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  1. So I have two questions. 1) Can ME3Explorer be used to extract maps from any of the Mass Effect games? 2) If so, would it come in pieces that would have to be reassembled or as a completed map? I know people who have used ninjaripper for that sort of thing and the maps come in thousands of pieces that have to be manually reassembled. Was hoping it might be possible to extract or convert maps files from the game directly using ME3Explorer and hopefully only have what I need rather than a thousand things I don't need because ninjaripper just rips indiscriminately and in order to get full rooms you have to rip from multiple angles meaning you get a lot of the same files that you have to sort through.
  2. Looking forward to giving it a test run when I get home from work, but I do have a question that you may or may not be able to answer at this stage. Will Vortex ever have the functionality of OBMM and other game specific mod managers? What I mean is, could I install an OMOD file through Vortex? Before I had to install those specific mods for Oblivion, such as COBL, through OBMM because it was needed for that kind of mod, and then I could install all normal mods through NMM. That's a bit of a pain to jump between two different mod managers just to get everything to work. I'm not sure if NMM actually supports OMOD files, but every time I tried it didn't work so I'm assuming it doesn't. It would just be nice to have a one stop shop for my modding rather than keeping multiple tools around.. Obviously I can't expect that to happen, as wonderful as it would be to have the Dragon Age: Inquisition Mod Manager,Wrye Bash/BAIN, and ME3Explorer/texmod integrated as part of Vortex so I could mod those games through it as well.
  3. Problem solved. Turned out it was conflict between ENBSeries and outside programs that were all trying to hook into Skyrim. I went to the ENBSeries forums(Which I didn't realize existed.) and found a post there where someone said that other programs that hook into Skyrim could cause this problem, so I turned off both GeForce Experience and Evolve, and wouldn't ya know it the game started, though SKSE had a bit of a fit first.
  4. Can't seem to get the injector to work. I run it as administrator from the Skyrim folder, then run Mod Organizer as administrator, start SKSE Loader through MO, and the injector does nothing.
  5. I have Skyrim installed to a custom "Games" folder separate from the two Program Files folders. I might have to try the injector. I have the required ini settings set in both the default ini's in the Documents folder and in my MO profile folder, just to be safe.
  6. For the past few weeks I've been having trouble getting Skyrim Legendary Edition to work. One second it was working perfectly fine, and then the next time I went back to play it it had stopped working. I tried uinstalling all of my mods, reinstalling SKSE, the works. The game would try to start, but as soon as the black box comes up, it stops responding and closes. Today, out of random curiosity, I removed the d3d9 dll from my Skyrim directory, and sure enough Skyrim started working, without ENB that is. I tried using a d3d9 dll from an older, but still recent ENB version and that didn't change the outcome. I then tried reinstalling DirectX 9.0c, but that had no effect. So now I'm stumped as to how I can fix the problem without removing ENB entirely, and so now I am here to see if anyone else can help me sort this out. And if it helps anything, I'm running Windows 10, and I think I tried reinstalling Skyrim, but I can't remember.
  7. The title is pretty self-explanatory. When I try to select polygons on one side of my head model, it doesn't select them. Instead, it selects polys on the opposite side of the mesh. So If I click and drag to select the polys that make up the forehead, it selects the polys on the back of the head instead. Keep in mind that I have "Ignore Backfacing" turned on. Before this, it was selecting polys on both sides of the model. Turning on Ignore Backfacing fixed that, but now it's not selecting the right polys. If someone can help me figure out how to fix this, I'd appreciate it. Also, second question, how do I edit one side of a mesh and have that edit be applied to the other side? I know there's a symmetry modifier, but I can't seem to get it to work(and my model turns dark when I apply it.). I've noticed in all the videos I've watched that none of the modelers ever used that modifier. They were just able to edit the mesh and have that edit be made to the opposite side without turning anything on. At least, that I could see. If there's a key to toggle it that would explain a lot. EDIT: It just occurred to me, but in the event that this might help, there was something else strange that happened. I tried to use the "Push" modifier to move the polygon shell I had made(before scrapping it.) away from the head ever so slightly, but instead of pushing, it shrunk, twisted, and then got bigger. As if it were working in reverse among other things. And I know I was doing it right because I had a video playing that showed how to use it. He increased the numbers and the mesh was slowly pushed away from the head. I did the same thing, only it didn't get pushed, and it did what I mentioned before.
  8. wonder how much we really actelly needed skse for  it looks like mod authors was dependant then se came out without many authors found paths around skse A few common SKSE features can be done without it, just requires messy or convoluted workarounds. In those instances SKSE offers a simple solution. Most of the features can't though, as they're accessing code that otherwise can't be manipulated. The Silverlock team already said they'd be more than willing to take applications for people who want to work on SKSE64, they just gotta prove they can do what is needed. Why make an SKSE replacement or competitor when you could help the team finish SKSE64? If no ones stepped up to the plate thus far, then I doubt there are many people who can actually do it.
  9. 1) SKSE64 is not dead, the one person working on it took a break and is working on F4SE. Said person will return to SKSE64 eventually. It will happen, just be patient. 2) Even with a petition, Bethesda probably won't make an official script extender. They know full well that the script extenders exist, and if they really wanted to, they could have just built the functionality into Skyrim Special Edition and Fallout 4. They did not. If they didn't do it then, it's doubtful a petition of all things would get them to do it. 3) And even if they did, what makes you think it'd be free? They have Creation Club to push, make you buy Bethesda Fun Bucks and use those to get SKSE64.
