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Everything posted by VincentAlliath

  1. I personally hate Lord of the Rings, but that armour is bloody awesome. I so can not wait to get that armour. I love armour... it's one of the only things that is at least lore-neutral 90% of the time. =D Now, I'm done at the library! TO HOME!
  2. For future reference, the Fort is called, "Fort Farragut". Shadowmere should be near the secret entrance (in the base of a tree).
  3. I was thinking about the same thing earlier, whilst on the toilet! I wonder if it would be possible to make it so you can only join certain factions if you aren't a member of certain others. For example, you can only join the Thieves Guild is you haven't joined (or have been kicked out of) the Mages Guild. Would that be possible?
  4. So he becomes mentally damaged? =D
  5. You try swimming through a city. Hard task, even for the most skilled of us. I named a Pokémon after City-Swimmer once... :wub:
  6. The one with Menien in it? I know the ones from Camoran's Paradise (Is that the Forbidden Grotto? I couldn't remember) and a few others open from the side. Are you saying that Menien's cage opens from the side? I didn't think it did, but if it does, then I void and retract all my previous statements that contradict anything.
  7. The holes are especially made by a special breed of worms. xD Speaking of holes... xD On Imperial Isle (around the Imperial City), I was in a cave, perhaps Dzonot Cave?, and when I got to the end, there was a big crack in the wall, and I could see through to like... a bricked corridor. I wanted to go there... on the local map it shows where it goes... That is to say, nowhere. It's there for decoration, pretty much... but I still want to go there.
  8. There aren't that many things that I find weird about it. It seemed that all your problems with it (other than the ones that had no ground to stand on), such as your problem with bears and lions and the Daedroth, were coding based. You had problems with AI. No AI system will ever be perfect. They can make them LOOK perfect, but there will always be flaws with AI. So no, that doesn't count as weird. What do I find weird in Oblivion? Let's see... Unless there are artesian-like bores that draw water, there are many villages and towns, et cetera, with no water source. I find that very strange. Bruma isn't even near a water source. Same as the fort and Ayleid ruins. A lot of them have absolutely no nearby water sources... but that's it. That's all I can really think of. I can look past it, too. Anyway, to your points about me. I never said Oblivion was perfect. In fact, I originally had little to no point about Oblivion whatsoever. I was merely fixing your thoughts, which were wrong. I was in this thread originally for the sole purpose of lurking. Lurking helps you find out about the general forum-goers. Then I posted. In my haste, I forgot to keep myself on-topic originally. That's okay. We had a good discussion. Next, there is nothing wrong with being competitive. I know that I am a lot smarter than a lot of people around me in life, but I also know that there are a lot of people here that are better than me. Look at the work that they create here (mods). Some of it is brilliant. My prowess lies in my literary skills. My grammar and spelling is almost (ALMOST) always flawless. It rarely skips a beat. Oh, and no. Never use the phrase, "Even you have to ...". Never use that phrase. That phrase is built to fail. Sure, in your case it was true, but that phrase is stupidity incarnate. Don't use it.
  9. He doesn't have one... hahahaha. =D Actually, if it's on a platform, the cage would have to be raised for him to get out. =D. I don't think they go that way. They might, though. Anyone want me to write up anything for Menien's storyline? And will he have a wife... in... Kvatch? She can live in a tent. And be patched into Kvatch Rebuilt for those who use it.
  10. So now you're saying that it's stupid or whatever because YOU'VE never heard of it? You do realise how much of a prat you're sounding like for saying that sort of thing, right? Don't be ignorant. The Lore is mostly original, and is influenced by many things. Not just Denmark and Europe, but millions of other places, too.
  11. The Deadlands. Which Daedric Prince rules over Quagmire?
  12. Wow... Am I the only person who actually cared and listened when he said something that was pretty much, "Save yourself!"? He told us to just get the key and go. Am I the ONLY person?
  13. Actually it's the sherriff of Nottingham methinks. Yeah, but meh. Apparently because the King of England was there, that makes him the King of Nottingham. [/sarcasm] @TzToppDogg: You've just voided your own point once more. I know the deal with the "Crown-Prince" and all. It's generally the eldest son of the current ruler, although it has been subject to change on occasion, but only rarely. Now... The way you voided your own point? You said that in Denmark you had "sub-kings". Sub-King =/= (Does not equal) King. Those are two very different things. They're nothing alike. Sure, you're from Denmark, and it's your countries old system, but you cannot say what you're saying. This is what you're saying, the way I interpret it: "Just because something happens on occasion in real life, that means that it has to happen in a video game. Counts should not rule Counties. Kings should." That's what you're saying. Which is wrong. It's not a matter of opinion. It's just wrong. I suggest that you cease and desist.
