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About SithMasterAph

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  1. Ah, you meant those. AFAIK those belong to the "Blacksmith's apron" armor and thus can't be used without the apron. (Unless someone edits the mesh a bit)Hmmm, strange, I could swear I've seen some other people wearing them as well.
  2. This is what I found. By the way, thanks about the Gilded Wristguards, though I already have these. Anyways, this is what I found. (Alvor from Riverwood) http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120928235931/elderscrolls/images/1/1d/Alvor.png
  3. I've seen many NPC's wearing some sort of wristbands, but the player can't equip them. Could someone make a pair of them? Something made of plain leather, and counts as either light armor or clothing. Wouldn't it be a great addition?
  4. Surely we've all noticed that statue in the middle of the College's courtyard-- the Mage with the robes and the hooded cloak. This would be a great addition! If someone has some spare time, consider this project.
  5. Hey all, I couldn't find a suitable name for the title, so I named it like that. I recently saw my younger cousin watching the "Shaman King" anime and it rung some bells. So I decided to look up some things I liked, and when I found them, I had the idea that they could fit quite nicely into Skyrim. I'm including them below, along with names and links. -Asakaura Hao's/Zeke's poncho. A simple white poncho that travelers in Skyrim could use. http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090117153814/shamanking/en/images/f/fd/Asakura_Hao.jpg -There could also be an "open" version. (I know it looks like a cloak) http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/hao/images/30999025/title/asakura-hao-photo -Asakura Mikihisa's mask. Hawk-like wooden mask. http://images.wikia.com/shamanking/en/images/8/8a/Mikihisa_Asakura.jpg I don't know how difficult this will be, but I suspect it is hard work. However, should anyone decides to take up the project, I would be greateful. Thanks!
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