  10. Two days ago I was playing the game normally, modded to the limit, and it just crashed randomly. I haven't played since then, so when I went to start it up today, I assumed it would actually start up as per usual. Except it doesn't. SKSE Loader does its thing, little black box appears in the top left corner of my screen... and then it crashes. I've tried everything I can think of. Looked for missing masters, validated the game cache, ran TES5Edit, ran LOOT. I hadn't changed anything from two days ago. No mods were added, no mods were removed, and no mods were moved. Everything was as I left it except that somehow a master got moved lower than a dependent mod, but that was the only one. I fixed that, but it still CTDs. I honestly can't figure out what's wrong. And this is coming off of a weird occurrence where a mod went "read only" and refused to acknowledge my admin privileges.
  11. copyright is also prevent too make anything remotely similar WHAT? That's total nonsense, even in the "real" business world. That only applies to art, music, or design. Not to computer programs. Or how do you think would it be possible to have a free Apache OpenOffice. A set of programs which are re-implementations of Microsoft's Excel, Word, and others. And which almost looks like the original. Don't you think they would be kicked badly in the ass by MS if they had any rights on "similarity copyright". its the rules for consoles and beth so i think it would apply here too for making something wich looks exactly the same is nearly like you took mod and ported it Beths rules are in place because the last time they attempted paid mods, a lot of mods were, quite literally, stolen from Nexus and uploaded to the Steam Workshop with a price tag(All from mod authors who were very much still active, even if they weren't updating their mods. That isn't okay. Though, even if the mod had been abandoned, you still shouldn't take someone elses work and try to sell it.). On Nexus it isn't uncommon to see multiple mods that do exactly the same things, sometimes slightly different, sometimes not at all. Just because a mod exists for something, doesn't mean that someone else can't make their own mod that does the same thing. That's like saying a modder who retextures the mountains gets sole rights to retexturing the mountains because they put out the mod first. Beths rules are not the rules of Nexus, last time I checked. There's nothing wrong with friendly competition amongst modders who volunteer to make mods and release them for free. Obviously, you can't take someone elses mod and upload it as if it were your own without permission, that makes sense because they did work hard on that, but nothing is stopping you from making your own mod that is similar to theirs, perhaps even better.
  12. So I haven't the faintest clue what happened here. I followed a conversion guide to the letter and for at least a week the mod(The Ordinary Women) worked perfectly fine. It overhauled the appearances of a lot of NPC's and everything was great. And then, suddenly, within the last 24 hours, it stopped working. It never left its place in the load order and while there are mods that overwrite it, they're all mods that only change the appearances of specific characters and in the past this has never caused so severe a reaction as the mod not even working at all. I tried shifting it's position in the load order around, but to no avail. To clarify specifically what has happened. At first I noticed that all NPC's affected by the mod had dark faces. It wasn't until a little while later that I noticed that the shape of their faces had reverted to vanilla, the same goes for their hair(All required hair mods are installed.). After I moved the the mod towards the bottom of my load order, NPC's that affected by other mods were fine again as if The Ordinary Women didn't even exist, but NPC's that aren't affected by those other mods, such as Svana Far-Shield, had not changed at all. Dark face, vanilla face, vanilla hair. I tried installing the Dark Face Fix mod, but that didn't help at all. Haven't tried following the manual way of doing it, largely because I'm not sure if I'm supposed to do it using Skyrim.esm or TheOrdinaryWomen.esp since the latter is the obvious cause of it, but the instructions say Skyrim.esm. At the same time, I doubt fixing the facegen, if that is the cause of the dark faces, will magically fix the shape of the faces and the hair, if anything I would expect it to still be the vanilla face and hair, but no longer dark, and that isn't exactly what I want. I would appreciate any advice I can get because this is bugging me. I don't want to have to uninstall the mod because then the NPC's affected by it go back to being ugly. I could try porting it again, but I don't understand why it suddenly stopped working in the first place.
  13. They ran into some unexpected bugs with the Special Edition version, so they're trying to get it all fixed up before releasing it. If I recall, one of the developers said that once they push out the next big patch for Bruma(Which should be today.), Special Edition will follow not long after.
  14. EDIT: Just realized this is in the wrong section, but it won't let me delete the post.
  15. So, basically, what's being said here is that even if the mod author has fallen off the face of the earth for 1+ years(No replies to comments, doesn't respond to private messages/inbox is full, no updates), no one can upload a port of the mod despite the fact that it's basically been abandoned, and you can't make a similar mod because of copyrights that aren't even official? So, can we not even make patches that overwrite the files of the original mod to make it work with SSE(Going under the assumption that the mod author is, again, not even around to grant any semblance of permission whatsoever, and has not been around for an extended period of time with no sign of their return.) and upload that patch so that others can at least continue to use these dead mods? Because I imagine that would fall under copyright somehow. Also, to the OP, Animated Clutter works perfectly fine in SSE without any converting or patches. I currently use it myself and haven't encountered any problems.
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