  14. There are nine named knights: Areldur, Avita, Brellin, Carodus, Geimund, Gukimir, Lathon, Thedret, and Turrianus. Yep. That's your question, buddy.
  15. Hehe. my Question then? Hmm... I think I'll go with... Umm. I suck at these. In Knights of the Nine, how many NAMED knights may you have in total?
  16. Well, unless you plan on changing the type of cage to the one from Camoran's Paradise, then he falls out the bottom, through the air and to his doom. That's why there are spikes there. End of story, really... Well... actually... it's quite close to the start!
  17. That's because in those days, Sparta, Athens, Thebes and Corinth were city-states. Miniature kingdoms in their own right. Greece was not united until a modern era. I'm not sure when that happened. As it happens, Cyrodiil (and frankly, the rest of Tamriel) is united. Not divided. So Skingrad, or Kvatch would not be counted as city-states. So your point is void. EDIT: And you know. You should really stop referencing movies and other works of fiction. No matter how "famous" the director is (not really huge and famous if you can't remember his/her name...), that doesn't make it any more truthful. The only thing in that movie that is true is its basis, and a few characters. The storyline of the movie itself is a gory version of the legend. The LEGEND. Just like Robin Hood, the 300 was a legend. It told of the heroic might of Sparta. It was basically ancient propaganda, attempting to prove that Sparta was the greatest of the City-States, able to defeat a million men with only "300". As it happens, that would be slaughter. Unless you were fighting blind, skinny, dogs, then I doubt you'd win against armoured men with (knives, even) swords and other sharp things in their artillery. My point is... use your actual knowledge. Apart from what you've seen in movies, I don't think you have much of it, but any that you do, use it. Otherwise I'll keep finding holes in what you're saying.
  18. ... You're using the fiction as a source? I'm sorry, but that's wrong. That's about as reliable as saying that magic exists because they said so in Harry Potter. You can't do it. The old Robin Hood movies can not be expected to stick to the correct laws. Even so, that's just a small example. My point still overrules yours. Barons rule Baronies. Dukes and Duchesses rule Duchies. Counts and Countesses rules Counties (You'll notice on the Oblivion map, in-game and the one you get in the box, that somewhere near a city is a piece of writing reading, "County <City Name>". For reference, the Skingrad one is about 4 centimetres to the right of Skingrad). ABOVE that... Kings and Queens rule KINGDOMS. Emperors and Empresses rule EMPIRES (Like Tamriel). Then there are the numerous other kinds of ruling, such as Dictatorships, Oligarchies, Anarchy, and all the others. I know my political structures well, past and present.
  19. Wouldn't be lore friendly. Those cages only open from the bottom. He'd just fall to his death. You can open some of those cages in some other Gate worlds. He is essential, though, and I'm not sure if there is a lever for it, so you could always let him fall to his death and pretend you saved him normally. Anyway, as it stands, this is an essentially useless mod, saving an essentially useless character. Unless you want some massive change that allows him to join the blades with you and have him as a companion (that starts with no armour, hence, useless) then I don't see what you're fussing about.
