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Everything posted by JohnnyGunn

  1. I've had this bug for the last 4 years. It's random, it happens mostly outdoors with my game. No clue what causes it but it bug the s#*! outta me.
  2. Dude, you rock! That fixed it! Thanks so much for the fix, many thanks!
  3. I'll download 420 and let you know, thanks.
  4. Used the same ENB on all rigs. That's what is strange. what exactly is parallax support?
  5. I use an ENB but I was using the same ENB on both of my other rigs and they didn't look like this. Thanks for responding. :)
  6. Anyone have any idea what causes vines to look like this? They didn't look like this on the last 2 PC's I built and no, it's not due to 10 year old graphics, a person here said that was the problem, but was wrong because if the last 2 rigs I built; the vines looked normal, then there must be a different problem that's causing this. Also, I don't have any mods that touch vines. Thanks in advance
  7. So modding is a learning curve and I've got most of it down while using creation kit. My question is, how do I convert my .esp file in to a 7z file so I may upload it to the nexus? After fixing precombines and previs, I've tried right clicking it and set as archive but 7z says it cannot do the process. Anyone know how? I'm sure it's simple but I'm lost. Thanks
  8. What's important is HOW and what order you do each task... Ive been through every method and ended up doing a) all edited cells ONE BY ONE (never use "for all loaded" options. b) you do all the precombined geometry for each cell you have edited....and save when you've done them all. b) do the visibility again one cell at a time for the same cells you did precombines for and when done save. c) now you do the precombined visibility again for all the same cells and again one by one and save.. WARNING !!! when doing visibility and precombined visibility DO NOT use the PC for anything else or have something running in the background because it needs resources and will crash if interrupted meaning you have to start the process all over. NOTE: precombines take a few secs for each cell BUT the other two processes take a few mins for each cell so don't think your CK is frozen and do something hasty... BE VERY PATIENT...
  9. As the title says, where can I find murkwater construction in the creation kit? It's clearly not under murkwater in the commwealth dropdown. If this has been answered already in a previous post, will someone please send me a nudge? Many thanks and mod on.
  10. Does any admin's reads the posts here and if so, I'd like to offer a request to the main page of Nexusmods.com. It seems nowadays every time I log in to the page to look at new mods, all I see are translations and patches. Is there a way to separate or give the translations and patches their own tab without cluttering up the new mods section? What are your thoughts on this? It sounds like a good idea to me, or maybe I'm just dumb. :P
  11. So just out of curiosity, does anyone know how I can remove the hoses hanging at Red Rocket without deleting the entire building? I've tried in CK but it scraps the entire building.
  12. Sadly, the textures you are experiencing is the Vanilla game. The high res. Texture pack is a total waste of time.
  13. South of the Sea. I looked at it in CC and it tells me SOTS. ;)
  14. Thank you, that's what I would do anyway (initially disable them I never delete anything). It should be fine as on an earlier version I placed the idles on different places and that worked. But I rather have these pesky molerats gone as it kinda destroys my hard work when a new player steps in and after killing them the whole place is littered with molerat corpses lol. Gotta disagree with you Dave BC I have a heavily modded game and I have deleted TONS in the commonwealth and settlements with no problems.
  15. Anyone know where to find Coastal Cottage in the CK? It should be in the Commonwealth tab but It's not. :(
  16. Hey fellow modders, hope your day/night is well. So I'm trying to mod the area around Coastal Cottage but cannot find the location under the "Commonwealth" tab. Is it perhaps named something else? Any help would be appreciated.
  17. Hello, guys and gals. Just wanted to bring to attention a new FB PC only modding group. Modders and mods, all are welcome, sorry no console gamers. Please come check us out and join us. Again, copy and paste the link. We have some very talented peeps in the group but could use more. www.facebook.com/groups/FalloutPCmodding/
  18. So I have Fallout 4 installed, looking to add NV to the games section so that I may DL mods for it. Does anyone know how to add NV along side 4 so that I may toggle between both games for mods? I've been on google with no success. I have started NV so it writes the folders but still doesn't show up in the games section on Nexus mods. Any help would be appreciated.
  19. so I downloaded a mod and i accidentally deleted some script or whatever it's called. The mod asked me to add something like [Papyrus] and then some more code below it. Does anyone know the mod or the script that I erased? It has caused me to have the worst companion in the game along with Cait. Preston Garvey won't stop as my companion. Even after I added Cait as a companion and dismissed Garvey back to Sanctuary he is still following me around. Any help would be appreciated.
  20. Yes a bit spendy but I'd like to show my support for you modders. Mahalos for the info
  21. So I searched and couldn't find anything in the forums but I'd like to support this website by going premium. My question is (and may be a dumb question) how much US dollars is the lifetime membership and I take it you do accept US payment as the website is in pounds. Can a mod or somebody give me some info on the matter? Many thanks.
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