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Everything posted by 168637935

  1. The only way I have found to do it was to delete the info map (from the transplant and the receiving mod) and isolate the navmesh changes you want in xedit. Then you can use merge plugins to combine them. And regenerate the info map in CK. I use that method to update navmeshes in mods.
  2. Nilla: _D 1024 dxt5 bc3 _N 1024 3dc bc5 _S 512 3dc bc5 Don't use Gimp for compressing. If you have to export as XCF an open with Paint.net then compress with their DDS plugin.
  3. Better explained here: https://youtu.be/TfCHMFFJkXg?t=1686 Whole video is very informational. But warning if you don't do all of them last at the same time they tend not stay IDK WTH is up with that either.
  4. It's not L it's CTRL + L when tri is selected. P is pref path O is water Yellow is jump down but I can't recall the key combo or find it anywhere. Maybe it's (CTRL + P)? selecting top and bottom edge.
  5. If possible, modify the force that the baseball pitching machine throws objects? Or add dplicate into new machine. I'd like to be able to use it to trigger the firing target toggle switch easier, currently it doesn't throw very far at all. The player can throw a grenade much much further yet the pitching machine will barely throw a baseball. So to be useful you need to lift the machine 3-4 stories higher for very minimal gains in distance. It will throw accurately to the same spot at least. Also if possible the vanilla enemy spotlight SpotLightDetect01 [ACTI:0009F983] is destructible and drops a Lights\SpotLightDetect01\SpotLightDetectBreak01.nif on death that has gravity physics. This would be great to trigger the basketball hoop switch when shot by enemies. The vanilla turret spotlight & the DLC wall spotlight don't leave a destructible object on death so they can't be used in such manner. I tried adding the destruction to the wall spotlight, and while it works it has no physics it just replaces the whole wall spotlight on death. It won't drop the destroyed object which would trigger the hoop switch. And I am guessing that is because it's a settlement placed object that is a turret and not a activator IDK. The pitching machine changes would allow for a pulse controlled form of wireless transmission that can be isolated. This doesn't exist there is a mod that gives wireless transmission but it can't be isolated. The vanilla pitching machine has very limited use because of it's range other than to toss a grenade. The Spotlight would add another way to trigger traps other than the laser tripwire & and pressure plates.
  6. I think this is possible anyway I had an idea for a script that will detect the door, container or terminal you are looking at, then when you press a hotkey it detects the lock level of the terminal or container and if it doesn't have a script attached to it or needs a key it will then apply a temporary buff to the player to match the lock level and allow the player the chance to unlock it through the minigame. Never made sense to me your player can't even make attempt an unlock through the minigame. Unimmersive. Problem is I can't think of a sane way to give a player a temporary buff to their skills to bypass the level requirement blocking the minigames without a very unoptimized and lengthy script checking for various lock levels compared to the players science or lockpicking skill and applying temporary effect buffs. I know there is REF.showhackingminigame, however there doesn't appear to be a variant for lockpicking so I don't think this can be done entirely through a one hotkey execution script. Maybe some sort of script based timer setting actor values and then restoring them.
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