  20. So I was just checking out your original post a bit more, and thinking of Quest lines. I suddenly realized something. I had an idea for a storyline. It's still developing in my head as I write this, and I think I've got a good storyline setting up, and it doesn't require you to be Champion of Cyrodiil or anything. You can be anyone you want. Good character/Bad character. It doesn't matter. Anyone can do it. I got parts of this idea from the idea I had for the new TES 5. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I personally hate those quests that you "have [suddenly] heard about". Something that you actually DO hear about is better. So basically, you're walking through the Anvil Docks, and as you pass a [new] ship, you are stopped and forced to watch (like the Thoronir Quest) as two Imperial City Guards (yes, in Anvil), leave the ship and begin to speak about "that island". They'll be speaking about how when they retire from the force, they'll move out there, maybe start a farm. (If needs be, you can have a new Black Horse Courier printout that a man delivers to you and it talks about the Imperial Presence in the Docks or something. Where the Guards said nothing about what was happening. Then, you get a marker to the docks.) From there, things seem to get worse. You speak to the Captain of the ship (who was speaking about the island), and he tells you to leave, that he doesn't want to speak to you. You get off the ship, and a man (a pirate, to be exact) comes up and asks you to meet him in Fo'c'sle, or the Bloated Float. He tells you to hire a room, and you do, and he comes in after midnight. When you talk to him, he talks about how he saw you on the ship, and he asks you if you'd like to know what they were doing. When you say Yes (which you have to say. If you weren't interested, why were you asking the Captain of the ship?), he tells you that there are a group of "their kind" who also want to meet. A group who want the Imperial Presence gone. Now, you have a bit of choice. You can say, "Maybe I will help you, Pirate." or, "You're a Pirate! Why would I want to help you?". Something along those lines, anyway. The first option: He says, "That's more like it...", and tells you what you have to do. Which is to sneak onto the ship, and find a map. The second option: He says, "No no! I'm not a pirate... I'm... a protester! I just want to go back to having the Anvil guards... these Imperial Guards have taken over our docks!" At this point, you agree with him, and he tells you to go get the map. No matter which option you choose, he'll tell you that they'll be stocking the ship that night, so all the guards will be at the Anvil gates at 6:00 PM. When you get on the ship, and you look around for the map (which isn't in the cabin), a Guard comes in, followed by the Pirate, and the Pirate says, "There he is! I told you you'd find him here!" The Guard arrests you, and tells you that you're not going to normal jail. You'll be going to a... high security place. So you're transported to the ship's hold, and you get an update saying that you've been knocked out and thrown into the ship's hold. There is absolutely no exit. Just a trapdoor in the roof that is "bolted shut". You've had all your things taken (and they will be available at the end of your jailtime). If you sleep longer than 10 hours, you'll be interrupted by a Dark Elf and two Orcs. There will be other prisoners in the hold, and they'll walk around. The Dark Elf tells you to follow him. With past experience of these sorts of people (the pirate), you say, "Why should I?". At this, he replies, "If you don't, my friends here will have a bit of fun with their new boxing bag!" so you follow the Dark Elf into the very bottom of the ship's hold (the Orc's stay behind). To make this easier on my, I'm going to script format this. It'll be very brief. The actual thing will need more detail. PC: So what's this about? Prisoner: A rebellion! Surely we can get out of here with cooperation. You look like you might be able to do some damage... So what do you say? PC: No. They have weapons and we have none. When he does this, he summons a Bound Dagger and stabs you. You can't fight back. Instead, you pass out. You come to and you're at sea (night time) on the Top deck of the ship (which isn't exactly a normal ship. It should be huge.). The rebelling prisoner is dead on the ground with the Orcs. The ship's Captain approaches you. Captain: I don't know if you had anything to do with him, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. That male without a father started screaming about how you'd cut yourself on a shard of iron down there. Well, our Medic went down there with another guard. Sure enough, you were lying there in a pool of blood with the shard of iron next to you. Our Medic began to do his thing, and then two Orcs rushed the guards, and that male without a father there rushed the medic. The Medic and the Guards killed them, and then brought you up here... so did you have anything to do with it? PC: I tried to tell him it was a bad idea. Captain: Good. *Sigh* Look. We'll put you in a spare bunk for the rest of the trip, okay? We can't turn back now to take you back to land, so you'll have to come. And it's not like we'll be going back any time soon after landing. Not until the community is ready to sustain more settlers. Your gear is in a chest inside my Cabin. I'll have it returned to you. PC: Community? Where are we going? Captain: You don't know? At this point, the captain tells you the story of where they're going, and how you'll be free to go aboard land for whatever you need to do. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That's all I've got for now... Happy with that so far? If you are, I'll keep going. EDIT: Forgot to mention... As time builds up, you'll be able to commission a house on the island. You can end up with multiple houses with this, given that the houses will be on different parts of the island. You'll get to a point where you can rent them out, and you'll receive an amount of gold at the end of each week into a chest at the Real estate if you DO build a house. Houses in Town. -A shack. Similar to the Imperial City Waterfront Shack, but with less furniture. Those chairs in front of the fireplace piss me off. "Return in two days, and it'll be ready for you!" The rent on this place is 50 gold a week. -A house. Similar to the Bruma House, although built of stone, and only one storey. "Return in a week, and it'll be ready for you!" The rent on this place is 300 gold a week. -A mansion. Cheydinhal Style. Two weeks. 1350 gold per week to rent it. Houses Outside Town. -A tent. Tent with door, like the ones at the bottom of the hill of Kvatch. Takes one day to set up. Can't be rented. Good for hunters. Located by a stream, in a small clearing (relatively safe to get to. Surrounded by deer. Occasionally wolves/lions. Bigger animals on other parts of island. Takes about a minute from the main docks). -Wilderness Cabin. Four days to set up. Can't be rented. Similar to Roland Jenseric's Wilderness Cabin. (Other notes similar to tent.) -Tower. Five weeks. Can't be rented. Good for any type of character. Similar to Cyrodiil ruins, but intact. Rather than a castle, I figure a tower would be a nice change. Like a half-sized version of the Wizard's Tower Downloadable Package. That's me done for now. EDIT 2: Thought of another thing. We'll need mines... Caves are for monsters, mines are for miners. This mod, Miners n Pickaxes gives the player ownership of a mine. A system like this would be good, although the player shouldn't own the mine. I just figure that the Mine owners would need a working system like this... and, if you can do it, this would create an actual income for some NPCs.
