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Everything posted by ThunderCAP

  1. It seems somebody made a first attempt of it, NCRForever (Thank you!), the mod you can find here: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1207/? From the screenshot it seems the crosshair is still placed within the character's head, which is bad if you actually want to aim something that's not your hairs, I would still need these 2 things: 1) To move the crosshair a little above the head, as shown here: 2) How to change the "V" button that activate/deactivates the 3rd person camera (the release day there was no setting to change it in game, I would move it to "F" key as I often change to 1st person to see the details of little objects, even if I completely play the game on 3rd person instead)
  2. Same. Note: The topic in this section already surpassed 310 views, even this topic is barely higher. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3372260-centered-3rd-person-camera-mod/
  3. I tried to contact one of the previous modders but he was last seen on this website a couple of months ago (therefore inactive for now...), but I think there are severals. If you find one of the modders that made this for Fallout 3 or Fallout New Vegas or Skyrim please send him a message to try and repeat it for Fallout 4, easy visibility for them as it's one of the easiest mods probably but still top downloaded.
  4. This is how it was always done for previous Bethesda games:
  5. There was this topic already in this same section and page ^^, let's try to concentrate the views and comments: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3372260-centered-3rd-person-camera-mod/
  6. Yes of course it must be raised above character's head to be effective, I guess nobody would create a camera with an aim in the middle of the character^^.
  7. I'm glad you're discussing this, I created a necessary (unfortunately) duplicate of this topic in the right section of the forum, because Nexus mods just created a section named "Fallout 4 Mod requests", therefore this one soon or later will fade away. Imho you can continue here, but this "mod's request" needs to be present in the right section too: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3372260-centered-3rd-person-camera-mod/
  8. Just doing this again in the right section of the forum, which before didn't exist (they just created it). So here I'm requesting again for a Fallout 4 Centered 3rd person camera mod Bethesda never learns, so the modders are required again year after year, title after title, for this obvious addition. (Previous topic was already much discussed, imho you can continue there if you prefer, but this section will become the correct one and this mod needs to be requested here too: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3368530-centered-3rd-person-camera-mod/)
  9. Centered 3rd person camera mod, easy, obvious but so important. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3368530-centered-3rd-person-camera-mod/
  10. Hello, Like previous Fallout/ElderScrolls games, I will pretty much refuse to play till the "centered 3rd person camera mod" comes out. I never use mods in games, even so the first mod I felt "forced" to apply was that one and Bethesda games lose 50% of graphical and gameplay fun without it, for me personally. I know it's one of the most downloaded mods usually, therefore I'm not the only one that thinks the camera should always be centered (first or 3rd person). Previous times it came pretty much at day one (or two), I never had to wait long, but I open this topic because the sooner it comes, the better. I'll probably just create the character and go in 1st person the first steps till I can enjoy the full game through 3rd person with that mod. As the graphic engine seems to be pretty much the same, this should be easy for whoever did this before, therefore I ask you to make that mod as soon as possible for all of the players which never understood why we should play with a visual handicap on one side of the monitor (the only true reason is the "cinematic view", which is not enough good reason for me to delete immersion, proper aim and destroy movement precision). Thank you in advance, I hope it's not too difficult to implement as it's just a few values changes with camera's position I guess. Bye.
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