I thiiiiink I fixed it, not fully sure. I made a new folder, inside I included the esp, dds (all the way from the texture folder and all the subfolders leading to the file), and ba2. Then I right-clicked to 'add to [Folder Name].rar, and tada it was a .7z that I could upload to the site! I moved all the files in the folder out of my own data folder for my game, downloaded my mod from the nexus using NMM, and it worked! I'm not sure how i was supposed to do it for the xbox version and I can't test it, nor can I upload it to bethesda.net but I asked if anyone could for me on the nexus page so if they do then i'll test it that way I guess. I included the dds from the Xb1 folder that leads to the texture and etc, the esp, and the ba2 in the .7z. Hopefully it works! (Just typing this just in case anyone is in my position)