes are bleeding. Now let me cry properly the old site. Cya.
  2. Forgive my weak english, its not my native language. While playing FO4 I was always asking myself: "Why has Bethesda created so few jobs?" I mean, there are only markets, farmers and Guard posts. Why one cant be a Drug Dealer? Or an Escort? Or any other job? I searched for long in the Nexus but couldn't manage to find a mod that do this so here I am :D Its really just a little idea but I think that ppl in general would enjoy such a mod. If it could be useful to anyone, I have some ideas for jobs: Drug Dealer, Escort, Pimp, Explorer, Mantainer of Generators, Mantainer of Waterpumps (they add water), Waiter, Dealer (i mean at Casinos, if anyone should manage to add slots and card games like in FONV), Companions Bodyguards, Employee (yeah, ppl that sit on chairs all day xD), Barber, Facial Surger (connected with the chair), Scentists (that maybe unlock something... or they give... like energy and security) I'll be really happy to see a mod like this on the Nexus, I'm not a modder so i dont even know if its possible. Ty for reading my post if U did :D
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