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About rgdelta

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    Skyrim, SWTOR, WoW
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    RPG's have to be Skyrim & SWTOR

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  1. Correct if you had set your update in steam to update on launch and you run the game through f4se it will not update. If it has already updated (like the later guy who stated he forgot to set it to update on launch) you will have to wait till f4se and related mods to be updated which hopefully will be in a couple of days (hopefully) Can someone who is still able to use the F4se confirm this? I am using only the F4se launch and I set my game to do not download unless game is launched but I still got the update. FO4.png As I am still running with with F4SE and I am still on the last patch heck even Steam says Update required but no update is scheduled
  2. Well the ccBGSFO400xyz.ba2 Files are still in the Fallout4 data Folder on my pc after this Update. Good news is yes those ba2 files from the first Creation Club update are still in our fallout 4 folders but the NEW content they put on the Creation Club those ba2's are NOT on the hard drives (I confirmed this on my father's pc who did get updated)
  3. Correct if you had set your update in steam to update on launch and you run the game through f4se it will not update. If it has already updated (like the later guy who stated he forgot to set it to update on launch) you will have to wait till f4se and related mods to be updated which hopefully will be in a couple of days (hopefully)
  4. What is funny is mine is not updated I am still at the 1.10 that came with original CC and I got the free chrome power armor skin and works fine (I have mine to not autoupdate but update on launch and since I launch through F4SE it will never update) so the update of the exe is not needed which is stupid on bethesda's part. Looking more into it it looks like all the exe edits do is hide the esl for the new creation club items from the ingame load order menu item.
  5. if you read the betterbody.txt after running the exe it says "Better Bodies is now an esp instead of an esm. This makes it so that dirty mods no longer replace body parts on your character. It also allows Better Bodies to work with translated versions of Morrowind."
  6. EDIT: This will only work with a new game as the psc's are hardcoded into a save game when you start ********* PSC's are Papyrus Script source Files used by the CK for some reason those scripts are causing CTD's but the game does not need them those PSC's can be moved to a temp folder when playing and if you use the CK you can move them back. I have used this procedure and nothing breaks in game by not having those PSC's in the data\scripts\source folder. PEX is the compiled scripts PSC's are the Script Source. And doing that will not cause CTD's Actually what I do is move the entire source folder to another location when playing and have had nothing break in game. ********* EDIT: That will only work with a new game as the psc's are hardcoded into a save game when you start
  7. I know this is about the resurrection of Wars in Skyrim which I can't wait for but my question is will the last released version of IV 1.51 (at least that is the one I have) have any issues with Skyrim 1.6? Been afraid to try since I found it on my hard drive but would be nice as a filler till this one comes out.
  8. Yep it is the Nexus Site it is fustrating me to no end. I know it is Nexus I have tried 50 sites (1 of them nexus) and 49 out of 50 have fast response the one that does not is Nexus so it is not my Internet.
  9. As most say the other ones will decline when a new Beth game comes out (exceptions are fallout 3/NV fans that don't like Elder Scrolls and vica versa) when Beth finally announces Fallout 4 and when it comes out you will see skyrim decline (that probebly won't be for a few years though) Fallout 3 mods declined big time when Beth/Obsidian Released Fallout New Vegas then it dropped big time about a year later there are still some modders that support the last couple of games (in this case Skyrim/NV) but the NV won't be as big as skyrim mods from now till the next game (just like FO3/NV and Oblivion/FO3 before) basically once the official content stops and new game comes out it always happens.
  10. Steam Workshop -> Simple mods for new mod users Nexus -> more complex mods needing more experianced mod users comparing the 2 is apple and oranges as they are for 2 different audiences
  11. It is working now I cleared my cache and cookies (which I normally do as I am a desktop tech) but this is the first time I have had this problem in Chrome and I have used it for years thanks.
  12. I have been trying to download some skyrim mods and when there is no NMM option I try manual and a lot of them give me File does not exist on every server except kent which gives me the upgrade to premium page (and I am a premium user) some examples are War in Skyrim Rainbow and Dark Rainbow
  13. Tag Search and Tag Blocking is not working on Skyrim nexus when I do tag search it says I am not blocking anything but I set the blocking in my preferences and when I do a search for lore friendly I get results that are not lore friendly (with tag scores of - in lore friendly)
  14. My Big issue is the advertisments using flowplayer as it stays above pop ups like permissions screenshots etc not allowing full view I would go premium if I could afford to
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