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Posts posted by Fusiontron

  1. I made a mod which makes it so that the PC and their family can live in the Argonian Assemblage. I've done everything like change the locklist, make it public, change interior location ownership, removed dialgoue for trespassing for the inhabitants, etc. but sometimes I'll still trespassing and it causes CTDs when 60+ people are yelling at you, your pets, or your followers. Any ideas on what to do?

  2. Make a new Bedroll ID and in the CK check "is marker". This will make it invisible in the game. It will be still visible in the CK (as long as you don't toggle markers with the"M" key).

    You may drag it down below the ground a bit so the NPC won't hover there (test it in game how much is possible). You may want to change the name from "bedroll" to something like "ground".

    And you could place an additional (visible) haymound there and then name your new bedroll "hay".

    I tried before to simply just use a bedroll and drag it ever so slight under the floor so it could still be activated. But the animation is weird because for BedrollGround the NPCS (to get into bed) crawl on their knees and then lay down (which is what I want we are miserable lizards) but for other furniture the NPCs will try to stand up or whatever and then they fall through the floor or my game gets a CTD. I'll try it your way, I'll let you know how it goes.

  3. I keep having random explosions from my feet and the screen flashes a few times. No damage is ever done. Eventually though I drop dead with no damage. This has made my save unplayable. I uninstalled Agents of Righteous Might 45 minutes before this started happening but other than that I don't know what is going on. And yes I have no back-up saves before that point.

  4. I know that if you don't have a home and marry Shahvee then you can move in there. I already live in other houses though, how would I get her to move back there and have the usual docks dialogue? I am planning on doing an Argonian Assemblage mod. There is already one on here but it is badly bugged.

  5. Hey I am working on a mod similar to this but for Honeyside. I put in one extra child bed but it was unable to be used. It is much more complicated than just putting in beds and setting ownership to the children. I'm going to work with the guy who made the multiple adoption mod on this let me know if you are still around. I figure once I figure out how to put child beds into one vanilla house I could then go ahead and do the rest easily.

  6. Iirc there's more to a child's bed than faction ownership. It was figuring things out like that which kept modders from making houses you could bring your entire hearthfire family to. You might want to try posting in the multiple adoption thread and asking the modder there for information about how to make another bed useable by your kids.

    Sounds like a plan, thanks.

  7. I am working on this mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/40990//?

    I am using the multiple adoptions mod so I have 6 children. I moved from a custom house to Honeyside and everyone moved but 4 of the children obviously do not sleep. To test I put in another bed and changed its faction ownership and the stuff in the "enable parent" tab to the same as the other child beds in the house. However, none of my children will use this bed, can anyone check this out for me? The bed is under the stairs.

  8. The last silt strider and now they're extinct and you feast as well. I'd prefer not to use werewolf animation and just make it drop like 100 weight units of silt strider meat or whatever. Maybe make this another Hiricine quest now that I think of it.

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