  21. Dynari Amnis is an Imperial? woman. She's Methredhel's friend from the Thieves Guild job when the Waterfront is covered in Guards and you steal Hrormir's Icestaff.
  22. M'Raaj Dar is cool... I wish I could have left him alive. I also like the fact that him suddenly liking you is suggestive that he knows what is going on. Anyway, I hated the fact that there was ONE sanctuary (you should hear about the others when you become Listener and travel to them occasionally maybe... It pissed me off in Fighter's Guild, going back and forth between loads of places.) Then Lucien died. It would have been nice if he had turned up alive.
  23. "A Shadow over Hackdirt", named after HP Lovecraft's A Shadow over Innsmouth. Not the best book, but it wasn't bad.
  24. I'm new to the forums, and I haven't exactly had a chance to go through the 6 pages of posts here, but if you need help with storylines and need something that is relatively lore-friendly and written well, I can help. PM me, e-mail me... whatever! I write well, and I can conform to task quite well. I've been wanting to do something similar to this for a fair while, and I'd love to be a part of it. As it stands, I can't do ANYTHING with the Construction Set as of yet, not even with Tutorials, so being able to WRITE the storyline and everything behind it would be great.
  25. That would be a waste of coding time. Cloud Ruler Temple is home of the Blades, and it's not as centrally located as the Imperial City. The Arcane University pretty much allows any Mage's Guild member in, therefore increasing risk of anti-empire Anarchist's, et cetera. That's because they rule COUNTIES, not KINGDOMS. Generally, an Empire is run by an Emperor. A Kingdom and an Empire are roughly equivalent. They are different in Culture only. Counties, Baronies, and Duchies are all equivalents, and are like Suburbs in a city. I think your game has a major Nerf and is glitched. Or, because bears and lions are smaller than Daedroth, and because you probably play on the easiest setting, you find it easier to actually HIT the Daedroth. It's called Culture. In a Culture, things are built the same. Go look around parts of the city I live in (Brisbane, Australia). I see loads of houses that look almost exactly the same. Most of them are slightly bigger, or are at a different angle, but they're the same other than that. That's called AI. Looks can be deceiving. What you're trying to say is that Cyrodiil has no culture. If it had no architecture, it would simply be nature's own. It has plenty of Culture, however. The Imperial City is built with big white bricks for the most part, and is built in a circular fashion. The roofs are a pale green-blue tile, and is divided into set districts. It is multi-cultural with its races. Kvatch is destroyed. Races unknown. Skingrad features high houses, most two stories in height, some three. It has dark gray brick, and by recollection, dark roofs. It is built on a west and east side, with Vineyards surrounding it. Its primary races are "Menfolk". Anvil has low white houses, "in the style of Hammerfell", I think Wilbur (at the Count's Arms) says. It is relatively multicultural, but has significantly less Orcs, Khajiit, and Wood Elves than anywhere else. It is primarily Redguards. Cheydinhal is similar to Skingrad, with high houses, but has a lot more of an open feel, and more grass. Dark Elves are a very prevalent race here. Chorrol, while pretty rich, is like a small Middle Class settlement. It is surrounded with plenty of caves and mines. Chorrol has a lot of Bretons/Imperials. Bravil is full of pretty much slums that are all wooden and built together on top of each other. Multi-cultural. Bruma is also made of wood, but is built into the ground to conserve heat. Bruma is very near Skyrim, therefore has a lot of Nords. Leyawiin, if you look at it, is built of pretty much all yellow buildings with wood and such. Leyawiin is primarily filled with Argonians and Khajiit, because it is situated pretty much at a pinching point for Black Marsh and Elsweyr.
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