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  1. The only way I see this being useful or more widely adopted is if it were somehow folded into LOOT. Use some kind of xEdit script to generate the modified cells automagically.
  2. Use conditions on mod incoming damage. Probably easier to filter out damage types that have magic keywords as I don't expect all physical attacks come from keyworded sources.
  3. I'm assuming that this isn't possible, as all the interior dragons in the base game are unable to fly.
  4. Add a Reference Alias to your quest and fill it with the player. Add a script to the alias with the OnSpellCast event. If the spell cast is equal to clear skies call SetStage. You'll probably also want a check that the quest is at a current stage as well, otherwise any use of Clear Skies will set the stage regardless of progress in the quest.
  5. I like this solution. Much more straightforward. With regards to the original solution, the only thing I can think of is that the properties aren't initialized. Have you checked your papyrus log?
  6. Bleh. Just realized that I made a mistake in the function signature for OnEffectStart - akTarget should come before akCaster. That may be why it isn't working.
  7. I mean what you're trying to do is kind of advanced for someone new to modding. It's not just a simple matter of copy-pasting something. There are multiple parts that would need to work together to make this happen, including a quest, probably a story manager event, and maybe scripting. I would recommend looking at how other similar events happen, such as the Courier (who force-greets the player both inside and outside towns) and the Dawnguard character Durak who always greets the player in the first town they enter at level 10.
  8. How are you attaching the magic effect to the player?
  9. General consensus is that changing the opening sequence is risky at best. Outside of that, it is certainly possible to get an NPC to run up to and greet the player.
  10. ScriptName SwingCostsStamina extends ActiveMagicEffect Actor TargetActor String WeaponSwingRightEvent = "weaponSwing" String WeaponSwingLeftEvent = "weaponSwingLeft" Float SwordStaminaCost = 5.0 Float DaggerStaminaCost = 2.5 Event OnEffectStart(Actor akCaster, Actor akTarget) If akTarget == Game.GetPlayer() TargetActor = akTarget RegisterForAnimationEvent(TargetActor, WeaponSwingRightEvent) RegisterForAnimationEvent(TargetActor, WeaponSwingLeftEvent) Else Dispel() EndIf EndEvent Event OnRaceSwitchComplete() RegisterForAnimationEvent(TargetActor, WeaponSwingRightEvent) RegisterForAnimationEvent(TargetActor, WeaponSwingLeftEvent) EndEvent Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, String asEventName) If akSource == TargetActor Int EquippedItemType = 0 If asEventName == WeaponSwingRightEvent EquippedItemType = TargetActor.GetEquippedItemType(0) ElseIf asEventName == WeaponSwingLeftEvent EquippedItemType = TargetActor.GetEquippedItemType(1) EndIf If EquippedItemType == 1 TargetActor.DamageActorValue("Stamina", SwordStaminaCost) ElseIf EquippedItemType == 2 TargetActor.DamageActorValue("Stamina", DaggerStaminaCost) EndIf EndIf EndEvent
  11. Dawnguard uses OnHit to detect when Dexion is charmed during Prophet. Scriptname DLC1VQ03VamprieCharmDexion extends ReferenceAlias {When the player uses a spel on Dexion that has the "vampiremesmerize" effect, display a new objective} Event onHit(objectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked) if GetOwningQuest().GetStageDone(6) == 0 if akAggressor == Game.GetPlayer() as ObjectReference Spell sourceSpell = akSource as Spell If sourceSpell != None && GetActorRef().HasMagicEffect(VampireMesmerize) GetOwningQuest().SetObjectiveCompleted(40,1) GetOwningQuest().SetObjectiveDisplayed(45,1) endif endif endif endEvent MagicEffect Property VampireMesmerize Auto
  12. It says on the CK wiki that you must register for mod events after every game load. So you would need an event handler to re-bind your event on player game load, in addition to init.
  13. Even simpler, no need for the counter and just move the guard to the quest function.
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