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Posts posted by GhostWarrior13000

  1. So I released a mod quite a while back and I am currently working on an update with some new features however I lost my .psc files so I can't open the source code and see what I did all those years back. Anyway I am working on a spell that a NPC should cast onto the player after some dialogue. I finished scripting the spell but I want the npc to cast the spell after the dialogue, I know you do this in the end fragment section but I can't remember how to call that script via the end fragment section. Any help will be appreciated.

  2. Thanks, I know "My home is your home". But I wish the follower returns "home" (Riverwood Inn in my case) by itself, without any mod. I added an AI package that it moves a little, but it remains within the perimeter where I dropped it...


    EDIT: problem solved, my sandbox had a bad setting.

    I'm having this issue too, how did you fix it?

  3. Okay so I made a custom follower recently and I sent it to a friend to test on her own pc, the textures were completely screwed up when she installed the mod. It worked perfectly on mine. My follower uses bijin skin, mikan eyes, ks hairdos and cbbe body. The meshes loaded in fine but the textures were all just blue. She is standalone, I know she is because I disabled all of my texture mods and she still loaded in with the correct meshes and textures., she doesn't depend on other mods at all. What I did was I went to file and made an archive. The CK made 2 BSA files, the main bsa file and other one was for textures. I packed the 2 BSA files along with the esp into a zip file and sent it to her. Is there something I missed, did the CK screw up the archive process? Should I rather do it manually. Why would the mod work properly on my pc but not on hers. I am still learning so I obviously made a mistake somewhere.

  4. Okay so I made a custom follower recently and I sent it to a friend to test on her own pc, the textures were completely screwed up when she installed the mod. It worked perfectly on mine. My follower uses bijin skin, mikan eyes, ks hairdos and cbbe body. The meshes loaded in fine but the textures were all just blue. She is standalone. What I did was I went to file and made an archive. The CK made 2 BSA files, the main bsa file and other one was for textures. I packed the 2 BSA files along with the esp into a zip file and sent it to her. Is there something I missed, did the CK screw up the archive process? Should I rather do it manually. Why would the mod work properly on my pc but not on hers. I am still learning so I obviously made a mistake somewhere.

  5. Okay I am seriously getting frustrated with this, this is supposed to be so simple and straight forward but yet it doesn't work. I want my custom voiced follower to have the base functionality of vanilla followers like


    follow me

    wait here

    do this



    They way I approached it was by making a new quest and gave it 4 stages (0 to 30) I added AI packages to the follower which are the following








    The forcegreet is so my character approaches the player and starts the conversation after which a quest starts ( A different quest to this one) after it is completed it automatically starts this quest.


    It starts at stage 0 and when you ask her to follow it jumps to stage 20 . FollowPlayer has a condition to only work if quest == stage 20.


    Selecting Wait here jumps to stage 10, condition of HoldPosition only works if quest == 10.


    Selecting Go Home jumps to stage 30, Travel only works if quest == 30


    The stages are set up correctly and update as should when in game. I used a messagebox to pop up in game when the stages update so I know it works. But when I say for her to wait she still follows me completely ignoring the AI package I assigned to her for that given stage. What am I missing here?


    I am still a noob at this



  6. Event OnDeath(Actor killer)




    D:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\Source\Scripts\temp\DremoraMinionHealth.psc(6,2): required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input '_SetObjectiveDisplayed'

    D:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\Source\Scripts\temp\DremoraMinionHealth.psc(7,2): required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input '_SetStage'

    No output generated for DremoraMinionHealth, compilation failed.

  7. When I try to generate a .lip file the CK crashes instantly. I had to first deal with dialogue views causing crashes, then I opened it as admin which fixes that issue for me but then I had some missing file called fonixdata.cbx which I found online and stored it in the right path. Now this issue, honestly CK is so broken how do people even make mods with it?

  8. I am making a custom follower mod but whenever I load into the game and look at her her face does this weird stretch effect. Basically what I did is I made my player character in racemenu and I am trying to convert her into a npc follower. I used nifmerge which doesn't work with SSE but I used nif optimiser to convert the nif files to LE then I merge them in nifmerge then convert it back to SSE. It looks like it works if you do it that way but I can't really take a good look at her face to see if it looks right because she freaks out and glitches like crazy when I get close to her. I made a video to show you what I mean.



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